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Everything posted by T_S_A_R

  1. T_S_A_R

    Mad Men

    pumping the bird down stairs behind your wife's back, befriending her husband, turning up wrecked to your 'friend's' mother's funeral and seemingly having no contact with his kids over christmas. the last season of sopranos chipped away the humanity from tony and left the monster on show, i think we're heading that way with don. there weren't many redeeming qualities on show. they are still teasing us about a potential suicide out the office window. 'the jumping off point' was a heavy wink and pete and don both said they didn't see the connection, one of them are taking the fast way down eventually imo. stan's response when don asked if it made him think of suicide was great. good to see betty being a bit more assertive and getting out the house. henry's jumper was a highlight as well. the episode loses marks for no trudy.
  2. jamie lannisters's line about not getting renly off the iron throne if it was made of cocks was top drawer. i wanted to boot f**k of liam neeson's son when i watched love actually so i can't say i'm happy to see him showing up here.
  3. ian lang on the news there. unbelievable that gimps like him and forsyth used to run things up here.
  4. i was born in the 80s and grew up in motherwell. obviously her policies had an impact on my life.
  5. her decision to use the money from north sea oil to fund massive planned unemployment leading to generations dependent on welfare isn't looking too clever in retrospect. i thought you were a marxist slavoj?
  6. how long ago was the anti-state libertarianism and the austrian economics?
  7. http://www.spiegel.de/international/europe/the-iron-lady-s-views-on-german-reunification-the-germans-are-back-a-648364.html she was simultaneously pro apartheid and anti re-unification. an utter c**t of a human being.
  8. most of her horribleness has been well covered in this thread. one of her more horrid moments was attempting to block the re-unification of germany. a disgusting individual.
  9. ad lib's journey across the political spectrum over the past couple of years has been wondrous to behold. he'll be making tea and sandwiches for michael gove before the end of 2014.
  10. T_S_A_R

    Mad Men

    i am actually gutted that it's on wednesdays rather than tuesdays. if i get inadvertently spoiled about anything heads will roll.
  11. yip. double checked on twitter to be sure. i had melancholy hill as well as my non blur answer. i was quite surpirsed end of a century was pointless and especially no distance left to run. compared to the manics one it was piece of piss.
  12. surely choosing 7 answers is cheating. no wonder you win all those movie questions. i got got for tomorrow and m.o.r
  13. i'm starting to think that brailsford is trolling the world. 1-2-3 in the tour. this is going to be hilarious.
  14. i found new york trilogy quite annoying. i don't think i would read anything else by him. there's quite a lot of yank novelists that i have no time for: franzen, eggers, safran foer, eugenides, foster wallace and junot diaz. it must be a generation thing as i love fitzgerald, hemingway, pynchon, roth, delilo, morrison and mccarthy.
  15. I watched sopranos and have watched mad men as broadcast and I think that is best way to experience a show. Knowing tony or don over a period of years is going to have a different effect than battering through in a month or six weeks. The difference is that those shows give you something to think about in every episode whilst game of thrones spends so much time pushing the pieces a wee bit forward that you don't really feel close to anyone. You are probably right that in a ten hour burst it would be satisfying but quite often the 50 minute chunks are unfulfilling. It seems like they are at bursting point already but as I understand it there are still plenty more characters to come so who knows how they'll deal with that. I'll keep on watching it as it looks fantastic and there is some great acting (alongside a few dodgy parts) and obviously it has sex and violence and dragons. I can't help but feeling though that what could have been an all time great tv show will only be a great adaptation.
  16. I watched the very first episode today. Even although they introduce so many characters and lots of backstory it still hung together much better than the most recent episode. Only getting 5 or 10 minutes of each group of characters per show is never going to be satisfying. Between jon snow, the wall, winterfell, theon, kings landing, Stanis, Rob, brienne and Jamie, where ever arya is and deanerys you have 11 arcs, some with multiple story lines. We saw Stanis and melisandre for about a minute yet you are supposed to care about them?
  17. Sky turn up to the tour of the Basque Country with only five riders but attempt to control the peloton anyway.
  18. T_S_A_R

    South Park

    Making movies, singing songs and fighting round the world
  19. tits. wolves. midgets. dragons. smoke babies. hodor.
  20. with hindsight he should have juked the san marino gran prix and just focused on the well game.
  21. too much non stop, relentless violence for you?
  22. setting the pace on flat stages is totally different from doing it in mountain stages or one day races.
  23. film trilogies could be a good one. you're either getting questions about a big trilogy or asked to name trilogies. formula one is gash. those birds knew nothing about it if they thought ratzenberger raced for ferrari, he was only raced once in formula one. i can remember him dieing during qualifying then going to fir park to see us beat killie to qualify for europe.
  24. sky are using us postal tactics but doing it in every stage race rather than just the tour. There is no way this iswhat clean cycling looks like and it bears zero resembelence to pre epo racing. Everything you said about sponsors applied to us postal, nike, rabobank, festina, phonak and it didn't stop them. As for transparency if they ever answer any questions about how they came to believe leinders and jullich fitted zero tolerance or the real reason yates and rogers left or wht wiggins kisses lance's ass publicly right up to spring 2012 you may have a point. Also inviting a sponsors employee to training camp for a few days isn't that impressive either. On the subject of rogers. Last year the media, skybots and fanboys told us he would be a gt leader on other teams. This season he is back to being gash, he must have forgotten how to train hard and get marginal gains.
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