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Everything posted by T_S_A_R

  1. the rumours are about new drugs called aicar and gw501516. they are supposed to help athletes increase power while lowering body weight and preventing muscle damage. sky also had geert leinders who helped turn michael rasmussen into an extremely powerful skeleton much like froome and wiggins at the moment. to believe that sky are clean you have to assume that (i) mcquaid and verbruggen have been successful in their attempts to clean up cycling (ii) that ashenden is lying when he talks about the flaws of the passport and info about active dopers (iii) that every other team in the peloton other than sky are lazy and can't be bothered training properly or employing qualified sports scientists (iiii) that wiggins got his 4th place clean in 2009 beating known dopers (v) chris froome. there is a lot more that doesn't make any sense but that's all i've got time for now.
  2. it's impossible for every team to be setting the pace in every race going and having their riders go off the front like lance armstrong at his peak so it's not really part and parcel. no one really thinks sagan and cancellara are clean but they are entertaining to watch and don't come out with all the bullshit sky do. dan martin's win was pretty normal. if the peloton hadn't crashed when he was in his breakaway they would have caught him and purito or valverde would have won.
  3. i think the re-shuffle element might have confused a lot of people on the nature of the question. if it was just name a cabinet minister on this date surely they would have been higher. i'm also now wondering if the people doing the surveys know that they are doing it for pointless and are going for obscure answers or if they are doing it online and are using wiki. troubling.
  4. very strange. i think armstrong and osman owe it to us pointless fans to explain the survey process in deep detail. do they phone up randoms? do they ask people in the street? is there an active attempt at class, race and gender balance? we need to know! edit - this is it. http://www.crowdology.co.uk/Register.html i'm tempted to register and use my skills to make it more difficult for anyone to win the jacky. get dom dom on there for the movies and tv as well
  5. smart move going for composers after the survey proved themselves to be morons on the coallition question. i didn't pay any attention to the proms last year but i guessed verdi and berlioz. shocking snub for franz liszt. does anyone else suspect they make the questions harder when they have smart people on?
  6. Froome and Porte taking the piss again. Good to see Sagan getting the win at G-W. Hopefully we get a Sagan-cancellera showdown at Flanders or robuaix. I don't think boonen has it this year, must have got to mad wae it over the winter again.
  7. It's tv not real life. If you gave me a choice between going for a pint with Joffrey or rob stark it'd be rob every time. But if the choice is between watching robb mope about battlefields or the joffster engaging in some extreme sadism it's lannister all the way. If Joffrey has to die it should be in a square go with deanerys and after he rips her top off she beats him to death.
  8. katy was hot. pretty easy final question in politics.
  9. i don't know why people want rid of joffrey. he's massively entertaining. long may he continue being an evil wee deviant!
  10. Just read a cycling news article where there ds is banging on about their training camps. This ds kanven won Paris roubaix in 2001 at the head of a 123 from his team followed by convicted doper Johan museeuw and then world champion roman vainsteins. George hincapie was 4th. Zero tolerance.
  11. milan san remo tomorrow. looking at the start list i think that sky, cannondale, astana, bmc and radioshack will be riding hard to split the race on the early climbs. lotto, blanco, garmin and shimano will be going all out for a bunch finish. it will be interesting to see what kind of support OPQS give cavendish considering they have a few potential winners.
  12. pollard cut by the ravens. so that's pollard, kruger, ellerbe and lewis gone from the starting D as well as maybe ed reed. well done ravens.
  13. it was a joke due to sky completely obliterating every bit of interest and competition from stage racing and brailsford statements that they are targetting the classics this year. if froome can become the world's best stage racer JTL winning LBL is nothing.
  14. in 2010 when froome was getting dq'd from the giro for holding onto motorbikes while struggling along in the gruppetto no would have thought he could beat contador. anything is possible with marginal gains.
  15. the classics guys - boassen hagen, thomas, stannard, swift, sutton, eisel, rasch - have been down in tenerife rather than racing like everyone else this week. they are going to be marginally gained out their tits. the fact they are dominating two stages races concurrently with those guys and wiggins not racing is pretty funny.
  16. no need to watch the rest of the season, the results have been decided in advance. tirreno - froome paris nice - porte milan san remo - boassen hagen gent wevelen - thomas paris roubaix - thomas flanders - tiernan-locke amstel gold - uran liege bastogne liege - tiernan locke giro - wiggins cailfornia - porte romandie - froome dauphine - froome tour - froome vuelta - haneo lombardy - porte marginal gains
  17. male enrique iglasias fan claiming he has a bird
  18. but generally you know what sport it is you are choosing. personally i know a good bit about tv and film and possibly less about boxing but i'd go for boxing because it is narrower and the public as a whole is less knowledgeable about boxing (see one thread for boxing vs a full forum for tv and film on here) there was the question about authors the other week which if it had been about booker or nobel winners i'd have been jamming but it was three scandi crime writers which i'm clueless about. for a few weeks that option had been titled scandianvan crime writers but no one chose it so they changed it to authors. if it is a jamiroqui question it'll be relabelled british pop eventually.
  19. because you had watched 24. if it comes up with a show you have never seen you're gubbed. if you go for sport you pretty much eliminate all the women in the survey and you are likely to get a broader question. in the tv and movie rounds you usually have to go quite obscure.
  20. a struggle for me today. went for chaplin, less than zero and platoon (though i checked and he's not in it). going for anything to do with tv or movies never works as the survey group will have decent knowledge. someone better go for boxing or basketball soon. is anyone else desperate to know the acid jazz question?
  21. i started re-reading the campaign trail ahead of the election but i couldn't get into it after loving it ten years ago. entertaining prose but i can't take thompson seriously as journalist anymore now i'm a bit more aware of the history of the period.
  22. i got roses in the hospital. i went for masses against the classes and little baby nothing as well. they were heavily unlucky that there were obviously a few big manics fan in the 100 surveyed. i ripped the arse out of gen terr for years and i still completely forgot that love's sweet exile existed or was a single. maybe richey edwards was in the survey
  23. a football club has no legal personality - that is actually in the spl commission report if you read it. the problem for killie and hearts would be retaining ownership of their stadiums and league membership which are vital to their function in association football the only way a club can 'die' is if their membership of their national association is revoked.
  24. the loans are not due to be paid back to rangers. they are owed to MIHEBT. so your plan has a large and fatal flaw unfortunately.
  25. the winners by julio cortazar. an argentinian book from the 50s where a group of people who have won a state lottery depart on a mystery cruise. the characters are clearly supposed to represent the spectrum of argentinian society and are well drawn. the travellers find the ship is not what they expected and conflict ensues between those who want to take action and those who are happy to trust that things as they are for a good reason. as with most south american novels i've read there are long metaphysical disgressions. the baron in the trees by italo calvino. a young boy from an aristocratic ligurian family falls out with his father and goes up into a tree to sulk and never comes back down. despite being restricted to the treetops he leads a full and interesting life and is drawn into many adventures. a clever, funny wee book.
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