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Everything posted by T_S_A_R

  1. why would you write an explanation of a document you clearly don't understand? re-read the part about sandy bryson's evidence relating to registration. everyone agrees that there are only two possible positions. registered or unregistered, it is impossible to be invalidly registered. this part of your blogpost is completely incorrect We’ve cut out a huge section referring to the eligibility rules, because they can be summed up very briefly: the SFA’s understanding of the SPL’s rules was that a player registered incorrectly was automatically ineligible to play. The Commission found that even if a registration was improper, it nevertheless remained in force unless and until it was explicitly revoked. 1. the sfa have no understanding of the spl rules, they need none. 2. it states the spl rules are basically copies of the sfa ones 3. the sfa guy says that an player wrongly registered is still eligible to play until the registration is revoked. not the commision and if you are unable to decipher that from the text then you should be doing something less challenging in your spare time. 4. the spartans case you link to isn't relevant as the sfa never considered the player to be registered.
  2. kaiser chiefs denied neon bible. i went for the strokes, white stripes and ash. free all angels was number 1 in 2001 but someone must have said them as it wasn't pointless.
  3. they will presumably argue that they believed and believe that the spl rules didn't require them to disclose the operation of employee benefit trusts.
  4. had a read of the document. they are on shaky ground with their interpretations of entitlement and payments and completely ignore that the discretionary nature of the ebt trust is legally watertight. i think the non punishment suggests they aren't confident that their findings would stand up in court.
  5. i didn't watch it but it sounds a bit like the third policeman.
  6. it's not. the system is designed to limit the amount of profit which goes to the workers (players) and maximize the amount that ends up in the pockets of the owners. most players can be traded and have no say in what city they end up living in. billionaire owners blackmail taxpayers into paying for luxury stadiums which the billionaire profits. anyone who seriously believes american sport is socialist or fair needs to read more.
  7. roger goodell makes $30m a year! yet there are no doubt still people out there boring on about how the nfl is somehow socialist and could teach european fitba a thing or two about fairness. the spring league seems like a good idea to me. there is no nfl or college football at that time of year and there are plenty of areas in the usa which don't have much going and would embrace a team. it is also something else to gamble on which guarantees interest. the only problem is the lack of talent available. the nba and nfl have the most cost efficient youth development imaginable and the advantage of players arriving in the league as marketable stars but there is definitely a dearth of talent compared to interest in the game and the rewards available for playing. the vikings had to start a guy who actually couldn't throw the ball in their playoff game, there is no way that should ever be happening. there are only 1700 pro players in the whole world. they should be better than they are.
  8. considering rafa's friendship with bert and the possibility that he's on it i doubt his veracity. the italian press aren't exactly having to work very hard to get mario and ivan. there was a phone number in the documents relating to one of the clients that gazzetta used to phone cippo on and the documents linking basso to fuentes in 2004 have been public for years and basso admitted he was brillio in 2006. you are correct that if their was any will within the spanish press or establishment to get to the bottom of this it could be easily done. obviously they aren't willing to risk 2 euros, a world cup, 11 slams and 5 davis cups by opening pandoras box.
  9. the expanded universe (or low cost content generated to milk fanboys) is not going to be a factor in these movies. disney is not going to rely on the ideas of a bunch of hack sci-fi writers for it's 1 billion dollar investment.
  10. basso claiming in a spanish court room that he won the 2006 giro - by 9 minutes - clean. after dominating the giro clean he decided to start doping but luckily fuentes was busted before he got the chance to use any doped blood.
  11. dirk benedict was older when the a team started than harrison ford was in 1977. what will make or break these movies is their tone. if they go for a shiny feel with loads of effects and 3d they'll be pish. the appeal of the original trilogy is that the star wars universe was a bit shit and manky. han solo moved in sleazy circles so they need to make whatever he, lando and chewy are up to extremely scuzzy. i don't think a boba fett movie will work at all.
  12. T_S_A_R

    The Wire

    i always thought that they wrote stringer and avon out and marginalized mcnulty as they wanted to make it less character based and more about politics. marlo is a great character.
  13. come on die young is my favourite. an interesting fact is that a girl in my year at school played the flute part on mogwai fear satan when she was 14.
  14. apart from his association with frank (busted for a masking agent and wired 10,000 euros to fuentes) and riis (60% haemocrit and dope peddler according to tyler hamilton) and matching contador in the 2010 tour other from his mechanical? nope. andy takes some stick because he only ever shows form at liege-bastonge-liege and the tour which arouses suspicion. he's obviously doing something but the 2011 tour seemed fairly tame and his win on galibier was the best days racing in the past few years. sky raised the bar in 2012 though and i think we'll see fireworks from him in the tour.
  15. the temple of dawn by yukio mishima. the third part of a tetralogy of japanese novels. it was very different from the first two parts and has a lot of theorising about buddhism and reincarnation. it's not quite up to the first two installments but still managed to keep me interested and was quite disturbing in parts near the end when it moves onto postwar japan and the characters become more decadent and corrupted. it's quite an odd read, especially knowing that the author was bat shit crazy. tommorow in the battle think on me by javier marias. this is the second marias book i've read and both of them have been brilliant. a man and a married woman are about to consummate an affair but just before they do she dies of natural causes. the man leaves the flat and the body and tries to cover his tracks but becomes entangled in the affairs of the grieving family. marias is one of the best writers i've ever read and has an unbelievable ability to take you into the mind of his narrators and live their experiences.
  16. it could be an uncomfortable afternoon for contador and cadel evans. it's going to be difficult to explain how they kept up with rasmussen reasonably well when he was gorging on epo, test and transfusions.
  17. The only way it happens is if somebody in on it turns out to be as much as a loose cannon as landis or makes a play for a book deal like Tyler Hamilton. Europeans in general seem to be much more reliable cheats than yanks. There is no chance of any of Bertie's boys - Navarro, Hernandez, Noval, tiralongo. Paulinho - ever turning on him and for all that they are dispicable there is something strangely admirable about the way that Ferrari and Bruyneel have a 100% unwavering commitment to cheating. Lance must kick himself every time he thinks about bringing a Mennonite on board.
  18. Vaughters suggesting on twitter that wiggins knew in 2009 exactly what lance was al about from him, cvv and dz. it would be interesting to see him questioned on his relationship with Armstrong and the timeline of him realising the seven tours were drug fuelled. It's clear that he was publicly praising Armstrong when he knew he was a doper and that he abused floyd for telling the truth when again he knew it was true (same goes for David miller) Also there was a big piece in the times today about tennis having a joke of a drug testing program. It's interesting that Harman has written this piece now about the lack of blood tests and loser targeted testing when the Thasp blog made all this info public a year ago, possibly editorial pressure. It appears the blinkers are off, the first time I mentioned doping and tennis on here people were queuing up to say that tennis players wouldn't benefit from peds but there seems to be greater awareness now. Also the Fuentes trial starts on Monday which is likely to be a whitewash but still interesting.
  19. Spain never disappoints. The Fuentes trial starts next week but they have barred discussion of any sport but cycling. There must be a fair few footballers and tennis players happy about that. The sky commentator has just described Thomas as a future tour winner! Why not, autobus to the yellow jersey is the done thing nowadays.
  20. My link leinders under investigation in belgium. is there a record for the shortest time between a knighthood being announced and stripped?
  21. man on wire - a french guy who tightroped walked between the twin towers. fourteeen days in may - the final days of a black man on death row in alabama. guaranteed tears storyville jonestown: the world's biggest mass suicide - an amazing recounting of the church and jim jones and the kool aid finale. the land of look behind - a film from jamaica about rastafarians at the time of bob marley's death cocaine cowboys - the story of how cocaine became mainstream in the usa and the effect it had on miami.
  22. there is constant game within a game cheating going on in rugby. richie macaw and the all blacks are masters of it.
  23. i read michael ondaatje's in the skin of a lion over the weekend. it's a short wee novel set in canada in the first half of the 20th century. the central character is patrick who is brought up working with his dynamiter father for various logging companies and ends up living in toronto as an adult working laborious jobs alongside the immigrant community. it highlights the violence and exploitation that created modern north america but also the humanity of the workers who were chewed up and spat out. this is the 4th book i've read by ondaatje and he is an incredible writer, you get totally enveloped by his prose.
  24. cancellara crashed when he was well ahead of him in the splits.
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