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Everything posted by mo83

  1. A think it would be pretty harsh to to drop any of the starting 11 from last week,keep it as it is for me.Shows how strong the squad is we have this season and pretty certain their will be 1-2 players still to come in.
  2. The loan market has served us pretty well since SP and his team took over shows how far we have come as a club in a short space of time.For years when Montrose were rank rotten we would get a player on loan that was getting released from their parent club at the end of the season and half the time they weren't very good we did get the odd good player not saying they were all bad.Now we seem to get players on loan that are close to being in the first team I.e Euan Henderson. Not sure who is out their to bring in but am sure they will have their eye on someone and it seems we have a good relationship with the likes of St Johnstone and Hearts and a few others so we might see another player from their coming in.
  3. I've seen worse tackles in a game but it was a sore one for the lad and thankfully (a think) he is alright,limped off but think he is fine. As for McPake comments a was a bit disappointed he came out and said what he did maybe a rush of blood at the end of the game. Aidan Quinn not sure where he has been to be honest? Did he not have Covid?Good soild player for us aswell a like Quinn,still a bit raw but loads of potential. What's everyone thoughts on the new signings? Mark whatley- what I have seen of him I've been Impressed good hard worker in the middle of the park that does all the dirty work be a good player for us over the course of the season. Craig Brown-Another player I like what I see and can see how we have taken a chance on him.Quite fast and direct and looks as though he has a few tricks up his sleeve.Still raw and learning but I have a good feeling about him a think he will be a good addition to us aswell.
  4. A think they will all have their part to play in the season coming up bit agree 1 or 2 more quality attacking players coming in wouldn't go a miss.
  5. A think after Saturday is out the way we might see 1 or 2 coming in on loan.The striker's we have at the moment aren't bad we just need a bit more quality up top in my opinion.On the other hand as previous years SP very rarely pushes the panic button so if their isn't a striker out their who he thinks can improve the squad he will just make do with what he has at the moment.
  6. Good run out tonight against a decent Dundee team and good to see a decent crowd at the game too. Thought Montrose passed the ball about well enough just never had enough up top to keep the ball up that end of the pitch.Still think we need a striker or two before the start of the season,we are fine everywhere else in my opinion. Last mention to Kerr Waddell tonight thought he played really well our MOTM for Me 100%.Lazy challenge near the end when he nailed Mcmullan could have seen red for that on another day.
  7. Lewis Toshney steps down from Downfield boss to give his playing career one last chance? Arbroath bound?
  8. Aye we might do alright in it for once,still just a glorified Pre-season game if you ask me don't like this cup at all to be honest.
  9. Solid performance from the Mo today passed the ball about really well and never really looked in trouble at all, on to Forfar now Tuesday night hopefully we can get in to see the game.
  10. Andrew Steeves is an absolute legend at the club can't see him leaving anytime soon would be great for him to get to the 10 year mark and get a testimonial.Paul Hegarty first signing for the club and what a cracker it has turned out to be gives his all every game and is fully committed to the club. Big rusty their is a player in their but I don't see all the hype about him,when he first signed I had high hopes for him but he struggled to get into the team and was shipped out on loan to Forfar ,a think most fans would agree if we were never to see him again after his loan move it would be no loss.He came back and had a decent enough season this campaign deal was on the table and chose not to sign for whatever reason but my guess would be £££££££££.
  11. Am sure he stays in Motherwell,that is some trek every away game for him....
  12. Auf wiedersehen Rusty....Don't hurry back anytime soon.
  13. Have to admit not a massive fan of McLean so not sad to see him go,their is a player in him but one that doesn't produce regularly in my opinion.
  14. I see! I was just reading about him in the paper a couple weeks ago about that job and giving up the game am sure he said he didn't want yo put himself through all that again because he is always injured.
  15. Surely Toshney was just helping out for numbers? No sure how he would manage to play for you lot and manage Downfield on a Saturday.
  16. Yeah but the severity of the crimes are miles apart.
  17. So what's your point caller? Montrose Football club have never signed a player that grooms children simple as that.
  18. Shame on you Cowdenbeath Football club....Sad day signing a Player convicted of child grooming offences.Disgusting!
  19. Good to be back and wasn't as much hassle as I thought it would be.Played pretty well first half Good move for the goal and well taken by Rennie.Must have had about 7-8 players missing and it showed in the second half when we needed to freshen things up but couldn't.Good workout though and a good competitive game to start off with.
  20. Looking forward to getting back into the ground for a game tomorrow,it will be different but we will just have to make do with the new rules etc. Be good to see Whatley and Brown get some game time to see how they will fit In for the coming season.Not sure if we will have anyone on trial only really looking for Strikers at the moment I would think but you never know.
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