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Everything posted by Silvio

  1. I genuinely wouldn't give Stubbs any more money. He can't be trusted. Keep any cash for the new manager in January. We just need to gamble we pick up enough points between now and then. Despite my negativity I've just purchased my hearts tickets.
  2. Please take Stubbs, and stay away from Goodwin or Hopkin. Many thanks.
  3. I'm glad McGinn has said something, if only to highlight to the hierarchy at the club that things aren't right. Would also agree with the notion touched on above that Stubbs might try and drop him now and that would just send the fans way over the edge.
  4. Pretty damning and, aligned with his show of support for Cammy Smith on Saturday, leaves you in now doubt what he thinks of the new regime and the whole situation.
  5. I've added some running backs to the trading block. Also looking to trade back from my current 7th position.
  6. Listen, I have no delusions of grandeur - I'm expecting a tough season. Suppose I'm basing my reaction off the comments from Rangers fans both online and who I know. All the ones I know are absolutely pishing themselves about it. However, perhaps I am being too hasty so I'll give him a chance. Just frustrating we are signing a full back after watching Liam Smith sign for Ayr last week.
  7. I think as a collective we need to email Gordon Scott and the SLO outlining this. It goes everything we are trying to do as a football club.
  8. What exactly is a taxi squad?
  9. McGinn deserves a lot of credit here. Clearly given his connections Lawwell thought he could low ball and unsettle the player. However, John has got his head down and by all accounts really stepped up for Hibs in the first games of the season. f**k Celtic and their bully boy tactics.
  10. Nice work Villa. We have safe standing and corners to fill in so get moving.
  11. On second thoughts I'm going to give this a miss this year. If you get an odd number or need one more sign up nearer the time just PM me and I'll step in.
  12. Yes I think so. Have we not had rosters extended for the draft then we need to complete final cuts before week 1?
  13. Thanks mate, I'll give it a go. Will sign up later.
  14. Remind me mate , what are the rule changes this year? Can the same player be on multiple teams?
  15. Oh dear oh dear. Has all the hallmarks of a manager under estimating the existing squad, and required standard of the top division. McKenzie and Eck must be spewing about not able to get into that squad today.
  16. I like the fact Dave King (DK) and Jim Traynor (jabba) like to put things in brackets (brackets) for no fucking reason (FR)
  17. Does anyone else think Mikey Johnstone has a touch of the Ryan Hardie's about him? I mean, what has he done apart from being a 'promising old firm youngster?
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