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Everything posted by da_no_1

  1. Aye you're probably spot on. although I don't think there'd be much "blacklisting" or "hate" though. None of our fans could blame them if they came out & said they wanted to go - it would actually be perfectly understandable & I think they'd go with good wishes after the way they've conducted themselves in the last 3 months or so. I was probably reading to much into a comment made by Jim Jefferies last Friday plus the one player we thought would be on his way (Falkingham) has publicly stated he is staying.
  2. No chance. I'll be delighted if we get the chance to make money from a game against the Old Firm again! But seriously, no chance.
  3. None so far, hopefully & not a fucking chance in hell. Anyway, they scarves are fucking horrendous eh neebur?
  4. Well excuse me, I thought this was a public forum where fans from all clubs could discuss things.
  5. Aye you've done not bad from cup ties I'll grant you. It's a hard one to call, take the OF cash & probably a humping with your town being turned into the set of the Walking Dead for 24 hours.......or the reasonable chance of progressing to the next round (or getting humped!) making absolutely zero money from a depressingly turgid home tie against a team from the same league. Think I know which one we would probably prefer just now!!!
  6. Where your now chairman was rightly lauded for refusing to bend over & take it up the orinoco from Sevco in exchange for a few bucks. It would appear that fleecing OF fans for sub-standard shechty products is hunky dorey now. We are all Turnbull Hutton.......erm wait a minute.......
  7. I'll say it slowly so you can understand it. Those scarves are fucking horrendous & won't sell. They are also a horrendous idea given your clubs stance in the summer. Stop trying to justify it!
  8. On paper, dude. And on that note, good night. It's been emotional at times, but I feel worthwhile.
  9. The Scottish education system, ladies & gentlemen...............and you never specified a time limit, fuckface.
  10. Posted 19 January 2013 - 17:37 da_no_1, on 19 January 2013 - 16:58, said: Raith will stay up comfortably if they can keep Brian Graham.........
  11. I've no idea what you're on about Zen. I find you quite amusing though!
  12. Ach fair enough. If you're happy then gid on ye. Like I said previously, it's all noted.
  13. You can tart it up all you want. It's a pish idea, no-one will buy them & you've flashed your gash at the Old Firm. Nice work.
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