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Everything posted by Marsh

  1. I've booked my flights to Australia, 7 weeks today
  2. Redundancy beckons tomorrow, applied for 10 jobs already, hopefully hear somethin soon.
  3. What time is it at? Just to confirm, its townhead isnt it?
  4. This has really struck a chord with me. Maybe you could Pick one up somewhere else.
  5. It's snowing in East Kilbride for a wee change.
  6. I stopped watching it when I found out all the storylines were nicked from other shows.
  7. I'm probably the opposite, a wee bit too trusting of online trading. We get pretty much everything online, clothes, groceries, concert tickets, dvds etc. Was quite handy when we moved out though cos most things arecheaper online, I got my new tv for £80 cheaper by buying it from Amazon, we even got our wallpaper online cos it was cheaper. I understand why people are wary though, putting personal info online, especially bank details, will always have some degree of risk attached to it.
  8. You're getting right into this internet purchasing ! Not read it but I'd go for it, could be the best penny ever spent.
  9. As far as Glasgow nightclubs go, The Garage is not bad, although usually full of students. The bouncers are very picky as well, but once your in, the music is decent and the clientele aren't neds.
  10. I saw Floyd Mayweather Jr betting hefty sums of dollars on roulette in the Bellagio last week.
  11. Nice one, I'm looking forward to reading it, I reckon I could probably have it finished by the time we land in the states cos its pretty thin-ish.
  12. Not the point of this thread I know, but I will be reading The Motorcycle Diaries on my way to Vegas. After watching Che, i have an urge to learn more about Ernesto Guevara.
  13. I just done it again, and got 60 again. I'm thinking one word per second isn't too bad. http://www.typeonline.co.uk/typingspeed.php
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