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Everything posted by IrishBhoy

  1. Mentioned it on the Do You Like The Scottish thread aswell, that the people in Aberdeen seem very unwelcoming and sometimes just plain rude compared to other parts of the UK. I got the feeling from them that because I had moved up there for work I was taking a job off someone in the area. The guys I worked with who were the same age as me only talked about cars. They all drove Focus ST’s or shitey jumped up Corsas. 2 of them had been involved in quite serious car crashes in the 10 months I was there. It seems there was nothing else for them to do apart from rally their motors around the back roads. ETA - Also the naan breads from the Indian restaurants are tiny in Aberdeen. Like a third of the size of naans in Glasgow.
  2. No it isnt. Its in generating PPVs in America. Same as everywhere else. The Wembley gate doesnt beat that. I might be getting confused here but is the Joshua Miller fight not going to be screened on DAZN for $9.99 a month?
  3. I seen on Twitter David Longwell has joined Shrewsbury I think? I know he played a big role in bringing guys like McLean and McGinn through. Disappointing that a team like Shrewsbury can probably blow a team like St Mirren out the water when it comes to wages for a Youth Development coach.
  4. I remember going with my pal to a game years ago when Danny Lennon was the manager they played Aberdeen at home and absolutely battered them. Some of the football they played was brilliant with a few really exciting players. I think it ended up 1-0 with a well worked goal by Nigel Hasselbaink. I was also taken along to the league cup final against Hearts and St. Mirren played great that day. Guys like Dummet, McLean and McGinn have went on to better things but that’s the way with most teams in Scotland, it’s hard to hold onto genuine talent.
  5. St. Mirren fans must not be happy watching teams like Livingston come up with them and comfortably out perform them in the Premiership, and on a smaller budget. We have seen teams like Ross County and Inverness do very well in the Premiership as well, getting top 6 and Europe, whereas St. Mirren always seem to be scraping to avoid relegation. One of my good friends supports St. Mirren and he has completely lost the buzz for the team this season, last season he was at every game home and away.
  6. The concentration and skill needed for a sustained period of time to perform a 147 break is unreal. One overhit shot, one bad canon into a ball or one bad contact with the white and the break is done. It’s not even a debate and anyone who has played both sports at any level must agree. Not really taking away from a 9 darter as that’s still an incredible achievement but I’ve watched players hit 9 darters and it’s almost done on instinct(and a huge amount of practice and skill tbf).
  7. He’s not a million miles away to be fair. If a team like St. Johnstone draw at Celtic Park they won’t receive the same credit as when Celtic drew at Manchester City, even though the difference in scale of St. Johnstones budget to Celtics is much higher than Celtics to Man City.
  8. Also some posters saying Whyte knocked back an offer for the Joshua fight?... it takes two men to make a fight and going by reports the split that Hearn put on the table was derisory towards Whyte and he is completely within his rights to knock that back. Whyte has potentially landed on his feet here because if he beats Brezeale he’s mandatory for the winner of Fury/Wilder (although Wilder has a rematch clause). Will be interesting to see down the line where all the heavyweights stand as Joshua could be sitting on the sidelines whilst Fury/Wilder/Whyte fight it out amongst themselves for the WBC.
  9. Watched that yesterday as well and it didn’t sound great. You would think they would have Baranchyk tied into a contract before they announce the fight and start selling tickets for it. Also quite suspicious that Baranchyks team came out publicly and said they were withdrawing from the tournament and about 2 hours later the date for the fight was announced and put on social media. Looks to me like they are trying to force Baranchyks hand there. He also mentioned that Baranchyks team weren’t happy fighting in Glasgow and I’ve read on twitter that Inoue isn’t that enamoured about fighting at the Hydro. Will probably buy tickets regardless as I would like to be there when Taylor wins his first World Championship and obviously to see Inoue in the flesh.
  10. History has been rewritten with regards to this. I have Rangers supporting friends who still believe Rangers were relegated to Division 3...they don’t believe me when I tell them they had to re apply to join the SFL as their team ceased to exist at one point.
  11. What a horrific way for Sala and the pilot to lose their lives. I’ve always had a fear of flying and it’s due to those seconds between knowing you are falling out the sky to your death and the moment it happens. I’ve never been in a single engine plane but I’ve done the Flybe Glasgow to Southampton which was enough for me to rent a car and drive back up the road.
  12. Anytime I’ve heard Goodwin on the radio he’s been excellent. Was a bit of a p***k on the pitch but seems to be a nice guy off it.
  13. I know it’s been said on here a million times but if you can’t come up with a decent half hour of content from the goings on in Scottish football you’re as well to chuck it. The show practically writes itself.
  14. I think getting other people involved will be the only way to save it, there’s plenty of Scottish comedy talent out there that could freshen it up.
  15. That’s actually pretty decent More laughs in the first ten minutes than the last few OAE’s combined. Can’t mind the guys name but he played Jamesy Cotter in Rab C Nesbitt, is there a reason he doesn’t appear in the more recent showings?
  16. Actually watched the highlights of his fight with Danny Garcia when it popped up on my YouTube yesterday. The volume of punches along with the power they were thrown at it was a miracle how none of them were knocked down, although both were close to it at points.
  17. what part of it can’t you conceive of? I didn’t think it was beyond believable but obviously I was wrong. I could DM you a few pictures from inside the stadium. All from the first half obviously.
  18. Went to Chelsea v Leicester a few weeks ago. Had no plans at all to attend but me and my pal were drinking in a pub on Fulham High Street and two guys we were speaking to offered us their season cards. They told us the atmosphere was awful and they only attend the ‘bigger’ games, but we thought they were at it and jumped at the chance to go for f**k all. We ended up leaving at half time and went back to the pub to hand back the cards. I’ve heard better atmospheres playing a game of Fifa, it was unreal. Leicester fans made a bit of noise as you would expect but the rest of the stadium was lifeless. That’s 4 EPL games I’ve attended now and none have been anything special, maybe I’m just unlucky.
  19. Don’t see too much issue with the Cardiff fans laying scarves and flowers, he’s still a young man who’s most likely died a horrific death in a high profile story. If it gives the family of Sala any comfort then that’s enough, not something to get hung up on.
  20. Tbf to Bonner that’s quite close for him. I always wonder to myself what Bonner thinks to himself on payday. He must stand at the ATM checking his balance and absolutely pish himself laughing. Not as major a gripe as some on here, but the Saturday Sportscene programme today had that whopper David Currie opening the show by talking about Scottish lower leagues AND English Premier league. Why does the EPL need shoehorned in when anyone who actually wants to know about it would already be watching Sky/BT at 16.30.
  21. Some standard from the pair of them. Aspinall has rarely missed a double with his first dart.
  22. IrishBhoy

    FIFA 19

    I go from hating this game to enjoying it, and at this moment I’m enjoying it. Packed a Griezmann and a TOTW Suarez and had built a good La Liga team around them, but decided to sell the full team and every player in my club which brought in around 2.5 million coins and put this team together. Firmino and Pogba are unreal for me.
  23. If he never plays competitively again it wouldn’t bother me as he’s achieved monumental things at a time when 3 of the best players ever to have played the game have been at their peak. Me and my mum used to sit up to all hours of the night/morning when he was playing at the Australian Open. Helped that he was an exciting player to watch and was usually involved in great matches.
  24. Josh Heaton has a break clause in his contract that means St. Mirren won’t need to pay his full compensation, although both parties will still need to come to an agreement on how much that compensation is. Heaton came highly rated, with an EPL team and an English Championship team wanting to put him into their development squad. For that reason I think it would make more sense for St. Mirren to send him out on loan for at least the rest of this season, maybe even the next season as well. Seems to be a strange situation with a player who St. Mirren have paid a transfer fee for, to then allow him to leave after never making a league appearance.
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