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Posts posted by IrishBhoy

  1. I don’t know if it’s still the case, but if you have an Amazon Prime subscription you can get a months free trial of BritBox. Just go to the show you want to watch, press play, and it should direct you towards the free trial. Obviously if you don’t want to continue paying for it then you need to cancel before the 30 days, but you can do that through your Amazon account quite easily.

    It’s actually got a heap of good shows on it that you now can’t get on iPlayer or other free streaming apps. The Thick of It, I’m Alan Partridge (and all his other TV stuff), Peep Show, The Office, League of Gentlemen, Father Ted etc. Also got a lot of old school British stuff like Brass Eye, Bottom and Drop the Dead Donkey, which I like to watch on the odd occasion. Basically all the comedies I enjoy have ended up on it, so I don’t mind paying tbh. It doesn’t seem to be very popular though, and it’s a shame that so many good programmes have been taken away from iPlayer and All4 etc. 

  2. On 19/07/2022 at 18:09, IrishBhoy said:

    When I watch Prime Ministers Questions or see backbench MPs on TV coming across all statesmanlike and professional, I always wonder what ones are like Steve Fleming away from the cameras. Dominic Raab looks like he has the potential to be an absolute psychopath of a person in private. Amongst others I’m sure. 


    Knew it. 

  3. 5 minutes ago, saint dave said:

    Seen a couple of Twitter things saying his writers set him up cos he treats them like shite. A Poundland Ron Burgundy. 

    I seen that myself. Surely to god James Corden already knew that joke came from Gervais though? Unless he’s been living on the moon for the past decade he must have seen that video before. I’ve never watched a Ricky Gervais stand up show but I’ve seen the video of that joke posted on Twitter multiple times, going back a good few years. If his writers have set him up then I won’t complain, it’s achieved the goal of making him look like an even bigger clown than he did previously. 

  4. 7 minutes ago, capt_oats said:

    You're correct with all of that stuff in terms of what we do as a club but Lasley was our assistant manager (whilst also studying for his Sports Directorship degree). He didn't have the same role he's taken with St Mirren.

    I think you're conflating things a bit.

    A lot of the things you've mentioned are absolutely initiatives that became pillars of the club while Lasley was here but if you're looking at the main driver behind them then it'd be Alan Burrows first and foremost.

    Don't get me wrong, Lasley may well have been a sounding board and I'm sure he's learned a fair bit while he was here but in terms of the person in charge of the direction of the club that was/is Burrows.

    Well I will stand corrected as you will know better than me. I was going to mention Alan Burrows in my post as I know how much he does for the community and it did cross my mind that the stuff I mentioned was implemented by him. I think Lasley may have learnt a bit from Alan Burrows as he seems to be trying a similar approach at St Mirren. Motherwell and Paisley are very alike in that they sit on the outskirts of Glasgow, suffer from the majority of the town supporting one of the Old Firm and share the same sort of issues with regards to poverty/addiction etc. It’s good to see both teams trying their best to reach out to the community, and Motherwell seem to be doing a good job of it. 

  5. 9 minutes ago, capt_oats said:

    Don't get me wrong, I love Las but I'm genuinely curious what you think Lasley "was starting to achieve at Motherwell"?


    I could be wrong but was it not Lasley that had Motherwell giving out free season tickets to the unemployed and less well off. I must admit I don’t have any solid evidence but I always got the feeling that Motherwell were a club that were very much connected to the local community whilst Lasley was there, and I’m sure I read about initiatives Motherwell were doing to help males in Lanarkshire with their mental health/suicidal thoughts etc? I could be wrong but it was just a vibe I got from Motherwell that a lot of stuff was being done to help the community and get fans along to the games. 

  6. 16 minutes ago, Div said:

    I think like most things to do with the club the truth about the Kibble is somewhere in between.

    I don't think for a minute that they are hellbent on destroying the club and are recklessly taking us on a spending spree that will take us to oblivion.

    Nor do I think they are faultless. Mistakes have most certainly been made along the way since they came in, and to be honest they do seem to have an awful lot more control and influence than I thought they would have as a 27% shareholder.

    They've brought a lot of good things to the club as well.

    We appear, to me anyway, to be a much more professional organisation in terms of the way we present and market the club. We are doing a load of good work getting youngsters along to the games, attendances are up 12% and I think the appointment of Keith Lasley looks pretty inspired. He "gets it" in my opinion.

    The accounts aren't going to be pretty though and as such I can't imagine the AGM will be either. Should all be out in the open at least and we'll know where we stand. They are usually issued mid to late November so we don't have long to wait.

    Appointing Lasley has the potential to be the best thing the club has done for decades. Been majorly impressed with him so far, comes across brilliantly in interviews although he’s not just all talk, I think the significant increase in home support this season can be traced back to the initiatives Lasley has implemented. You could see what he was starting to achieve at Motherwell before he came to Paisley, I think it’s a real coup for the club. 

  7. 4 minutes ago, elvis said:

    I honestly don't think kibble are the problem as there being talk of bullying within the SMISA board what kind of way is that to represent supporters.

    I’ve been a member of Smisa since the get go, but apart from casting the odd vote on where excess funds should be directed I have never had any other kind of involvement, and to be honest don’t want to.

    I would hope grown adults involved with Smisa would be above bullying but it’s something that can happen at any level of organisation.

     Fair play to the people that are getting involved. I’m happy to pay my monthly fee for as long as I feel it’s beneficial to the club.  It would take something like Smisa losing their shareholding for me to reconsider that position. 

  8. 1 hour ago, DA Baracus said:

    During lockdown when every game was streamed, the commentary team of every club clearly did some research. In every stream I watched of my team in away games the home commentators had some knowledge of the Pars players, recent scores and general form.  These guys are all volunteers but made the effort and showed respect for their audience.

    Sportsound guys can't be arsed making even the smallest effort. Almost any other job would have emptied these useless, lazy c***s.

    Was mostly the same in the Premiership watching St Mirren away games, Rangers and Celtic excepted (and for some reason Dundee United, who’s commentator watched St Mirren win 5-1 at Tannadice in January 21 and was adamant at the end of the game Dundee United had been the better side). 

    I genuinely think the guys on Sportsound are so comfortable knowing that whilst the BBC don’t give a monkeys about the output, they can continue to turn up week after week doing the bare minimum. I’ve been a contractor in the rail sector for the past 8 or so years, and I’ve been on a couple of jobs where the end client is just throwing money at the project in order to get it finished, and everyone from the manager down gets by doing the bare minimum in order to extend the length of the contract and keep collecting the easy money. I understand that morally, it’s a questionable practice, but for guys trying to make a few quid and have a bit of job security for a few months I can condone it. That’s what I imagine it’s like at the BBC. They are freelance contractors that could go and work for other broadcasters like BT, Sky etc, if they were asked to (obviously they wouldn’t be), but most of the guys on Sportsound have been there for years. They aren’t employed full time by the BBC so there would be absolutely no hurdles to jump in order to get shot of them. The fact that they appear week after week, as incompetent as ever, when it’s so easy to get rid of them gives an insight in to the sort of old boys club they’ve got going for themselves. 

  9. 29 minutes ago, elvis said:

    I personally don't have a grievance with the club I'm just going of of what is being said on here and for the most part it's not sounding great I personally think it can only be a good thing to have someone on board who has run a football club before and not just a bunch of guys who  although they mean well didn't /don't have any real idea what there doing hence why if the stuff being tossed around on here is true is more than likely why we are in the shit the amount of in fighting is crazy surely these people must know the harm there doing to the club.I don't know about kibble part in all this but the SMISA group sounds like a real shit show with people leaving right left and centre .

    I’m not trying to act like I have any insider info, because I don’t, but a friend of the family is involved with the club, not in any sort of managerial or decision making role but he regularly speaks to people that are in those sort of positions. Some of the stuff he has relayed to me doesn’t sound great with regards to the management of the club, but it’s not the armageddon some people online have been predicting. I don’t fully understand why the Kibbles involvement seems to be cause of such consternation, but that definitely seems to be an issue. I have wondered how the partnership between them and the club works, with them being a registered charity I would imagine there are certain guidelines they need to follow when providing any sort of funds for outside companies. I’m sure there are people on here who may be able to explain how the partnership works, it has always been heralded by the club as nothing but positive. 


  10. 4 minutes ago, CoF said:


    I do presentations at work now and then, and do a wee bit of public speaking outwith work. I’ve learned that the only time I’m shitting myself is when I know I haven’t prepared properly. The reason I shit myself is because I’ll a) make a c**t of myself, and b) shortchange the folk I’m talking to. 

    At BBC Scotland it seems making a c**t of yourself and shortchanging folk is almost a pre-requisite for the job these days. As you say, the MoTD pundits wouldn’t get away with it - regardless of what we think about their analysis at least I get the impression they love English football. We’ve got too many folk up here who leave the impression that don’t really care about the game. 

    Spot on. Sportsounds output shows a complete lack of respect towards the listeners, who are also the people funding the entire production. If you took a member of this forum and told them that they were going to be reporting from Dingwall on Saturday, I can bet the first thing they would do would be to start researching the teams, the players, their form etc etc. It’s hardly a tough gig, and as you say someone who likes to take pride in their work would make sure that they had prepared to the best of their ability.

    The fact that Bonner, and to a lesser degree Miller, can display complete ignorance towards the game, at the same time as collecting a wage from a state funded broadcaster, shows that they don’t actually care about providing an accurate and knowledgeable service to the listener. It’s a jolly to a game of football and a good few quid stuck in to their account, with no incentive to try and get better while they’re on the gravy train. They must have a right good laugh when their wages hit the bank, I would be doing the same. 

  11. 8 minutes ago, DoingThe42 said:

    What do we reckon the chances of a few minutes of Sportsound this Saturday being used to discuss Queens Park moving their game with ICT to 5.30 on a Friday night at 11 days' notice? Queens Park have not communicated with their fans in any meaningful way, have given no timeline for the move to Lesser Hampden, and refuse to publically acknowledge the situation with being third-choice users at Ochilview. Of course, they sold season tickets to fans without mentioning that minor detail at the time. It's an absolute scandal.

    There is literally more chance of them speaking about Queens Park Rangers, with Micheal Beale being their manager and also an ex-Rangers employee they could probably find a spare 45 minutes to talk about them.  

  12. 15 hours ago, elvis said:

    It's about time there was someone on it who has some idea in how to run a club

    🤦‍♀️ Mate why do you even bother supporting St Mirren, genuinely? I think I’ve seen about 2 positive posts from yourself towards the team in the many years I’ve been on this forum, and these have came after victories where you had tipped us to lose heavily. We’ve made the best start to a season in the top flight in my lifetime, and every week I see you predicting a loss. 

    Now you seem to have a grievance about the running of the club. By all accounts the current set up is not perfect, but it’s light years away from what it was like under Gilmour in his last few years. I had actually forgot about the Rangers debacle, and he had his face plastered over the back pages of the tabloids stating 10(?) clubs would go out of business if Rangers werent admitted to the Premier League. This turned out to be complete and utter fantasy, and the only team in Scottish league football that has went out of business in recent memory is Rangers themselves.

    I won’t pretend to know any of the intricacies around the Kibble deal, and from speaking to people involved with the club I’ve heard great things about them and I’ve also heard not so great things. We fought for years to get fan ownership, giving the supporters a genuine association with the club through Smisa, as well as the ability to elect a fan representative at board room level. I’m very surprised that Gilmour received enough votes to get him elected, but it’s happened and we can only hope he isn’t there with the sole intention of creating disharmony at the club, which I fear he is going to do. 

    Im also struggling to think of a reason why he would actually want to come back. He’s an older gentlemen who devoted a lot of his life to St Mirren, and I’m sure most St Mirren fans are grateful towards him for how he managed to leave his position with the club on good footing. I know he likes his cricket and golf, would he not rather spend his retirement years sitting back with a pint or playing a couple of rounds of golf each week? I’m sure his motives will become clear soon enough but it’s a situation I’m finding hard to understand. 

  13. 17 hours ago, scottsdad said:

    I thought the RBR boycott of Sky would be like The Rangers and BBC, but no. They're lifting it in Brazil.

    They are right to point out the bias though - Sky is abysmal. I don't pay much attention to Kravitz, I must admit. I caught 10 minutes of Ted's Notebook once and it looked like he was wandering around the paddock talking to the camera. David Croft I cannot stomach.

    I sometimes watch Teds post race paddock show if I’m lying slightly hungover on a Sunday night. I don’t think he ever says anything that’s not already been discussed at length by the main presenters, but it’s enjoyable to watch him and his cameraman getting in the way of the crew that are tasked with disassembling the teams temporary office structures. He can be quite humorous at times, but you get the feeling the full paddock give him a wide berth due to how much of a nuisance he is, poking around places he shouldn’t be and trying to get interviews with people walking past. 

  14. 1 hour ago, albagubrath said:

    Mebude everyone knows, a very exciting right forward from Man City who can also play wide left. Barry Hepburn of Bayern Munich is also a very exciting wide forward. He recently scored his first goal for the Bayern U19 side. A competent coach would find a way to have these two in the team, probably swapping wings regularly.

    Is Mebude the boy that came through Rangers youth ranks or is it a relation of his? I seem to remember another Mebude playing for the U21s recently so thinking this is a different boy. It’s good to see a sprinkling of players at top teams like Man City and Bayern, although these clubs have massive academies that make a pathway to the first team extremely unlikely. Good to know they will be receiving the highest level of coaching at this age though. 

  15. 14 minutes ago, Satoshi said:

    He just joined and is behind two players in form. De Zerbi has been praising him in the press.

    He will probably end up with 10-15 or so appearances this season, he has already came off the bench twice.

    Good to know. Would like to think he fits in to De Zerbis style of play, although I can understand why he’s finding it hard to get infront of guys like MacAllister, Lallana and Caicedo. Frustrating not seeing him push on after a promising time under Lampard at Chelsea, but I do think he has been unlucky with how certain managerial appointments have worked out at the clubs he’s been at. 

  16. Been rewatching The Thick of It for about the 40th time after a little break. Love when the guy comes to the door of Malcolm’s office to ask him to stop swearing, and Malcolm walks up to him and says ‘Oh I’m so sorry you won’t hear any more swearing from us. You massive GAY, SHITE, f**k OFF!!!’ :lol: 


    I’ve just got to the episode where Nicola takes over at DoSac, and the few minutes Malcolm spends in her office tearing her to pieces is up there with the best stuff I’ve seen on TV. 

    ‘Do you remember the Big Breakfast? Do you remember that programme? Do you remember how Chris Evans started it and it was a big success? Then they had that guy Johnny Vaughan, everybody loved him, f**k knows why but they loved him. Do you know what this is here? This here, this is fucking series 10 of the Big Breakfast. And do you know what you are? You’re the fucking dinner lady!’ 



  17. Malcolm - ‘There’s no good news though David, only bad news and irrelevant news.’

    David - ‘That’s not a phrase though is it? I couldn’t come out here and say oh I’ve got some bad news and some irrelevant news.’ 

  18. When I was doing the Glasgow half marathon a few weeks back I parked about 3/4 of the way down Bothwell Street, on the street to the right just round from the Rhoderick Dhu pub. I didn’t have a penny of change on me and was running extremely late to get to George Square for the start of the run, and since it was a Sunday I thought I would chance it.

    When I got back after the run, literally as I turned the corner and my car came in to view, a woman parking attendant was taking a picture of the front of my car. I’ve never had a parking ticket in my life but have heard stories about how unwilling they are to compromise, especially after they have started the process of giving you a ticket. The woman could see both me and my pal were in running gear, both hardly able to walk after running a half marathon then walking from Glasgow Green, so she would have known the car had been parked there for at least a few hours. When I got up to her she was farting about on what looked like a mini iPad, and I asked her if that was me getting a ticket now. To my surprise she replied ‘Not if you get in your car and drive away before I put this ticket on your windscreen’. I thanked her a few times for her generosity and done as she said, driving away while she looked on. I half expected her still to put the ticket through and have something come through the door but that’s been a month now, so fair play to her. 

  19. On 01/11/2022 at 01:12, Christophe said:

    Talk of it being 2024 before we see anymore 

    Yeah seen it reported that filming won’t start till at least March 2023, and if they want to fall in with timescales that fit Emmy awards guidelines then the full series needs to be aired either before 31st May 2024 or after June 1st 2024. If the series overlaps any of those dates then they are ineligible for Emmy nominations, so it’s looking likely that it’s going to be Autumn 2024. 

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