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Posts posted by IrishBhoy

  1. I would love to see Big Dunc in Scottish football again, and as long as it’s not at the expense of St Mirren, I would like to see him do well. He seems like the sort of character that could instantly unite the fans, and we’ve seen from his couple of stints as Everton caretaker that he has absolutely bundles of passion and a serious will to win. Players will respect him and I expect he will have sky high standards of what he expects from his players in training, maintaining fitness, effort on a match day etc. He served his apprenticeship coaching the Everton youth teams and being their assistant manager, it’s time for him to take a managerial role for himself and see where it takes him. Dundee United would be as good a job as any to start with 

  2. On 04/09/2022 at 00:06, The Master said:

    Also, on a more meta point - it seemed odd that Sportscene highlights and Sportscene live were using different graphics suites (new and old respectively). I'm going to take a punt and say that BBC Scotland need to keep using the old graphics on live games until BBC Englandshire show a live game. Either because the lords and masters in Salford don't want an outpost using the new graphics first, or because they don't exist yet - because the lords and masters don't realise they need to.

    I think you give BBC Scotland too much credit here, because the intern in charge of the graphics almost certainly just went to the first file marked ‘Sportscene’ and started clicking aimlessly until something appeared on whatever software they use. I assume that’s what they do anyway, the show has the production values of a Nativity play in a Primary school. 

    Simon Donnelly and Neil McCann the guest pundits this week :lol: because of course there needs to be an ex player from each of the Old Firm this week. Do they have Michael Stewart and John Hughes after an Edinburgh derby? 

    Also how much longer are we going to need to tolerate James McFadden, who brings absolutely nothing to the table in terms of game or player analysis, and either repeats what has already been said or drones on until eventually tailing off without ever making a point.

  3. 12 hours ago, Bairnardo said:

    Glad to see a Scotsman article calling out the sectarianism of both sets of fans, and the disgusting performance of the Green Brigade in particular with some vile chants.

    I look forward to the good humoured dismissal of this from both sets.

    Nah Celtic fans don’t sing anything sectarian, they only sing about the poor, oppressed souls murdered at the hands of the barbaric British Army. They are songs about freedom and struggle and oppression, which obviously have a place in Scottish football stadiums in the year 2022. 

    Oh, and they also sing in support of the IRA, who set off bombs in shopping centres and murdered children as young as 17 months old. All completely normal behaviour for grown men to be singing these sort of songs, in a Scottish football stadium, in the year 2022. I don’t know why people think it’s a problem. 

  4. On 03/09/2022 at 10:04, Chewing Taffies said:

    Was hoping to get tickets for the Barcelona v Inter Champions League game next month but I read that as a foreigner I can't get a ticket for the home end as per UEFA regulations. Does anyone know if this is strictly enforced? as in everyone has to present id at the gate? 

    You will be fine. If you’ve bought them through the official Barcelona website the tickets will arrive as e-tickets, and if you have an iPhone they go in to the ‘Apple Wallet’, so when you come to the turnstiles just bring up Apple Wallet and hold the QR code over the scanner and you will sail through. 

    I was at the Barcelona v Lyon Champions League quarter final a couple of years back, as well as a few league games over the years, and there’s never been an issue. Also been at an El Clasico in the Nou Camp and there was 15-20 guys dotted about the home end with Madrid tops on, so even if you are supporting the opposition it doesn’t seem to be an issue. 

  5. On 26/08/2022 at 02:43, Highland Capital said:

    This was really good but sad.


    I like that guy. Used to watch all his videos on the London Underground and general transport system when I lived down there. He has an excellent knowledge of the Underground especially, and his videos would tell you about quirks or back stories from different things in the stations. I’ve hoovered a lot of London Underground facts from his videos which I use to impress friends and family. I did notice he hadn’t been posting as many videos recently. 

    These videos showing tribal people trying Western foods has been showing up on my feed, and they can be quite heartwarming to watch. They usually show them eating stuff like Dominos pizza or a Big Mac, and the majority of the time the tribesmen love it. I did find this video quite funny though, where they tried a shepherds pie :lol: . 



  6. 10 hours ago, Ro Sham Bo said:

    It would be a laugh if they go for Postecoglu to replace him. 

    I was thinking exactly this earlier. I really wouldn’t be surprised to see an EPL team take a punt on Postecoglu, I think his style of football would suit a middling team in the Premier League too. Only issue would be the amount of time needed for him to build a squad with the players he needs, but he would be working with a vastly improved budget than what he is at Celtic. 

  7. I tuned in for about 20 minutes on Saturday as I couldn’t get any of the Scottish streams to work online. As I put it on they must have been half way through some sort of in joke between them, as for the next 45 seconds all I heard was McIntyre and a couple of others laughing away and poking jibes at each other. Maybe if I had heard it from the start it would have been funny, but most likely not. 

    Through the laughter, McIntyre eventually said something like ‘Willie, anyway, what’s going on at Dingwall?’, and Miller says ‘I don’t know, I’ve been too busy involved in talking to you hahahaha’, which kicked off another 20 seconds of banter. It took Leanne Crichton, who I assume has a feed of all the games at Pacific Quay, to start talking about a good chance Aberdeen just had, and she almost had to walk Miller through it step by step until he had given the listener some sort of idea of what was going on. 

    McIntyre did read out a few goal updates from League 1 and League 2 whilst I was listening, which is an improvement, but the amount of drivel spoken in between is unreal. 

  8. I signed up for the Loch Ness marathon a few months back, having never ran more than about 6 or 7km before starting training for it. Im really ramping up the distances just now and I’m feeling fitter than I ever have in my life. Woke up Saturday morning and just threw on shorts and t shirt, stuck my headphones in, and went out for an aimless run which ended up being just under 24k in 2 and a half hours. If someone had said to me 6 months ago that I would voluntarily wake up at the weekend and go out and run 24k, and actually enjoy it, I would probably have spat at them. 

    Just under 60k in total last week, which is absolutely mental to me because I used to absolutely despise running. Now I’m coming home from work and actually looking forward to a run. Went out on Friday night with the intention of beating my 5k PB, and started off at a pace which after a kilometre or so realised I couldn’t maintain for very long. I ended up beating my previous PB by 40 seconds but the last couple of KMs were tough, and I was dying for it to finish. The long Saturday run was a joy in comparison. It’s so much more enjoyable when you aren’t constantly checking your watch for time/distance. 

    I am still struggling slightly with lower back pain, although it’s nowhere near as bad as it was a few weeks back, which I’ve put down to a new pair of trainers as well as carrying less weight. Genuinely can’t wait until the day of the marathon and the feeling after I’ve crossed the finish line. 

    Also, is it worth going to one of these places that analyses your running style and recommends which trainers to use etc?. I’ve got a cheap pair of Nike Pegasus which I use for shorter runs, and a pair of Nike Air Zoom for longer. I know there is other brands out there better than Nike but I just don’t know enough about them to commit to a pair. I’ve had a few recommendations for Asics or Hoka but they aren’t cheap. When I started running I wore Adidas ZX Boosts and was getting bad lower back pain a couple of minutes in to my run, which I put down to me carrying a few extra pounds. Changing to the Nikes has all but eliminated that pain, which I think is because of the chunkier sole, so I’m nervous to make a change so close to the marathon. 

  9. Me and a friend are training for a marathon so decided to go and attempt a trail run up Beinn Ime last weekend. We were the first car in the car park at just after 5am, and we managed to get to the section of path that splits up to the back of Narnain just after 6am which I thought was pretty good going. We didn’t run up the steep sections, more a quick march, and we were sure we were going to be the first people of the day to summit Ime until some ultra fit maniac came running past us 10 minutes before we reached the top. 

    We toyed with the idea of going up the back of Narnain and down the front but ended up just sticking to the path, and were up and down in roughly 3 hours. Back in the house for 10am after a Munro, it was a great feeling. E398D21A-967A-4D79-A2CC-02C1799F1DC4.thumb.jpeg.a8f9e716039f9becdaab6a16aaa132c9.jpeg

  10. 9 hours ago, Florentine_Pogen said:

    Had an amazing couple of days in Glencoe, stayed at Red Squirrel campsite and managed to do the traverse of Aonach Eagach on Thursday in glorious weather. To be perfectly honest, the whole day (9 hours, start to finish) was various forms of torture for me as I'm unfit, overweight and an auld duffer. However, the reason for this trip was to say goodbye to a dear friend who died in May 2021, we weren't able to go to his funeral due to Covid restrictions and when his wife had a memorial day walk back in June, I couldn't go as I had Covid - She then asked 4 of us if we could scatter some of his ashes in Glencoe as he just loved this part of Scotland and we decided to walk the ridge as our own wee tribute to the man.

    Brilliant pictures mate, and a very fitting place to have your friends ashes scattered. It’s a beautiful part of the world. 

  11. On 30/08/2022 at 10:13, Detournement said:

    Guys. Imagine we made a new Game Of Thrones show entirely about the small council. 


    It’s the second episode of the opening season mate, calm down. 

    Showing scenes from the small council in these early episodes has been a great way for the viewer to learn about the perceived status’ of some main characters that are completely new to them. From these scenes we’ve gathered that Viserys is a weak ruler, Otto is a loyal servant to the crown but scheming in the background, Daemon doesn’t respect his brothers title etc etc. These first few episodes will be setting up future narratives in the exact same way GoT did, and what the majority of TV series’ do when they have many characters and story lines to deal with. 

  12. 45 minutes ago, peasy23 said:



    Contrast that with the 18 LIV players who will rock up at Wentworth next week who will be doing other players out of a place in the field who might desperately need the money and ranking points.


    That’s actually a pretty classy move by Watson, imo, he could have as easily hung on to his card like some others. Some people had tagged him on Twitter alerting him to the fact that Schmidt and 3 others sat just outside the KFT finals, and Watson replied at the time saying that he had resigned his card and it was up to the PGA after that, so good to see the guy got his chance. 



  13. 35 minutes ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

    For whatever anyone says about Hamilton losing the lead and Russell pitting, he handled that restart terribly. He went about as early as possible which was basically the worst thing you could do in that situation.

    With the camber of that final corner it’s possibly the most over powered section of any track on the calendar for the car behind using slipstream. There’s no way Verstappen gets by Hamilton without DRS if he waits until the pit straight to put the foot down, but instead he tries to be clever by slowing down to a crawl on the second to last corner and allows Max to follow him closely round the final bend and almost slingshot himself along the straight. 

    I did think it was a mistake by many drivers taking the inside line into turn 1 when defending; almost every driver who done it got overtaken with relative ease, and you could see the amount of dirt they were picking up off the track every time they done it. I’m sure there’s a reason for it since they know more about driving a Formula 1 car than I ever will, but just an observation. 

  14. On 31/08/2022 at 17:13, peasy23 said:

    I’ve only ever played alongside one person that I am 99 percent sure was cheating in all the time I’ve played golf. It really is such a self defeating act to try and cheat at the game, what possible satisfaction can you take from any success when you fully well know you have cheated your playing partners?


    The guy in question was a friend of a friend who had tagged along to make up the 4 ball when we had a tee time at Turnberry. Any time his drive went in to thick rough he would always sit his bag down near the fringe of where the thick rough started, and then start looking for the ball in a 10 yard radius round his bag, even when everyone had seen the line his ball had taken. He would always march ahead off the tee and a surprising amount of times he would find his ball before anyone had a chance to give him a hand looking for it. The game was only for 20 quid or something daft like that, so I wouldn’t like to know what he gets up to when it’s more serious. Me and my pal had sussed out what he was doing before we had even reached the back 9, it was genuinely sad to see. 

  15. 7 hours ago, Day of the Lords said:

    Sky's excuses commencing immediately. Glorious 🤣

    The moment when the Safety Car ended and Max went past Lewis literally yards after the start finish line was superb. You could feel the deflation in that commentary team come through the screen.

    Is Button going to be a regular on comms? I didn’t think he was great, although it’s clear he knows a tonne more about the sport than the others. Was funny when Crofty kept going on and on about Tsunodas seat belt and why he would come in to the pit lane for a seat belt problem etc., and Button eventually stepped in to clarify that Yuki would have loosened his seat belt when he thought he was getting out of the car, and the mechanics were just tightening it. 

  16. On 29/08/2022 at 14:47, Rodhull said:

    Aye it was pretty grim. With the wig on she just looked like a wee doll compared to the obviously middle aged man she was being matched up to.

    Interesting how they've changed the ages of most of the young women in the show from the books. Rhaeneyra is only about 8 in the books I think at this point, the Valeryon girl is about 5 years older so not too far off her age in the show and Allicent is a few years older than that and so is almost 10 years older than Rhaeneyra rather than the same age as the show implies.

    Not that I'm especially bothered about it, just found it interesting especially as they're doing time jumps later in the series anyway?

    I thought it was a bit strange that they seem to have aged the characters in the opposite direction from the books from what you would expect. In the book Alicent is mid 20s and Viserys is mid 30s, so a marriage between them wouldn’t be so unbelievable. The only reason I can think they have aged Rhaenyra up and Alicent down is to play on their friendship in these opening episodes, in order to build a narrative for what is to come. 

  17. 6 minutes ago, wastecoatwilly said:

    Hearts made 6 or 7 changes for this game M8,the financial disadvantage has got feck all to do with it.
    Apart from the start of the second half they were comfortably beaten plus Celtic didn't have £50 million on the park.  

    I give up mate. Well done on your win, your team of multi million pound international players really battled against the odds to put Hearts and their team of free transfers to the sword. 

  18. 1 minute ago, wastecoatwilly said:

    Celtic have a strong squad because we play about 60 games a season,this is a match thread one game anything can happen,if it was predictable we would all be millionaires.
    Hearts used their squad just the same as Celtic did M8,you have now moved the debate 3 times.

    No, Celtic have a strong squad because they’ve paid upwards of £50M for it. Hearts don’t have as strong a squad because they’ve paid 1/50th of what you paid. It’s not about ‘using your squad’ when faced with such a financial disadvantage. 

    If Celtic moved to a league with PSG, Barcelona, Real Madrid etc., and we’re getting pumped every week, would you be saying you just need to use your squad better? 

  19. 5 minutes ago, wastecoatwilly said:

    So you're not posting about just this season,you're making my point for me Jullien cost £7 million and Jenz costed nothing yet he has the jersey.

    I’m talking about your current squad, that’s why I’ve kept using the word ‘squad’. 

    Are you really unable to see the vast, vast differences in finances here? It doesn’t matter if Julliens not starting, you paid £7M for him and he’s sitting in the stand, that’s even worse. £50M worth of players and you wonder why teams out with the OF can’t get close to you? You could take the 10 teams and add up all their transfer activity for the last 20 years and it wouldn’t be half what your current squad costs. 

  20. 9 minutes ago, Day of the Lords said:

    Yeah 7, although doing them from the Loch Tay side means your start and finish points are several miles apart, so you'll need a mate with a car to leave at the end (or if on your own you could stash a bike). The only realistic way to do them solo as a loop is from Glen Lyon OR Dan Bailey has a mental route which involved starting off from the Nature Reserve car park then nipping over a fence, hugging the 600m contour until you pick up a track which eventually takes you to Meall Greigh. It's a fucking massive day though. Having done the 7 in both directions I'd definitely recommend starting from Meall Greigh - f**k ever descending An Stuc's east face again. 

    The distance between the start and end points has put me off a few munros. Might need to invest in a couple of bikes as my friend doesn’t drive. Think Aonach Eagach was the same, you finish miles away from where you’ve parked the motor. 

  21. 8 minutes ago, wastecoatwilly said:

    I wasn't posting about Celtic M8, I was posting about the hearts players.
    It's a debate not an argument,not sure where you're getting £35 million from think Celtic have spent about £20. 

    Jota - £6.5M, Carter-Vickers - £6.3M, Bernabei - £4M, Maeda - £1.5M, Kyogo - £5M, Starfeldt - £4.5M, Abada - £3.5M, Giakoumakis - £2.25M , O’Reilly - £1.5M, Hatate - £1.5M, Hart - £1M, Turnbull - £3M, Ajeti - £5M, Jullien - £7M. 

    Your current squad is over £50M. I’ve not included anyone bought for less than £1M. If only the other teams tried harder they could win the league. 

  22. 1 minute ago, Day of the Lords said:

    After 10 munros last weeks in erm, mixed conditions, it was the Lawers range today to help my mate out (it's a two car job unless you start in Glen Lyon, or are Dan Bailey). We thought about adding on Meall nan Tarmachan, but after a long and utterly tedious, bogfest of a descent from Meall a'Choire Leith patched that idea fairly quickly. Mixed conditions again though, with views off Meall Greigh, then it absolutely pissed down for Meall Garbh and An Stuc, before the sun broke through on the ascent of Lawers itself. Cracking but tough day overall.


    Lawers Traverse-01.jpg

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    Lawers is on my to do list. Is it 7 munros you can knock off on the one day if you follow the loop right round? 

  23. On 15/08/2022 at 16:36, Day of the Lords said:

    Midges have been ridiculous this weekend. We didn't have any on the South Shiel Ridge summits on Saturday but there were fuckloads of flying ants, arsehole deer keds and instabams about (one of whom triggered an almighty rant from some angry da' on the I am Bagging the Munros FB page). 

    Just noticed the photos on mine have gone up in a nonsense order. 

    I climbed Nevis last Saturday morning and up until the half way lochan you couldn’t stop for more than a few steps without being completely surrounded by them. I found a rock to sit on so I could have a drink and there was so many of them you were literally breathing them in. 

  24. 1 hour ago, Mr. Alli said:

    Steak slice is infinitely better if it's 'shop butcher'. 

    Butcher shop, I wouldn't say there is that glaring a difference.

    Edit : same applies for onion slice.

    Steak slice has completely passed me by then. It did seem a bit softer than your usual square sausage but tasted pretty similar. 

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