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Posts posted by IrishBhoy

  1. 42 minutes ago, Dons_1988 said:

    I think you’ve misinterpreted my post. I don’t mean the tv deal makes the domestic competition more competitive, I mean it makes the league as a whole, as a revenue generating group, more competitive with other leagues like Norway, Sweden, wherever. 

    You are right, there is no desire to make the league more competitive, it is a conscious decision to position ourselves in the market as we have. We put the OF front and centre and beg sky to pay us more for it. 

    I went off on a bit of a tangent there but I think we are making roughly the same point. 

  2. On 11/08/2022 at 11:00, Swello said:

    Oh, and there is always someone that puts your minor scrambling adventure in perspective - b*****d.




    I was up The Cobbler a month or so back and there was a guy and his young son rock climbing on that same face. Did you follow the path round the back and summit that way, then back down the front? 

    The zigzags are the real killer when doing the Cobbler, Narnain or Ime. For some reason I always feel like it only takes 15-20 minutes on the way up to get out of the trees and on to the main path, but double that time on the way down.  

  3. I remember 6 months or so back when Boris was going through a sticky spell in No. 10, I seen it mentioned that Liz Truss was favourite to be the next Conservative leader. I probably had a quick chuckle to myself and moved on, thinking there was no way that someone as incompetent as she is would ever manage to become leader of the Conservatives, let alone PM. She is the epitome of someone who only says what people want to hear, and somehow that’s got her in to this lofted position. 

    She was a Liberal Democrat who wanted to abolish the monarchy, now she’s a Conservative and Unionist. She campaigned to remain in the EU, now she is pushing through the policies of the most ardent Brexiteers. She doesn’t have a single thought of her own, and is no more than a puppet for the wealthy Tory donors that have her in their back pocket. Politics in this country has been a shambles for a while now and it’s almost certainly about to get worse. 

  4. 16 hours ago, Dons_1988 said:

    . The goal is to make the league more competitive relative to other European leagues, which in turn allows our clubs to better compete in European competition. And who does most of the competing in European competition? 

    I honestly don’t believe that there is many, if any, people in the hierarchy of the SPFL who hold ‘making the league more competitive’ as an important objective. I think they are quite happy using the OF as the carrot to bring in money, and having them two battling it out for the league season after season after season IS competitive in their eyes. 

    We see it with the TV deal where it’s almost exclusively ‘diddy team at home to one of the OF’. Sky and Premier Sports don’t even try to hide the fact that they see the other 10 teams in the league as minor characters, only here to supply the OF with an opponent in order for the broadcasters to pick up OF fans subscriptions. I noticed on BT yesterday they were advertising Angers v Auxerre as one of their live games from Ligue 1. Not PSG v Lyon, or Marseille v Lille but a game between two of the ‘smaller’ clubs put out there for the world to watch. Imagine we had a TV deal that showed a match like Aberdeen v Motherwell in the opening weeks of the season? Even writing that down in black and white, our TV deal is so horrendously skewed towards two clubs having the vast majority of live games, that it’s actually unimaginable a game like that would be shown. 

    It’s as if they are embarrassed to show games between two teams out with the OF, like having either Rangers or Celtic involved lends the live games some credibility and makes it look better for the ‘English audience’, who’s opinion our media seem to hold in such high regard.

  5. 17 minutes ago, thomas said:

    Baccus looks like a player his stats suggests despite the obvious physical differences he can do the Gogic job but for me he is leaps and bounds above Gogic.

    I don’t really see the comparison with Gogic apart from the fact they occupy a similar area of the pitch. Gogic was a great ball winner and was as physical as any other CM in the league. Baccus is a bit more lightweight but looks like he’s going to be excellent at getting through a midfield press, either with passes or driving through with the ball himself. He had some nice 1-2’s with Ayunga and Kiltie today which resulted in us getting the ball further towards the goal, and ultimately looking more threatening. He had a good chance to score after one of those 1-2’s but couldn’t keep his shot down. I fear he’s going to be a player that come the end of the season bigger clubs are sniffing around, which you couldn’t grudge him after moving from Australia at such a young age. 

  6. Anyone watching this card tonight? That last fight with Landwehr and Onama was brilliant. Maybe in my top 10 fights I’ve seen, which is pretty high praise considering how many excellent UFC fights I’ve seen. It was one of those fights where both men were a skiff on the jaw away from being knocked out cold, but both still managed to be standing after 15 minutes swinging for their lives. Going to rewatch it after this Cruz Vera fight as I missed the first couple of minutes. 

  7. 3 hours ago, Stringer Bell said:

    Aye, there's quite a bit more about the Red Priests and their motives and the prophecies in the book. You only get Melissandre and Thoros in the show, but you meet a couple of others in the book and also visit their main temple in Volantis.

    I would agree with the magic thing, although I can understand why the show mostly concentrated on the Dragons and Direwolves. There's a couple of characters and storylines heavy with magic that develop in the later books that were cut completely from the show.


    Good to know. I’m not the fastest reader but I had been trying to get through a few chapters of A Clash of Kings each night and I’m currently about three quarters of the way in, but I’ve started reading a book on how to play Game Theory Optimal Poker which is about 800 pages deep, so ACoK is on the back burner for a week or so. I don’t like to read more than one book at a time, and I have a habit of dreaming about the books subject matter once I fall asleep. If I tried to mix ACoK with the Poker book I would be dreaming about Joffrey Baratheon going all-in with jack ten against Robb Starks pocket aces. 

  8. 36 minutes ago, djchapsticks said:

    I'm very pleasantly surprised that a player we waited a long time on has looked every bit the part so far.

    Take a bow, Keanu Baccus.

    He seems to manage to break the lines multiple times a game, and gets running at the opposing defenders. If I had one criticism it would be the quality of his final ball, wether it’s a pass or a shot. He is still young and has plenty room to improve so hopefully we realise his potential while he is still at St Mirren. 

  9. As much as they didn’t influence the result, I thought the officials were terrible today. We all know defenders running towards their own goal with an attacker at their heels is going to go down softly and try and buy the free kick, but the referee today seemed to blow his whistle for the most obvious dives, and wave play on when the defender was genuinely fouled. 

    There was also an instance in the first half where a County player was trying to allow a ball to go over the bye line for a goal kick, and Kiltie tried to put a bit of pressure on him. The County player used a two handed push to the chest to send Kiltie flying into the advertising boards, about a foot away from the linesman, and a goal kick was flagged for. I understand how tricky it can be when players are constantly trying to buy fouls, but the least we can expect from our top level officials is a bit of consistency over the space of one game. 

  10. 58 minutes ago, Stringer Bell said:

    Yeah, although I think it can make you appreciate how well they did with some of the castings in the show. Especially the Lannisters. There's also a few interesting characters as you progress through the books that got little or no screen time.

    I’ve sort of ruined that for myself by looking online and reading up about all the characters that are book only. I’ve met a couple so far. Am I right in saying the Red Priestess’ play a bigger part in the book story than they do in the show? 

    I always thought the TV show should have explored more storylines that involved the magic of the world. Daenerys’ storyline in Qarth involved a lot of those themes, and a red priestess appeared and gave a warning to Jorah  Mormont, but it was hardly mentioned again after that. 


  11. On 08/08/2022 at 20:32, Empty It said:

    Mark Rober is brilliant his best videos are definitely the squirrel mazes but his other stuff like the glitter bombs are also excellent. 

    Mark Rober is brilliant. Did you see the videos where he teamed up with a channel called ‘Scammer Payback’, where they managed to get cameras inside one of these Indian scam call centres. They had a guy on the inside who let a box of cockroaches loose and they managed to get one of the glitter bombs inside too. 


  12. On 04/08/2022 at 12:15, Connor1874 said:

    Cracovia might be a little tricky for tickets as their ground only holds 15,000, but then perhaps I'm being a little optimistic at their crowds. Wisla now play in the 2nd tier, so that could be an interesting experience. Just had a look at the 2nd tiers wikipedia page, and the stadium map shows that half the league is pretty close to Krakow so plenty choices there I'd think. Like the Ekstraklasa, the 2nd tier games are pretty well staggered out over the weekend too.

    If you haven't booked yet, or are considering future trips, I'd highly recommend Hungary. Games spread out over a weekend, no problem at all getting tickets, and cheap as chips. Quality of football is pretty dire, but despite low crowds, every club has a good wee Ultra section to keep a decent atmosphere. Even if you don't fancy some games in Hungary, you can also do fairly short train journeys to Vienna, Bratislava and Prague.

    Cheers for the info mate that’s more helpful than anything I’ve managed to find online. We haven’t booked anything yet we are just trying to find somewhere a bit different, not particularly bothered about the standard of the football as long as there is a bit of atmosphere. When we’ve went to Germany before we’ve always took in a Bundesliga game and a lower league game on the same weekend.

    One of the best games we’ve been at was Bochum v Fortuna Düsseldorf in the Bundesliga 2 a few years ago, stadium absolutely rammed and the atmosphere was unbelievable from both sets of fans. Hungary was somewhere I hadn’t even considered so will definitely look into that. You’ve reminded me that the ease of transport in that part of Europe is so good that we don’t necessarily need to stay close to the games we intend to go to. After looking at a map, you could use Vienna as a base and try and fit 3 different games in 3 different countries over a long weekend, I will see how viable that is and if I end up doing it will come back and let you know how I got on. Cheers for the info. 

  13. On 04/08/2022 at 18:52, Stringer Bell said:

    Slightly jealous that you're reading the books for the 1st time. 

    Until you get to the point where you realise how much the show butchered characters and storylines in the last 4 seasons.

    I must say I am really enjoying the books, it’s slow progress but the story just comes alive in your head with the overly descriptive writing style used. 

    I sort of wish that I had read the books before watching the TV series as I’ve already got a face for most of the characters, when I think I would have preferred my imagination to make the appearances of the characters. 

  14. 12 minutes ago, Ro Sham Bo said:

    It was Stenson, of all people. Afterwards he then said "I played like a captain" :lol:

    Stenson has shown himself to be a bit of a clown with this move, and giving up the Ryder Cup captaincy after saying it was his dream come true. He was sitting at the LIV press conference saying that he believed he could still fulfil all his obligations with the DPW Tour to continue as captain while playing on LIV. Unless he’s been living on the moon for the past 6 months there isn’t a chance he truly believed that. 

    Also saw a stat that he hadn’t finished top 10 on the PGA Tour for over 3 years, and he turns up at LIV and wins his very first event. Anyone trying to claim LIV has the stronger field only needs pointed in the direction of that statistic. 

  15. I made the mistake of watching a video titled ‘Americans Try British Candy’, and now every second video on my YouTube feed is from some dumpling head American blogger, sitting in their kitchen eating Dairy Milk Caramels and packets of Monster Munch. They act like the snacks have just been imported from Jupiter, and spend a good 30 or 40 seconds scared to eat them, as if they aren’t just ever so slightly different confectioneries from the ones they get in America anyway. In the video I seen they had been sent Mackies Haggis and Black Pepper crisps to try, and you would have thought they were about to eat polonium the way they were carrying on. The video had over 200,000 views too, god knows how. 

  16. Finau manages to close out for a comfortable win on the PGA Tour. Over at LIV I don’t know who won, but Greg Norman has been filmed walking around the course with Still D.R.E. playing over the top of it. 


  17. 3 hours ago, FreedomFarter said:

    Sportscene did the lines on the screen thing seemingly showing it to have been offside. Not picking bones over the result, just saying out of interest.

    Too many Rangers fans were going around saying that they were denied a legitimate goal. From any of the replays on Sky it was too tight to tell if he was onside or not, and I did actually think at the time that if VAR was at the ground then Colaks head may have been literally a couple of millimetres offside. Even if it’s been proven that he was offside there will still be Rangers fans saying they were hard done to. 

  18. 7 minutes ago, pozbaird said:

    I know, and I deserve scorn for my miserly 50p stakes, and for betting against my own team, but FFS it was so certain it wasn’t true. I also got Sellik 2-0 correct. Hoovered up a total of nearly eight quid today for my two quid stake. Next week I’ll revert to my usual - my four selections won’t include St Mirren. Bet365 are quaking in their boots.

    Getting two score predictions correct is actually pretty good going. You should have done a 50p double and then you would have got some half decent returns back. 

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