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Posts posted by IrishBhoy

  1. 4 minutes ago, pozbaird said:

    As predicted, club in crisis, manager pumped, fans on your back, your team is shite, you can’t score in a barrel of Tory leadership candidates, you think your team will be gubbed? Relax. You’re at the SMiSA. Now, don’t get me wrong, I thought our effort was fine, the new signings looked decent, and Erhahon was our best player, and their keeper made three great saves, but, it was so, so predictable. My only regret was only sticking 50p on the fcuking inevitable. Still, got my season with Bet365 off to a winning start - unlike ours. No pleasure in it, but 1-0 Motherwell was this season’s absolute dead cert’.




    CEO of Bet365…


  2. 1 minute ago, ZingaliMan said:

    What I and a mate my wife witnessed was shocking. First my appoliges to Motherwell fans. After a bit of digging have found out it was Saints fans .. Some had balaclavas on.  Stuff was thrown at Motherwell fans, They were trying to get Well fans going back to cars to fight. A loan Policeman was being threatened he was on his radio asking for assistance.  A skuffle broke out just before a mini bus of Police turned up. We Saints fans need to get this stopped.  There is a lot of great guys in W7 they have done wonders for the atmosphere.  These are new faces to me they are going to trash our clubs good name. 


  3. 1 minute ago, Livifc1 said:

    Yes it is, the English championship has 24 teams, so 12 games per weekend, pretty sure most of those teams have average attendances of more than 20,000. 

    You are at it :lol: only 7 teams in last season’s Championship averaged over 20k, some as low as 9k. 12 multiplied by 20 is still only 240k, which even added to the other leagues wouldn’t match 750k. 

  4. 1 minute ago, Livifc1 said:

    Your numbers don’t stack up. There are 10 premier league games on in England each weekend. What’s the average attendances to all these matches? Maybe 40-50000 thousand depending on who is at home. That’s 400000-500000 just at the top league. 
    Im pretty sure the rest of the leagues average more than 250000-350000 between them, easily. 

    I think you are over estimating English attendances. 12 of the 20 teams in the Premiership don’t average over 40k. Burnley, Palace, Watford, Brentford and Norwich were all around 20K. On an average weekend there is around 400k at English Premiership games. The other 3 leagues add up to roughly 280k. So even with our two most supported teams removed we have a higher attendance per head of population. It’s not even debatable. 

  5. 16 minutes ago, Livifc1 said:

    I wasn’t comparing Scottish teams with the rest of Europe, I was comparing Scotland teams with England. And in comparison our teams out-with the Old Firm are poorly supported. 

    On an average weekend with one of the OF playing at home, from the Premiership to League 2, there is about 115,000 fans attending a game of football in Scotland. Take 50k away for whatever OF team are at home and that leaves 65,000 fans, or 1.3% of the entire Scottish population attending a game of football not involving the OF at home. 

    If we compared that number to England, 1.3% of their population would be roughly 750,000. If you can be bothered to take the time to go through an average weekend last season in England, even with our two most supported teams taken away from the figures, it still doesn’t beat our attendances per head of population. 


  6. I wonder if our stewards will adopt the same approach when the Union Bears or Green Brigade come to Paisley. They stand in the stadium drinking half bottles of Buckfast 10 feet away from the stewards and police and not a thing is done. The Well Bois and North Bank guys do a good job at getting an atmosphere going. I’m sure they have their fair share of clowns amongst them but at the end of the day they are young guys going to a football game, it’s not afternoon tea at The Ritz. In the grand scheme of things most of these groups are pretty well behaved. Look at the Eastern European ultras or even some of the Scandinavian fan groups, who can cause proper mayhem at the games. As long as they aren’t violent or putting anyone else in danger then let them batter in. 

  7. It definitely wasn’t a bad performance from us, but it seems to be the same story every year where we just can’t convert chances in to goals. I thought there was too many aimless crosses played in to the box as well, either sailing over everyone’s head or not beating the first defender. Baccus looked tidy again but I’m hoping there is still more to come from him once he gets accustomed to the league. Erhahon had a good game as well, and I think for the first season in his career he’s close to being a player who will start every game if fit. 

    Disappointing to have faced a team in such turmoil, at home on the opening game of the season and not came away with any points at all. Kelly did have a good game but it was our lack of composure in front of goal that cost us more. 

  8. 2 minutes ago, Handsome_Devil said:

    We are relegation fodder. We offered absolutely nothing apart from receiving a gift of a penalty.

    I assume St Mirren's anger/worry comes from the general trend rather than just the 90 minutes because they dominated almost completely and could/should have had how many....three,  four goals, more? 

    A mugging is always amusing but it does not bode well for the months ahead.

    I don’t think it was as much of a mugging as your making out there. Kelly made a few really good saves, but it wasn’t like we had you pinned back in your 18 yard box for large spells of the game. Strain and Tanser can throw in as many crosses as they like, but if we don’t have the quality in the box to firstly create the space, and secondly the composure to put the ball in the net, then it doesn’t bode well for the coming season. 

  9. Curtis Mains first touch goes 5 feet infront of him, second touch is a foul :lol: 

    8 minutes ago, Doctor Manhattan said:

    As long as something motivates the lazy Dutch c**t to put a shift in, I'm not overly fussed what that something is.

    I thought Van Veen was quite highly regarded by the Well fans? Is that not the case? Anytime I’ve seen him I’ve been quite impressed. Would certainly prefer him over Main. 

  10. 1 minute ago, GiGi said:

    Merc have yellow on Hamilton's car as well. Think that's about it though.

    That’s interesting that not every team decides to do that. I’m sure 99 times out of 100 the team principals won’t have any issue identifying between the drivers, but for the sake of a couple of pieces of neon trim around the car it would be a sensible thing to do in order to remove any doubt. 

  11. 42 minutes ago, JamesP_81 said:

    Get Croft in the bin , that's at least 6 times in this race he's got a driver that he's commentating on completely wrong ! 

    I was going to say this as well. The fact that his only job for the duration of the race is to commentate on whatever events are taking place, being able to tell apart the drivers of each team is surely a necessity. Last weekend he was getting Magnussen and Schumacher mixed up from almost the start of the race, and after Magnussen collided with Latifi and ended up out of the race he needed Martin Brundle to step in and correct him because he kept claiming it was Schumacher who took the damage. 

    I’m a semi regular viewer of F1 but if the number of the car is visible I can usually tell the drivers apart, sometimes even by the helmet. I know Ferrari have neon yellow trimming on Sainz’s car so it’s easy to tell him apart from Leclerc. Do other teams make slight distinctions between their cars to make them easier to identify? I can understand the commentators getting mixed up after a big crash or when a car is spinning through the gravel, but Croft gets them mixed up when the live timings and position of each driver are running down the left hand side of the screen. 

  12. 14 minutes ago, LIVIFOREVER said:

    Aye for such a big guy he has a delicate touch dribbling the ball, gets fouled way more than the ref gives him too, always someone grabbing onto his arm/shirt, sometimes 2 and 3 players. If he could score goals he'd be an unbelievable player. That was his first for us, hopefully more will come now he's finally scored. Downside of that would be him not staying at Livi for much longer, but we'd get a few quid for him.

    It makes a difference when a forward can stay in control of the ball for even an extra 2 or 3 seconds under pressure, and then have the composure to make a pass that can set up a dangerous attack. Obviously he was up against it yesterday with Livingston trying to hold on to a lead for large parts of the game, but first half especially he showed some quality forward play. Livingston have been spoiled with forwards that are able to do that; Dykes was excellent at that as well. Compare that to Curtis Main, who gets a ball rattled into his feet and his second touch is a tackle, or more than likely a foul. 

  13. 9 minutes ago, NorthBank said:
    2 hours ago, IrishBhoy said:
    Absolutely. Motherwell and St Mirren are both teams that suffer from their proximity to Ibrox and Parkhead. Paisley is a town with a population of nearly 90,000 people, so any attempt to try and capture the future supporters of the club before they wander up Paisley Road West to Ibrox should be commended. The club have been promoting a scheme where fans can buy tickets at a reduced price so that people who ordinarily couldn’t afford a ticket, can attend a game. I’m sure that’s new for this season coming, and I think it’s something that Motherwell have done for their local community for the last couple of years. That sort of thing seems to be Lasleys aim going by his interviews, so I hope to see more things like that in the future. 

    SMiSA have been buying blocks of tickets for some years to give to local groups so its not a new concept. And The St Mirren Charitable Foundation and the Club have been involved in loads of community initiatives long before the Kibble or Lasley got involved. Lasley may be expanding on some ideas but we have been very much a community club since SMiSA was founded and regularly gave cash to local initiatives.

    That’s good they are doing that but this is the first season I can remember them promoting it so much for other fans to buy tickets. With Kibble being a charity and Smisa being funded by the fans it makes sense for the club to do these kind of initiatives. Lasley does seem to be heavily focused on this sort of community engagement, in the same way Tony Fitzpatrick was too to be fair. 

  14. 45 minutes ago, Boo Khaki said:

    Just to add, when I say 'don't mind running a bit right on exit, that assumes you've got the early apex, you perhaps drift a metre or so off the true apex, then you'll probably still only be a metre or so away from the left on exit. In this last shot you can see that what missing the early apex means for Checo is that he ends up out to the right through the entire corner, where the dust and crap is, and exits far straighter and to the right than he'd ever want to.

    Did it cost him Q3? Hard to say, he was struggling a bit in any case, but I don't think there's any doubt that K-Mag being where he was compromised that corner entirely.


    Still pictures make it hard to convey the speed that the cars are travelling at too. When I initially seen the replay in real time it looked to me like Perez could have turned in later, but looking at that corner now the only way he could have maintained his speed was clipping the apex on the left, and Magnussen was far too close to risk that. I wasn’t even thinking about the debris off the racing line either. All in all it was a horror show for Red Bull with Verstappen unable to put a lap in Q3 either. 

  15. 34 minutes ago, SuperSaints1877 said:

    It would not surprise me if he earns more in a month at Utd than Motherwell could pay as an annual salary.

    I agree I don’t see any chance of Motherwell coming back for Robinson.

    I don’t know why Martindale at Livingston is not considered.

    He has done his time and acknowledged his crime. 

    Or does he have more control at Livingston than just being manager.

    He has done a remarkable job there.

    I think Martindale is one of these managers that just fits a club, the fans are happy with him and he’s happy at the club. That’s not to say he wouldn’t be able to do a good job elsewhere, because he’s proven himself to be a good manager, but I don’t see many scenarios that would cause him to either leave or be sacked. 

    As a St Mirren fan you have to grudgingly respect what Livingston have done since being promoted. They aren’t a fashionable club, have a small but loyal support, and have outperformed St Mirren in the Premiership for the last 2 seasons.  I actually think their squad for the current season is looking stronger than anything they’ve had previously. Annoyingly Martindale always seems to be able to put a team together, and without checking, this must be the first season since they have been back in the Premiership where there hasn’t been a large turnover of the squad. Guys like Holt, Devlin, Fitzwater and Nouble would be starters for St Mirren imo. 

  16. 18 minutes ago, Boo Khaki said:

    The racing line for turn 2 isn't out to the right. You can go around the corner that way if there's traffic, but for an ideal lap the apex is a bit earlier than the true apex of the corner, then you don't mind if it drifts slightly off on exit.

    In the screenshot I've attached you can see Perez is already turning left to hit the early apex, which is the white part you can see directly in front of the Haas. It's clear Perez reacts thinking that if he doesn't adjust the wheel to move back to the right, he's hitting the Haas 100%.  At least, Checo would have been certain there was going to be a collision given that it's impossible for him to know precisely how quickly the Haas is moving.

    I'm not without sympathy for K-Mag because it's unfortunate that Perez has crept up on him at that exact moment. It's unfortunate timing, but as well as being in a place where Checo is likely to hit him if he takes a typical line, he's also right in the eyeline for sighting the apex and would have been a major distraction even if his car was sitting still. If you roll the video forward it's apparent that in actual fact K-Mag was going so slowly that Checo would have been able to maintain his line and avoid a collision anyway, but Checo doesn't know that. If Magnussen had been 5 yards further back up towards 1, or out on the extreme right hand side, there's no issue.



    In this shot you can see that Checo has had to adjust the wheel back to the left slightly and interrupt his turn in -


    Which leaves him wide when he should be to the left -


    That’s pretty conclusive then, I had only seen the moving pictures and thought Perez could have continued further in to the corner whilst keeping right, but that 2nd picture shows that Magnussen is far too close to the apex for Perez to continue on the racing line. It’s bad luck that they have happened to meet each other right at that corner, but surely Red Bull strategists should be telling Perez exactly how much of a gap he needs to build up on his outlap so that kind of situation can’t occur. 

  17. 10 minutes ago, SuperSaints1877 said:

    You did say “surely he will be in the frame for the job” which I wrongly assumed you meant that Motherwell FC would make an approach.

    If it is just based on lazy journalism then I get that.


    To be fair he’s probably on a pretty significant wage at Man United so it’s unlikely the Motherwell job would appeal, unless he genuinely did have aspirations to be a manager in his own right. I have no clue who Motherwell will be going for, but I’m pretty certain it’s not going to be Robinson. 

  18. 2 minutes ago, SuperSaints1877 said:

    Are you being serious with this suggestion?

    Why would the assistant of one of the biggest clubs in the world even be remotely interested in the job at Fir Park?

    Some people prefer being a manager rather than an assistant, he has ties to the club and might see the job as a suitable enough level to enter management at? It wouldn’t be the first time an assistant at a big club has left to become a manager in his own right. I only suggested it because his name always gets thrown in to the ring when the Motherwell job becomes vacant. 

  19. 2 minutes ago, GroundHoppingBear said:

    Be a tough job but good luck to him doing something different. Get the feeling the smaller clubs need to try things like this to step up their ambition. Lots of clubs in Scotland just need a right good shake.

    Absolutely. Motherwell and St Mirren are both teams that suffer from their proximity to Ibrox and Parkhead. Paisley is a town with a population of nearly 90,000 people, so any attempt to try and capture the future supporters of the club before they wander up Paisley Road West to Ibrox should be commended. The club have been promoting a scheme where fans can buy tickets at a reduced price so that people who ordinarily couldn’t afford a ticket, can attend a game. I’m sure that’s new for this season coming, and I think it’s something that Motherwell have done for their local community for the last couple of years. That sort of thing seems to be Lasleys aim going by his interviews, so I hope to see more things like that in the future. 

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