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Posts posted by IrishBhoy

  1. 3 minutes ago, RandomGuy. said:

    Jamieson always stood as one of the young lower league strikers to watch when I looked. Genuinely interested to see how he'd get on if he gets a chance with you this season, although you've a lot of depth up front.

    Do you have any analytics on him? I remember a couple of Caley Thistle fans being quite impressed with him in the Championship last year, but after an initial run of games he fell out the team and ended up at Clyde. He seems to have been threatening to break in to the St Mirren first team squad for years now. 

  2. 3 minutes ago, Day of the Lords said:


    I can't remember it being a problem tbh. It was 8 years ago now but I think we took the service down beyond the dam then rejoined the outward path without too much of an issue. It was after a few days of scorching weather mind you.




    We came from the left hand side down the ladders but mainly the same route. Maybe just the weather we had that day, but if you weren’t falling knee deep in to the bog you were ankle deep in a stream. I would quite like to go back and complete the horseshoe on a clear day, I struggled to enjoy it after adding 2 hours on to the walk. 

    On the way back we stopped at the chip shop in Arrochar as a reward for such a tough day. The place was rammed and they said it was a 20 minute wait for a sausage supper. Usually wee chip shops in places like that are great, so I didn’t mind waiting. When it came the sausages were about an inch and a half long, and the batter was so hard I physically couldn’t eat them.  Obviously I never went back, but when I was going to do The Cobbler last month I noticed it had shut down. Did anyone else use that chippy before? All the signs pointed to it being an excellent chippy, and maybe I just got them on a bad day?

  3. This is something that is said all the time, but people who take their seatbelt off and stand up on a plane the very instant the plane stops moving. Usually they are about 30 rows from the door and at the window seat, and just stand there with their neck bent over at a near 90 degree angle for 15 minutes. 

  4. It’s sometimes hard to tell with the packaged deals if you are getting a bargain or not, especially because I don’t know the courses, but I had heard Panmure was highly regarded. 

    We have also booked the PGA Course at Gleneagles for next Friday. I played it about 6 years back when I was absolutely woeful at golf, and I shot about 160. 1st hole I put my ball into the reeds in front of the green that were staked with red markers. I thought the ground was solid and went charging in only to end up waist high in water. That set the tone for the day. 


  5. 31 minutes ago, Rugster said:

    Standing an inch from the baggage carousel as soon as they get there blocking access to people whose bags are available instead of standing a few feet back to let people in and move forward when your bag arrives. Wankers. 

    This. Even worse when the thing hasn’t even started moving and they are positioning themselves and their trolley like their case is going to be the first one through. 

    I’ve stood back before and just watched my case come round and shouted ‘can you grab that mate?’ To be fair they are usually happy to do it, it’s the only thing going on in their lives. 

  6. 3 hours ago, Day of the Lords said:

    We missed the cairn on Stob Diamh on that route on a crystal clear day. My mate who was on his SECOND FUCKING ROUND dismissed it as a subsidiary top, only to realise his mistake a few mins after we'd walked past it. Surprisingly his suggestion to tag on the Corbett was roundly ignored emoji23.png

    We managed to find the cairn but must have went round it 360 degrees to find the same path we had just came up. How did you find the section between the damn wall and getting back to the road, I’ve heard that even on a dry day it’s bog factor is off the scale. 

    Apparently the hydro damn at Cruachan is a bit of a visitor attraction, and it gets the name ‘The Hollow Mountain’ due to a kilometre long tunnel built through the heart of it, where they keep the turbines and other machinery. I imagine it’s like something from Thunderbirds I wouldn’t mind seeing it. 


  7. Nice top but the white edging on the red collar not meeting in the middle annoys me slightly, it would look better if it was symmetrical. I won’t be buying the top anyway but I always get the full kit for my little cousins in Enniskillen and Coleraine, who think St Mirren are on par with Liverpool and Barcelona mainly because they don’t know who they are and I’ve told them they are massive. 

  8. 20 minutes ago, microdave said:



    Featureless is a very apt description. I met a guy on my way down who told me that the last time he'd been up (decades ago) the path was almost nine existent and was like walking in treacle. I was up Narnain last year and descended down the front which I found pretty tough. I was happy to return via the zig zags last week although there are a few short cuts just to speed the walk up a wee bit when it's most needed.


    Yep Narnain down the front requires a wee bit of concentration. I might be getting mixed up with another Munro but it’s Narnain that has the darker section of rock about half way up called the Spearhead? 

    Talking of clag, me and my friend went and climbed Ben Cruachan and Stob Daimh at the crack of dawn one Monday morning last year. When we started the ascent up Cruachan we could hardly see 5 feet infront of us, but managed to get to the trig with only a couple of detours where the path became boulders. We followed the path round to Stob Daimh easy enough too, and after a couple of minutes at the cairn chose a path which we assumed was the route back down the opposite side of damn. After walking for about an hour, the high winds created a brief visibility window and I noticed that the Cruachan damn was on our left, and not on our right where it should have been. We realised we had completely lost our bearings and were on our way back to the summit of Cruachan, soaked to the bone, with near zero visibility, and an extra 2 hours added on to the walk. The low ground between the damn wall and the train station was an absolute bogfest in to the bargain. Was glad to get back to the car that day. 

  9. 55 minutes ago, jaggyness said:


    I thought MTK had ceased trading? Or is this a different body unwise enough to have the same branding? Not a good look obviously

    I believe they have kept the MTK name for their gyms only, and it’s the promotional side of the business that has folded. I’m unsure why they are using the MTK branding for events like the one quoted though, maybe someone trying to use the name to sell more tickets. 

    I made a post earlier that I deleted, as it named a couple of people involved in Scottish boxing that have had a bit of a fall out. The article below doesn’t go in to too much detail but let’s you know who I mean. There’s a lot more to it than what’s been written, but it’s a bit too close to home to go in to more detail. 


  10. 1 hour ago, stevieKTID said:

    Sounds about right, much like my school days - an academy populated by kids from Dalry, Kilbirnie and Beith what could possibly go wrong?....Quite a lot actually.

    About 10 years back I had a friend that played for Ardeer and I went down to watch him away at Maybole. I had never ventured so deep in to South Ayrshire before, it was like arriving in Royston Vasey. The game ended in a riot and the Ardeer team had to get a police escort out the village. 

    It’s actually good to see how the Ayrshire towns and villages turn out for their local junior teams to be fair, even if most of them usually support one of the OF as well. I’ve got family from Kilbirnie though, and a couple of my cousins support Ladeside and that’s it. Never miss a game, buy the kits etc. They have never been in the company of someone who’s said ‘Beith’ without instantly replying ‘f**k Beith’. 

  11. Just now, djchapsticks said:

    I don't believe for a second Flynn would hang about when offered another year if things were quite as bad under the Robinson regime as being mentioned.

    I must admit I didn’t know Flynn had just signed a contract in the summer when the guy was telling me this, and if I had I would have been asking why he decided to stay for another year under a manager that he despised. I have probably made a mistake posting it here as I wouldn’t like to think I’ve spread false information but it’s probably not that big a deal anyway. 

    I do believe the training ground story has some sort of truth to it, as it would be a very strange thing for someone to make up, but it’s likely it’s been made to sound worse for dramatic effect. 

  12. 17 minutes ago, Drooper said:

    Jim McLean and Alex Ferguson were what could be described as abrasive characters. They were also successful football managers. There are numerous other examples.

    Clearly, none of us want someone who is an abusive arsehole at the club, however Flynn is a mature, experienced player, so it would be hoped he could formally call anything too untoward out through the established channels. I acknowledge it is easy for me to say, and definitely more tricky for younger players and staff.

    Tittle-tattle can be corrosive, though, and I wonder if Flynn would appreciate his mate sharing this stuff with random folk at parties....

    I agree, I don’t think Flynn would be too happy at his pal telling a St Mirren fan he had met for 30 seconds about incidents that had happened at training. As I said above I do think the stories were slightly embellished to make them sound more dramatic. He was quite specific in some of the details, but I won’t post any of that on here when ultimately its a third hand story from a guy in a pub. 

  13. 15 hours ago, invergowrie arab said:

    Yesterday on Sportsound Ian Maxwell explained it won't be a panacea, winter be perfect, won't look at every decision, decisions will still be taken by a human and they won't know yet how you communicate the information to fans.

    To which nobody thought to ask why we are doing it?


    If Ian Maxwell is involved in any way then I can be pretty confident in saying that it’s going to be an unmitigated disaster from the get go. The guy would struggle to run a raffle in a bowling club with 6 weeks notice, how he’s managed to get in to the position that he’s in at the SFA is mind boggling. 

  14. 6 minutes ago, Hendo said:

    None of this would entirely surprise me. Robinson always struck me as quite agitated and abrasive on the sidelines, in contrast to JG who seemed much calmer by comparison. Having said that, there do seem to be a lot of players who are keen to link up with him again, so maybe some players are happy with that style.

    That’s what I was thinking too, I could imagine Robinson getting heated with the players at training. The guy also said that Flynn told him Robinson is despised among last seasons squad, but I find that harder to believe. 

    It’s possible that Flynn has told this guy a couple of stories that are probably quite normal for a training ground, and the guy is blowing them out of proportion to make himself sound like he knows more than he does. 

  15. On 25/06/2022 at 09:46, stevieKTID said:

    I was at a Dalry Thistle v Auchinleck Talbot game in the early 90s and a guy staggered onto the pitch and swung a punch at the ref, did he get ejected from the ground? Did he f*CK! 10 minutes later he reappeared and tried to punch the Auchinleck keeper, full on pitch invasion with fight's all over, I remember looking at the guy that started it all and he was in the net being battered by players and fans and he was trying to bite through the net to escape, the Ayrshire juniors has always been a bit mental.

    My pal played centre half for Kilbirne Ladeside for a couple of seasons. They were playing Beith in, I think, the Evening Times Cup early in the season one year, and I travelled down with him to take it in. Because he was playing he had to be there a couple of hours before the game, so I just sat in his car drinking a few cans waiting for the turnstiles to open.

    About an hour and a half before the game I glanced in the wing mirror and thought I was hallucinating. 6 police on horseback trotting through the car park, followed by one of those police vans that has a big 360 degree CCTV camera on top. About 10 minutes before the game started I decided to make my way in, receiving a full pat down from the police before I went through the turnstile. Not much actually happened apart from about 50 neds jumping the wall at half time and running across to the small group of Beith fans to shout at them, but the police presence was unreal. 

    A boy I used to play football with plays with Irvine Meadow, and the last time I was speaking to him he told me about a game against Irvine Vics where a fan ran on the pitch and tried to put a bottle of Buckfast over his head. Ayrshire is a different planet. 

  16. On 23/06/2022 at 17:09, microdave said:

    Beinn Ime today and I feel broken. It's my first decent hill of this year and I now think I should've started with a Corbett (such as the Cobbler). There were a few times that I almost gave up because I didn't think I could make it but I'm glad I carried on because I didn't actually have much more to go. It was covered in mist which meant I couldn't see the summit and I think that was hampering me. I've included a pic of the Cobbler which was looking magnificent today. 1e8173798d0619dd677f6602ee486bd1.jpg48eb8defd20747710bf10092722335db.jpg

    Ime is definitely the most featureless Munro in that area. I combined it with Beinn Narnain the first time up it, and before I went Ime was described to me as being ‘an unrelenting slog’, which turned out to be quite accurate. You could have made your return route a bit more interesting by scaling the boulders up the back of Narnain to its summit, and descending down the front of Narnain taking the path that leads almost back to Succoth car park, missing out the never ending zig zag path. 

  17. Just now, Torfason said:

    Not sure Bud, why give Flynn a new deal?

    Did Flynn just get a new deal in the summer? Well that maybe points towards this guy talking nonsense then. As I say it’s not anything close to a reliable source but I didn’t think he had any reason to lie. I’m pretty certain he is close friends with Flynn though as he’s pictured with him all over his social media, and again it’s not the kind of thing someone would lie about, I hope. 

    The guy was a Celtic fan who seemed to know an awful lot about the goings on at St Mirren, too much for your average Celtic fan, so that’s what made me think there might be something to what he was claiming. 

  18. On 24/06/2022 at 16:24, ICTChris said:

    Not seen much in the press about this story, I'd have thought it would've been big news.

    The Sunday World crime team put out a podcast about the story, it's mainly just a rehash of the whole MTK timeline but one thing they did say was that a senior Irish policeman had said that there are 600 named individuals involved with the Kinahans who are affected, Fury is obviously one of them.  It was reported elsewhere that Matthew Macklin was previously refused entry - he partnered with Kinahan in MTK intially so it's perhaps not surprising he's been affected.  

    Fury has only had Kinahan as an advisor, officially, but attended Kinahan's wedding and was photographed with him.  I wonder if Josh Taylor, who was also advised by Kinahan, might also be affected by this.  Billy Joe Saunders is another boxer who was close to Kinahan.  If Fury has been sanctioned then these guys must be in the firing line as well.

    I’m actually surprised that Macklin has got such an easy ride from the media over this so far. He was the puppet owner of MTK, previously Macklins Gym Marbella, and has been photographed with Kinahan and other well known Irish gangsters multiple times over the years. He’s called Kinahan one of his best friends in previous interviews, but unless I’ve missed it hasn’t spoken a word on the matter since the American authorities slapped the $5 million bounties on the Kinahans heads. He’s still employed as a commentator on Sky even though he was refused entry to the USA a few weeks ago, so the American authorities must have something on him.

    It’s a tricky subject for the boxing fraternity to bring up, because it seems near enough all of them were happy to play along with the ‘legitimate businessman, great for boxing’ patter, fully aware of what Kinahan was involved in but either too scared to say it, or happy to look the other way while the money was getting pumped in.

  19. 9 hours ago, raith_94 said:

    Simeone's Athletico Madrid

    That’s one team I always want to come out on top tbh. When they had guys like Turan, Koke, Costa, Godin etc. they were the absolute kings of shithousery. I always enjoy watching teams that know they will struggle to win playing fair, so try every trick in the book to gain an advantage. Even better when they were getting beat by a few goals and started acting like a Sunday league team, trying to break legs rather than getting a goal back. 

     They aren’t as good a footballing team these days so the shithouse tactics don’t work as well, but even last season against Liverpool they still done a half decent job of dragging Liverpool down to their level. The English commentators absolutely hate it as well which is an added bonus. 

  20. Met a guy at my friends birthday party last night who claimed to be a friend of Ryan Flynn. Some of the stuff he was claiming he had been told by Flynn doesn’t paint Robinson in the best light to say the least, and if what he said has any truth behind it I wouldn’t expect to see either Flynn or Erhahon playing any sort of part in the coming season. Obviously it’s not the best source but the guy seemed genuine, and told me this unprompted after I said I supported St Mirren. 

    Some of the stuff he did say may explain a few of the terrible performances near the end of last season, apparently Robinson is a very abrasive character and doesn’t seem to mind butting heads with the players at training, quite literally in the case of Flynn and Erhahon. 


  21. On 25/06/2022 at 14:52, Honest_Man#1 said:

    As much as I hope it’s a major failure and I’ll be gutted as a fan if it picks up more momentum, I find it really hard to begrudge any of the golfers taking the money. .

    That’s exactly my take on it. I’m selfishly annoyed that it could possibly take away some of the top players competing against each other, but at the same time I can completely understand the guys jumping ship. If I was ranked 300 on the OWGR and offered the chance to play in a 48 man tournament with no cut, playing against some absolute jobbers for a ridiculous amount of money, then I can’t sit here hand on heart and say I wouldn’t go. The source of the money would definitely be an issue for me, but weighing that up against setting yourself and your full family up for life may be too much to turn down. 

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