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Everything posted by EdinburghLivi

  1. Apparently, the Livi "Fighting Fund" is over £10,000 now. An excellent effort.
  2. The debt was wiped clean after Keane's reign and Flynn raised a manageable level of debt. 99% of the blame goes to Massone for making us spend way out of our means and not puting any money in to counter that.
  3. The 'trust' to Rankine is not blinded, complete trust so to speak, the fans realise the deals that he's pulled off with stadiums and the fact that he generally tries to make money off of it. However, we do realise that he's got us out of a hole and we have to be thankful for that. As I've said, if I get the chance at a meeting, I'm going to ask him what his plans for the stadium are. I have no problem in moving if it is in our best means. Almondvale is a great stadium but it's just not sustainable at this moment.
  4. The club didn't choose to not pay debts, Madsone did. The club is so much more than simply Madsone as proven by the players and staff who weren't paid/paid late for months on end, still staying at the club through loyalty.
  5. Yeah, Bollan certainly has contacts we could utilise. I would hope he doesn't go for young players though as that's not what we need.
  6. Hope so. Bollan needs to, simply, or we are destined to be relegated if we hit a bad spot with injuries. Of course, this will be at the same time as we are trying to decrease the wage budget significantly so we need to get good players to sign cheap. Yeah, easy as pie
  7. You didn't see the players we have in reserve, playing today
  8. I doubt anything will happen to us from the SFL but we'll get relegated automatically anyway.
  9. Did the Gretna Trust or a potential buyer have a sound business plan with them for their meeting with the SFL? Serious question.
  10. Hmm... I reckon Raith could be struggling this season, VT. Better make it -109 points just to make sure.
  11. In that case you have been misinformed as pointed out by LLD earlier. I was replying to someone laughing at the idea of us taking that much to a game. No need to get all sanctimonious on me for replying to an ignorant person.
  12. For the record, we did take at least 400 of the crowd today. I'd be surprised if it wasn't closer to 500.
  13. I imagine cuts will have to be made if that's the case. I can't see Rankine or McDougall dipping into their pockets to make us break even every week. We simply cannot get to that level of debt again.
  14. To be honest, I don't know the main details of the finances so I'm not going into it in more detail than I have (digging myself out of the hole ) but I'm certainly pleased that we won't be spending more than we have coming in to chase some ludicrous dream. That was the message I was trying to get across, I obviously don't see that as the main business plan.
  15. Not really. If they keep to their promise (I see no reason why not) then that means the club is sustainable as an entity going forward. We're not going to end up in hundreds of thousands debt if we run the club like that as opposed to the way Madsone was running it, as Ged Nixon comically said spending "£6 per pound in recent times".
  16. I think you've missed my drift. What I mean is that for every pound that the club earns, the club will only spend 99.5p of it. Leaving .5p per pound for something else.
  17. As I also said on LiviLions, I will attend any demonstration that is started up to stop this man getting involved in another small Scottish club, as long as it's within a reasonable distance. I can't drive yet
  18. Ged Nixon and an elected member from the Trust will be on the board. We were also insured that no politics would be taking place and that no blazers will be allowed on the board for the sake of it. They will all be doing a job. That's a lie. Not once has our support not "even come close to three figures", you are talking rubbish. While we may have been under on a few occasions, there is no question that we were close to 100. That's nothing to be proud of but there is no need to lie. As I've said before Duncan Freemason isn't a current creditor of Livingston FC. He was shafted in the 2004 admin, which as I've said was disgraceful. There are a few concerns I currently have with the way the club is being run. Firstly, I want to know what Rankine wants to do with the stadium. If I get a chance to see him at some point, I will ask him directly. I have no problem with moving stadiums if it's in our best interests with much lower running costs but I want to be informed that we will be moving, this is essential. My second concern is the fact that they said that they will be paying the WLC and HMRC in full but going to a CVA with the small creditors. Surely a payment plan could be knocked up so that they can get their money back over a period of time. As I said on LiviLions, it's not the WLC and HMRC that are struggling through the recession, it's the small businesses. I'd hope that these businesses are offered free hospitality along with their CVA, if that's what it comes to. Otherwise, I was extremely impressed with the words coming out of Ged Nixon's mouth especially the line "this club won't spend anything more than 99.5p for every pound it earns" and I am optomistic for the long-term club's future. It could be the case that we suffer a point deduction (morally, I'd prefer that as long as it wasn't excessive) and get relegated but I have no doubt that we can progress as a club with these guys in charge in the long-term with us working hard with the business community and the people of Livingston.
  19. I will be there, Livi top out in force.

  20. There is a credible plan which has just about been accepted by the administrator but it can't happen because Massone won't hand over his shares Massone bought a debt of around £300k and has since increased it to £1.7m (according to the Admin figures). Who's fault is that?
  21. No, Massone killed the club. West Lothian didn't help admittedly but Massone had the chance to save it while pocketing some cash himself and chose not to. Unforgivable.
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