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Everything posted by EdinburghLivi

  1. Give me a break, we haven't beaten Clyde yet!

    We'll hump you when we have beaten them though ;)

  2. Your general posting is what 'annoys' me, not your agenda on here. Actually over 1200 there at Almondvale today. Not amazing but of an acceptable 3rd division standard. The only thoughts going through my head were "That promotion champagne is going to taste so sweet" and "The farmers canny beat Killie? They're heading back where they belong."
  3. Your few hours absence from the thread was bliss. Couldn't you have made it permanent? And "cunty" would be slightly too far, despite how much of an annoying c**t you are Mon the... *goes away to check* Killie!
  4. Indeed they do, Charles. Usually goes along the lines of "Pahahahaha! U'Ve GOt 21 wan thoosand post?!!!!!! gO AWay and shag A GIRl, ya sad p***k!"
  5. I'm surprised you never mentioned his post count. That one always goes down a storm.
  6. I was going to say G_Man's wife before caleycasual got in before me Where has this "incisive" bollocks come from?
  7. I'd be in favour of a points deduction too, if my team were destined to be trailing behind in second place all season.
  8. I get you now. I originally thought you were trying to do some maths there. Should have known considering you are from Greenock
  9. I think that's only 200-2 to the Livi Bashers now. Keep it up, my friend
  10. I love when we can get on our high horse briefly with mongs like that on your side. Of course that is a very polarized view on the issue but it works for me
  11. You've never been near a tractor in your life? Are you are reclus... Oh wait, now I understand.
  12. Fair enough. Debt of course, is still achievable in other ways. I'm judging your club by your club's history. Nothing to do with mine.
  13. And who is to say that the HBOS debt won't rack up again when Melville leaves?
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