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Everything posted by Todders

  1. All that proves it that opinion polls are completely useless (as if the 2011 election had not already taught us that).
  2. And if the Callahan government had not betrayed the people of Scotland in the 79 referendum there would have been no withdrawal and no motion of no confidence. Anyway, the Callahan government were already over 4 years into their term so an election would have been called that same year anyway and if you think Labour would have won ANY subsequent election then you're an idiot. Perhaps you should actually read up on the events for yourself rather than just unthinkingly parroting what you hear from other unionist non-thinkers.
  3. There's definitely a period of quiet before the storm. Once the EU elections are out of the way and we're into the regulated period from next weekend things will gradually start to pick up again.
  4. I suspect very few Yes voters will be upset by that (if any). Why would we be?
  5. There is no guarantee of further devolution post implementation of the 2012 act. So, yes it really is.
  6. Anybody with any sense can see that poll for what it is. Nothing more than a cynical attempt to try and move the discussion towards ethnicity. Rags like The Times would like nothing more than see a rise in anti-English sentiment and this is nothing but an attempt to provoke such a reaction.
  7. Been listening to an MP3 rip of this non-stop. Can't wait for the new album. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d5WKnXWdmyQ
  8. Typical Lib Den non-answer. We can see there AdLib gets it from.
  9. "Parses"? And you wonder why people think you're a nob?
  10. Wouldn't extending truth result in even more truth?
  11. Have any of the unions who have backed the No campaign actually balloted their members on it? So far the only ones I can find are GMB (who most certainly did not ballot their members), Community Steel Workers Union (which doesn't even have a purely Scottish branch) and USDAW (who are so far up Labours back passage that they actually have a section dedicated to them on their website).
  12. Bruce Springsteen - The Ghost of Tom Joad (new version from High Hopes...freakin brilliant!!!)
  13. Has the final bill for setting up a tax collecting system in Scotland come in yet? Or are you just saying the estimate in the White Paper is wrong based on somebody elses estimate?
  14. Andrew Neil - "What are the odds on us winning the third test?" Us???
  15. I hear he's a great admirer of yours too.
  16. The UK currently cannot afford to support itself. What would we have to lose by going independent?
  17. I'm not being incinerated by one of the many fires raging around SYdney and I can go to the pub in 17 minutes. https://twitter.com/search?q=%23NSWFires&src=hash
  18. People who say (or even worse...write) "would of" instead of "would have".
  19. The new album is cracking IMO. Very different to what they usually do but works so well. 30-Year War is a standout for me...and apparently is the link to their next album coming out next April. Promising.
  20. Manics - Running Out Of Fantasy New album is amazing byrway!
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