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Everything posted by Todders

  1. What feature? Procedural generation has been in games since 1984.
  2. Cambridge? Reckon I'll be giving that a miss. Bound to be quite a few Cameron'esque pig fuckers in the audience.
  3. She tweets like a bloody fortune cookie. Weirdo.
  4. I haven't played for a while now. I just couldn't get into the whole Powerplay thing so there have been no major updates I'm interested in for aaaaaages. I'm sitting with a virtually indestructible Vulture and 90M credits in the bank. I hope the planetary landings add a new dimension to the gameplay.
  5. Do you even condemn Lizzy Windsor-mount-gothenburg-schnitzel... Or what ever the hell her real name is?
  6. You'll have to narrow that down. There was no shortage of foaming at the mouth unionist ranters during the referendum build up.
  7. Without a shadow of a doubt.
  8. We Jockostani's need the firm guiding hand of the English master race to tell us what to think and do.
  9. I doubt, if asked, anybody would say that they support an ridiculous, uncontrolled and insane immigration policy.
  10. Isn't that the exact opposite of what was just posted re Irvine Welsh? You really are a tool.
  11. So only people living in Scotland should give a damn what happens to the country? Get a grip!
  12. Guardians of the Galaxy Fired it up thinking it would be a more kiddy version of Avengers but was pleasantly surprised. It's a great action comedy with some great lines and characters. 8.5/10
  13. Imagine publications for the European Paliament being in foreign languages! It's political correctness gone mad I tell thee!!! Seems like a classy woman.
  14. There may be more wipes in the pipeline. I think there's a partial wipe for beat 3 (keep your money but lose your ship). I'm pretty sure there will be another wipe for the "gamma" phase but that should be the last.
  15. I've not problem with any of that. All other large production games go through similar processes, it's just that it's not visible to the public. It's a massively complex game so needs a horrendous amount of testing and tweaking to get the balance right. It's also pretty revolutionary in the way it is handling the multiplayer code to avoid reliance on big server farms so that we don't need to play a monthly subscription or suffer game-breaking pay-to-win addons to keep the whole thing generating revenue to survive.
  16. Pretty damn good for a beta I have to say. It is leaps and bounds ahead of where Star Citizen is right now (which comes across as a giant cash extracting machine to me). Like I said, still buggy as hell and not all features have been implemented but it is very playable and if you're a fan of the original or Frontier you'll love it. There's a massive update out next week (beta 3) so I suspect we'll see a bit more feature rich and polished experience.
  17. It's a public beta and it's being openly talked about on Frontier Developments own forums. There's no NDA. There's even countless videos of gampeplay on Youtube.
  18. Eh? It's been in beta stage for ages. Currently version 2.06 with beta 3 due at the end of the month.
  19. I've been playing the beta since it launched and i'm absolutely hooked (and I pretty much gave up gaming years ago). Yes, it's buggy and prone to crashes etc but it is a beta after all.
  20. You could apply that same logic to every single poll the britnats were furiously wanking over.
  21. My English mate, now living in Sydney, who spent 15 years living in Aberdeen and Edinburgh has gone from a "independence is a load of pish. You can't afford it" type to "if I was still in Scotland i'd vote Yes" type. I just had a wee indyref chat with him over a few lunch time beers and he's actually shocked at how piss poor the No campaign has been. If we can convert him (even though he doesn't have a vote any more) we can convert anybody. GAME ON!!!
  22. I have an issue with all polls. They are all a pile of pish.
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