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Scotty Tunbridge

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Everything posted by Scotty Tunbridge

  1. The UEFA thing today won’t really put any pressure on us. It probably just dispels any myth about restarting this season at any point. Our ‘plan’ will be to end this season as is and the reconstruction vote/action group will still go on past 25th of May IMO.
  2. Tony Bellew - c**t? Fash - definite c**t.
  3. Anyone watch the new version of this on ITV tonight? Beat the Chasers. The chess clock style of gameplay is an interesting new take but the questions were much easier. Also I feel atleast 2 of the contestants tonight were plants. The first guy reeked of being one very glad he lost, smug scouse c**t.
  4. Xenophobia kicking in with everyone ecstatic about getting ‘the English boays’ out. I imagine some will leave like Davies (member we turned down actual money for him) and Hunt who have been shite. Despite what Maitland says just now we will be talking to the likes of McGowan, Oakley and Gogic in the near future about signing new deals.
  5. Some guy called Paul Joseph Watson (@PrisonPlanet) having an absolute headsgone about Piers Morgan blocking him, then turned his attention to Limmy about him ‘not defending his countryman’ referring to the unfunny nazi dog guy. I’m through the looking glass I may be a while reading through it all.
  6. Templeton signs a 2 year extension. Lovely, pleasing he wants to finish his career here by the looks of it.
  7. Looking forward to his Saturday Night Spectacular on YouTube tonight if up or tomorrow. Who wouldn’t want to watch him get pished and answer some questions. Agreed he is fantastic in commentary really making AEW watchable during this time.
  8. Moronic OP. Would not surprise me if the Barclays starts back behind closed doors but they have a multi million TV Deal to subsidise for the lack of fans. We barely have a penny to rub together in tv money. Stupid.
  9. Jim’s facial expressions when he was asked at first if he likes rice pudding made the episode.
  10. Also does anyone still actually care about the Scottish National team more than their own club? If given the choice between watching Accies scrape to 10th place with a boring 0-0 draw against St Mirren and avoid relegation or seeing Scotland qualifying and getting out the group stages of a major tournament, I’d choose Hamilton avoiding relegation every day of the week. National football is an inconvenience imo.
  11. As much as that post a few above is made up of broken English the main part is exactly what Celtic/Sevco would do. Get to f**k.
  12. Back as Perkin Tory, sorry Perkin Flump. I’d want to speak to the organ grinder and not the monkey (no racist).
  13. What the f**k has she done to her eyes?
  14. Enjoyed seeing Fash punching Joey Essex in the mush.
  15. I’ve been flabbergasted by Hamilton/Gray voting for unpopular league decisions for no good reason in the past mainly around 2012...
  16. Was just coming on to post Gray’s article myself. Interesting to hear but not surprising he opposes a temporary re-construction I imagine he’ll be on the side of 14/16 teams permanently or no re-construction. While the wicked Witch of Midlothian tries to push though temporary measures. Only disappointing part is that he said he would vote for temporary reconstruction if right for the club. I imagine because Gray is on the task force we will be voting yes for it along with Hearts and Hibs even if it is temporary as they can’t be seen to be shooting down what they’ve proposed. So would still need to find 2 no’s from the rest in that case.
  17. I always thought Tuffey was a good keeper in the old First Division days, or maybe he just always had stormers against us.
  18. Hamilton have been blessed with usually always good keepers over the years especially for as long as I can remember. The best ones:- Tomas Cerny & Michael McGovern. The worst:- David Hutton for being ridiculously shite over nearly a full season. While Darren Jamieson takes the honour of having one of the worst individual performances in recent times. Even average keepers like Woods, Southwood, Matthews and Cuthbert did well for the season or 2 they were number one.
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