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Posts posted by 7-2

  1. Doncaster said on radio tonight that the SPL Board would make the decision. He didnt mention anything about the rest having any say whatsoever.

    So, how would they vote?

    I'd guess-

    Ralph Topping (SPL Chairman)...For Rangers

    Neil Doncaster (SPL Chief Executive)...For Rangers

    Eric Riley (Celtic FC)...For Rangers

    Stephen Thompson (Dundee United FC)...Against Rangers

    Derek Weir (Motherwell FC)...For Rangers

    Steven Brown (St Johnstone FC)...For Rangers, embarrassingly.

    We're definitely fucked.

  2. Sites like Rangers Media do have an overwhelmingly majority of arseholes that post on it. They really are a clueless bunch, who believe that world only exists to support them and them only. Anything outside of there "la la land" is of no consequence to them it seems.

    Dont forget this lot are online. You are reading the work of the intelligent ones. Imagine the mindset of the tens of thousands that are too thick to use a computer.

  3. This 'there must be 4 OF league games' bit in the Sky deal. What happens if Rangers actually are liquidated and aren't around to complete the 4th bigotfest this season or one of the OF finished in the bottom 6 during a normal league season?

    No matter how unlikely it would have looked at the time of drawing up the contract, surely Sky would have included some sort of get out clause, just in case.

  4. SSN interviews with Yorkston, Gilmour, and Johnston. The usual public statements of 'we need a strong OF'... 'we must consider the financial implications....' ,

    I know they're only sound bites, but they really just confirm our fears that there will be absolutely no change to Scottish football as we diddies continue to put short term, leaching off the OF before the long term good of the game.

    Scottish football = Plus ca change.

    Very depressing.

  5. You're somewhat under-estimating even with the £700k because the SPL still has operating costs and payments to make to SFL (which would go down as it's index-linked but would still be notable)... however, even if we worked on a basis of £700k lost per club in prizemoney, that's a huge wedge out of smaller clubs turnovers and wage funds. Hence their twitchyness.

    We don't know what Sky-ESPN would offer if Rangers went, but it'd be a fraction of £13M. Naming rights are up for renewal next year. Rangers also take bigger travelling supports.

    That's why a lot of other SPL clubs, especially ones servicing bank debts, are probably sweating perfusely.

    It's purely back of a beer mat stuff I agree but I still feel that the sums involved show that it's nonsense about us needing an OF to survive. Some clubs will need to have a lean few years to get their budgets in line but there is no reason at all why life without the bigot brothers is not feasible. In fact it's essential for Scottish football to survive.

    However the small minded, short sighted Chairmen will simply take the easy way out and ensure Rangers 1690 will be back in the SPL with minimum delay, normal service resumed and a few more nails knocked in the game's coffin.

  6. Withouth both the OF? Absolutely no chance.

    Driver of TV value is 4 OF derbies + 34 other OF away games + 3-4 Edinburgh derbies (provided both are in the division) + about 20 other games as fillers for schedules. Naming rights rest upon the profile of the league, which rest upon the size and profile of its clubs and its media exposure (i.e. TV etc.).

    Even just without Rangers we're not going to even approach 92% = 89% figures I posted, surely.

    Say we only got £5m total in the non- OF dream land. That's a drop of £7m from what they currently get ie £700k per club in theory. Even rounding it up to 1m to allow for the ever decreasing away support income, it's sad that our chairmen would be willing to keep the non competitive set up for what in the overall scheme of things is a relatively small amount of money given what they are effectively selling ie Scottish football.

  7. Domestic TV deal is worth £13M this season... and coupled with overseas TV, highlights and radio deals, naming rights (£2M per season), ball rights, etc. etc. the entire SPL prizefund was "over £17M" in 2010-11 says Doncaster. After the overall total was reduced by the £1.8M annual settlement to SFL, £250k + £125k parachute payments, operating costs, etc.

    Using exactly £17.5M as the prizemoney figure, payments would have been:

    Winner = £2.9M

    Runner-up = £2.6M

    Third = £1.6M

    Fourth = £1.4M

    then basically down in increments of £100k.

    Top 2 take 32%, middle 4 take 33.5%, last 6 take 34.5%.

    Press says 2nd v 3rd is worth "over £900k".

    EDIT: Basically, for no club to lose out*, a Rangers-less prizemoney pot would need to be 89% of the current prizemoney pot.

    Since SFL payment, parachutes and operating costs are fairly fixed, that means that the SPL's Rangers-less income would need to be perhaps 92% of current income, if SPL's operating costs are ~£1M.

    Would sponsors/TV/etc. pay 9/10ths of what they currently do, basically.

    *i.e. bump everyone 3rd-12th up 1 place keeping current %s and give new 12th another 0.5% increment less.

    Excellent HJ. Many thanks. (I looked it through with the Sheldon voice reading it to mewink.gif)

    So basically the non OF clubs have £12 million total sponsorship income to share between them as things stand. Do you think we'd get anywhere near that without the OF?

  8. ... they're far less vital to the financial health of their fellow 71 FL clubs, than Rangers are to their fellow 11 SPL clubs.

    You're the man to answer this HJ. Tried in another thread but no luck.

    How much does the SPL actually get from SkyESPN and what does each SPL club get out from it? I know it's dependent upon league position and I'm interested to see exactly how much we diddies are left with after the bigot brothers have creamed off the lions share, normally.

    It won't happen of course but if these b*****ds were ever allowed to die, I don't think we'd need as much from any tv deal without the OF than is being made out.

  9. I am not sure Rangers make it public. I only read about 1 person being banned at the game and that was for smoking a joint..TBH if they had banned anybody i would have probably heard on Follow Follow so yes the club were at fault in this instance..badly at fault

    Glad you see it that way. I hope that will also see an end to the zero tolerance claim as even you can see now it's not true.

  10. I know i am repeating myself here but i agree with you. I said so in the match thread and i said so above..It was fucking madness and i was standing shaking my head in disbelief. I was one of the ones in the Govan rear who shouted down the nutters trying to start up TBB. There is only so much i can do as an individual..I cant stop 35,000 from singing a song. I can let those around me know how i feel though and i do...within reason

    I appreciate what you're saying but surely the fact that Rangers have 35000 guilty parties to choose from and they have banned nobody shows that they don't have a zero tolerance policy. It's more of a token gesture policy.

  11. I was in the ground and i know excatly what you heard...You certainly did not hear 90 minutes of sectarian singing..You heard a song.

    As for the Big Brother cctv...maybe that is why 700+ supporters have been banned. A boy who sits in front me got a letter warning him about his future conduct for shouting abuse at the referee a few weeks back..Nothing sectarian just a bit loud and they said 'overly aggressive' :rolleyes:

    Even one song is illegal. Given Rangers have zero tolerance to sectarianism these days, how many season ticket holders and supporters did they ban following this incident?

  12. In a footballing sense... and this is afterall a forum whose raison detre is the beautiful game as opposed to say being for bankers... them going into liquidation isn't really the big deal in itself, I'd argue.

    The big deal would be what happened next.

    What happens to Ibrox and Murray Park.

    Is a transfer-of-share attempted, and is so, does it prevail.

    Is another club bought-up, or a brand-new club formed.

    We all know that Rangers 1690 FC will be formed and immediately re-entered into the SPL allowing Scottish football to continue as per usual asap.

  13. During the debate into this afternoons statements from Whyte and the administrators both Jim Traynor and Chick Young both said there were things that would come out in the next few days that would shock Rangers fans. When liquidation was mentioned Traynor said something along the lines of that wont happen and that history would not be lost but something would come out that would.

    Has Whyte sold the naming rights to Ibrox?

    I cannot think of anything else that would break a historic link and cause Rangers fans to be shocked.

    Not the name. He's probably sold Ibrox itself. Ground share with QP from now on...finding the 6 months rental deposit might be a problem though.

  14. Just been on the OS and saw this :-

    Fans wishing to buy tickets for the FA Cup fourth round replay against Tottenham are advised that the date of the game has now been switched.

    The proposed date was Tuesday February 2 (7.45pm), but the game will now take place Wednesday February 3 (7.45pm) due to TV coverage.

    The game will be screened live on ITV 1.

    Thats now the same night as the Saints v Rangers CIS Cup semi at an empty Hampden. Will the Leeds game be shown in Scotland or will Bridget Jones Diary get another airing?

  15. Excellent good on them. I remember our key rings, mugs, pictures etc specially commissioned in conjunction with the PA, when we beat the worst Rangers team in recent times in the Cup at Ibrox. wink.gif

    Local rag tries to cash in and make a quick buck? How rare! The PA would bring out a special edition if someone from Perthshire had a 2 second audition on the X Factor if it meant they could make a few more pennies. smile.gif

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