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Posts posted by 7-2

  1. Rangers Media have got yet another quality thread on the go.....


    Yeah, lets give tickets to a club in administration to sell and wait expectantly for the money :rolleyes:

    I'm sure HarrogateBlue will be about 25 stones, have full colour tatoos of King Billy on one fore arm and the Queen on the other with the kerb outside house painted red, white and blue. What a complete nut job.

    As for calling 'Brown' the enemy who is first to destroy Rangers. It again shows how little these morons know of the real world given that Steve will sadly be one of the first to vote the bigots back in if it comes to it.

  2. Guranteed to turn a blind eye and deaf ear to the unsavoury behaviour.

    Indeed, but I was interested in No8's reply and of course he didn't let me down. The stewards are wonderful, just as all things Rangers.

    I didn't realise they took stewards to all games. I thought it was just selected fixtures. I cant believe clubs agree to such an arrangement and see no benefit to it at all, apart from maybe the occasional weegie steward being less intimidated by numerous other weegie low life and able to taken token action. Otherwise, we have Rangers stewards controlling Rangers fans by Rangers standards as if they were at Ibrox. No wonder they get to stand and sing their filth with little done to stop them.

    Have to say that whilst my loathing for this club grows every day, my respect for all we diddy clubs falls at the same time when the amount of rolling over to have our tummies tickled by the bigot brothers becomes clearer.

  3. He also bought the heavily in debt Stockport County FC and transferred ownership of their ground to his rugby team before handing the football club over to the fans with the debt still intact (but minus a stadium). Then his rugby club started to charge the football club rent.

    What a b*****d. Totally fucked over County, giving the supporters what they wanted, and then didn't care a jot what happened to them afterwards.

    February 2012...


    Sale Sharks owner Brian Kennedy has eased Stockport County's current financial problems by waiving their rent for the past six months.

    County's Edgeley Park home is owned by Cheshire Sports, a Kennedy companyCounty chairman Lord Peter Snape said: "Cheshire Sports has suspended payment of all stadium occupancy costs for a number of months.

    "This support is to the sum of £75,000 and will help alleviate the cash constraints being felt by the club."

    "The board has been approached by Cheshire Sports and Brian Kennedy during the last month looking to explore what assistance they could offer to help Stockport County in the short and longer term," Snape added.

    "These discussions are still ongoing and there are many topics under review. However, the club would like to make public its thanks and appreciation to Brian Kennedy for this generous offer of assistance.

    "In placing its public thanks on record, the board would like to ensure that all the supporters of Stockport County appreciate this assistance has been offered without pre-condition and makes a significant contribution to the welfare and success of the club.

    "We are also in discussions with Cheshire Sports and Brian Kennedy regarding further sponsorship arrangements.

    Hell has no fury like a green bigot trying to discredit the blue ones.

  4. Politically, he can hardly be seen to say anything other then he hopes for a CVA at this stage.

    He didn't say that he hoped for a CVA though...he said he thought everybody in Scotland wants Rangers to get a CVA and move onwards as the club they are now. Massive difference and nothing could be further from the truth. He should stick to speaking for himself and Dunfermline instead of the whole nation.

  5. Seems to me that the latest twist is another attempt by Duff & Duffer to draw out the process even longer? If legal battles are ongoing they could take months or even years!

    Will we know what the position is in time for the new fixtures being released in June?

    Do the SPL have the same requirement as the SFL about a club being able to prove it has the means to fulfill it's fixtures for the coming season otherwise you're out? That's what eventually did for Livi I think.

  6. John Yorkston....."I think everybody in scotland wants rangers to get a CVA and move onwards as the club they are now."

    It really makes my blood boil when I read/hear crap like this. You think wrong Mr Yorkston, you think wrong. Totally out of touch with reality.

    Where is the balanced reporting any media is meant to present? Even allowing for the succulent lamb brigade, the non voice given to the anti Rangers stance is a disgrace.

  7. and SFA got them up before the Headie today

    We all know how that'll go...

    Headie opens his office door...'RANGERS, get in here this minute and sit down. You've been a very naughty boy'

    Headie closes his office door...'Alright lads. Help yourself to the single malt. I got that box of Havana's you mentioned. Right, I've started to get the new league set up you wanted in place....'

  8. In the rest of the world all he talks about is how this deal will benefit Singapore. ie rankgers will be a feeder club for Asia where their players will go into the "shop window", be sold for a few quid extra and it will wind its way back to singapore.

    Sounds like Mr Ng has been taking advice from Willie McKay and is basing his strategy on the highly successful Doncaster Rovers business model.


  9. Theoretically yes but the chances of that happening are nil.

    Tbh Salmond should have known better to get involved given the emotive nature of this case but he'll rightly point out that any Scottish business which turns over tens of millions potentially going bust would raise a couple of phone calls in the halls of government. Slap on the wrist/warning from UEFA and no more.

    If his/the SNP's influence on HMRC sees them settling when they wouldn't have otherwise, with the result that Rangers survive, then surely the political interference in Scottish football is direct with massive knock on effects for the game in Scotland. That's worth a lot more than a slap on the wrist but, come to think of it, who would actually get punished by UEFA? Surely they could only sanction Rangers but by then the damage would have been done ie they survived. If they sanctioned the SPL or national team then the innocent get punished twice.

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