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Posts posted by 7-2

  1. I'm not sure you know what St Johstone think as the Board has not officially pronounced on it. Steve Brown has passed comment and he was unambiguous about the fact that St Johnstone could comfortably survive without Rangers and there is abundant evidence to that fact, not least that they have been in a different division for many years one they sadly had to share with Dundee, Livingston and Gretna - the three degrees of fiduciary incompetence. So yes St Johnston can thrive. You are basing your comments on what Steve Brown said in relationship to other SPL clubs, and in his capacity as an SPL board member where he is required to think of the commonwealth of the SPL not just St Johnstone. He has been placed in a difficult predicament where he has to represent a diverse set of views not just SJFC. Saints have cash at the bank, a great trading record unfortunately that us not true of Hearts, Killie or Dunfermline. So at least attack the source of the problem - leveraged debt - and not SJFC. Otherwise back on topic

    Do you really think that the son of St Johnstone owner Geoff Brown, a long time vocal supporter of reconstructing top level Scottish football around playing the OF 4 times a season to maximise income from them, is going to vote, in whichever capacity he is serving, against maintaining Rangers in the SPL as quickly as possible?

  2. There really is no correct and fair solution to this. Its a minefield.

    Oh there is. Rangers have brought about their own demise and put themselves out of business. When they shortly no longer exist, they should be restricted to the history books they have put themselves into and life should go on without them. That is the correct and fair solution.

  3. tv revenue is 8% of SPL revenues.

    Away stand capacity by £22 or however much, strip off a percentage for selling, stewards, police, repairs. Then figure if it's once or twice a season they visit.

    Both can be quantified by most SPL sides.

    Again I reckon SPL chairman can take a punt at that, some may stay away, but return after 3 or 6 months.

    The likelihood is that the loss of TV income, (why always a 'loss of TV?' as a rangers free SPL would get a lesser TV deal) and either losing rangers once or twice a season is probably less of a risk to most clubs income streams than losing say a third of season ticket and walk up fan ticket revenue.

    You forgot the element that most people do when calculating the 'loss' from not having the bigots visit, ie that there will be another club playing in their place, so there will be income from that game/s to add in to reduce any loss.

    It's been shown before that for us having Dundee visit is virtually the same as Rangers so from gate income etc there would be minimal loss.

  4. It's 2012 and we have those new fangled computer machine things. How many minutes or hours would it take for someone to come up with sets of fixtures for the following SPL scenarios -

    -with Rangers

    -without Rangers, with Dundee

    -without Rangers, with Falkirk

    They're not exactly involved in a project to build a new large hadron collider. It's some football fixtures with a very limited number of options.

    I'm sure Doncaster's right hand mad, I. Reddy, has next season all set up already.

  5. It was predictable Sally would argue the history follows the "team in blue shirts". But he's wrong, it's a not in any way shape or form a continuation of Bankrupt FC. It's a brand new team, brand new company crucially WITHOUT 3 years worth of accounts.

    I suspect the limit of Ally's research was a quick Google search on Crystle Palace and Leeds United. A quick scan of a forum somewhere confirmed exaclty what he was wanting to hear. His financial understanding is probably as well developed as his football management skills.

    Ally's homework will have been reading out what he was told to say by the propaganda machine.

  6. For the last 15 years everyone at rangers and Celtic has been reeling us that the OF need to join a European league or move to England ,they're all on record as promoting this Smith McCoist, Celtic spokespersons and the Media ,and they've all told us how Scottish football would survive and indeed even prosper without the OF ,,,now if Rangers are even as much given a points deduction or relegated,,,it's Armageddon for Scottish football.

    Lets see the full story, not just edited highlights.

  7. SFA would have to do something... shoehorn them in as a new member, or allow them to transfer their existing membership from one company to another... but SFL can do nothing about it. They have no reps on SFA Main Board currently, and can't get 1 (outnumbered 6-1 anyway) without SPL or institutional support.

    Boycotting the Juniors, or boycotting beer, would have more direct effect.

    Really though, the SFA don't actually need to do anything. Nor the SPL. It's not as if a freak of nature such as an earthquake destroyed a member clubs ground or their entire playing staff was wiped out in a tragic air accident. There are no sympathetic circumstances what so ever. A member club is about to put itself out of existence through cold, calculated cheating towards the other member clubs plus about everyone else it did business with. They have committed suicide. they have brought it all on themselves. There is no need for the SFA/SPL to act. They are choosing to.

  8. I fear you are correct.

    As I've just posted, this could be the day that effectively ends my love affair with senior football in Scotland. I'm actually feeling a bit sick thinking about it.

    I've felt that way for a while actually given the predictability of it all. Today should just reaffirm it unfortunately. Still, at least I've a number of close by English clubs to chose from to go along to watch instead of driving up the M6 or listening to games on BBC Glasgow. Having been part weened off the SPL 'match day experience' for a while, the withdrawal symptoms won't be as bad as others.

  9. I really don't like the sound of this, but it sound very realistic.....New Blog Post by the Scots Law Bloke (I know it's long and wordy, but if you can't be arsed with it all the BOLD bits are the jist of it)

    Would St Johnstone want to be seen as complicit in ending Rangers' existence, because, if the newco was not allowed to play, that would mean that Rangers had expired before the end of the season, and thus its record would be expunged. Even if unfairly, St Johnstone would not want to be seen as partly responsible by closing the doors in Rangers' faces.

    Sad to say that Saints Chairman Steve Brown would kick the match off himself if it meant Rangers surviving.

  10. This is a club that bid £2m for Grant Holt back in January, despite knowing fine well they didnt have the money to pay for him

    This is a club that spat the dummy out because Dundee United wouldnt sell them Goodwillie unless DU got the money up front, something they couldnt do as they knew fine well they didnt have the money to pay for for him.

    This is the same club that Hearts entered into an agreement ( in good faith) for Lee Wallace, despite Rangers knowing fine well they didnt have the money to pay for him.

    This is the club that tried to sign Daniel Cousin on a £6,000 a weekly wage, despite being in administration.

    This is the same club that still owe Rapid Vienna £1.2m

    This is the same club that owe St.Etienne £252,21, Palmero £205,513, Orebro £150,000, Arsenal £136,560, Chelsea £238,345, Dunfermline £83,370, Dundee United (Hibs) £65,981, ICT £39,805, Celtic £40,337

    And that is before mentioned all the businesses around the country who they own million too or the taxpayers.

    And yet this seem bemused the SFA have put them under a transfer embargo, they believe the SFA should be doing more to help a member club.

    Newsflash, the SFA are helping memeber club, they are ensuring with this transfer embargo Rangers cannot rip off anyone else by trying to sign playing despite having no money

    So why dont Rangers and the fans, instead of pointing the finger at everyone else, take some responsibility.

    Rangers fans sat about and done nothing under David Murray when for years we have all heard rumours of the financial troubles at Ibrox,

    Rangers fans who blamed any negative press against Craig whyte as a smear campaign

    Rangers fans held a protest outside the BBC after the Craig Whyte documentary, branding it a "hatchet job"

    Rangers fans, who held numerious meetings with Craig Whyte after he banned the BBC,

    Rangers fans who held a 2 hour meeting with Craig Whyte, 2 days before entering admin

    And yet they still continue to blame everyone else and the SFA.

    They blame anyone, but the biggest culprit in all of this, no not David Murray or Craig Whyte

    But Rangers fans themselves

    No matter how hard you try, you're still a Celtic supporter.

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