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Posts posted by 7-2

  1. RM is a hoot most of the time but I am genuinely astounded with the litany that Scotland, not just Scottish football, is under threat from some diabolic kafflik and/or irish republican illumaniti whose sole purpose would appear to inflict their agenda (presumably a kind of Spanish Inquisition era catholicism) on the population of Scotland by removing a football team from our top division.

    Surely the folks posting this drivel are P&B fifth columnists having a larff, no one could genuinely be that stupid.

    Could they?

    Oh they could...and making it even better/more embarrassing for Scotland is that the green bigots that think the same agenda exists but with the prodies at fault.

    At times it's hard to believe it's 2012 in the outside world.

  2. :rolleyes:

    Oh FFS, it's rhyming slang - "Teddy Bears" for "Gers". Same as the Daily Retard came up with "Jam Tarts" for Hearts because they were too stupid to realise Hearts was a nickname to begin with for Heart Of Midlothian.

    Thank you for taking time out of your very busy and stressful day to answer my question. Having a smiley in the answer was much more than I could have expected. Very much appreciated.

  3. I noticed that's the club's website address (perthstjohnstone.com). I always just presumed it was a marketing thing to make the people of Perth feel more affiliated with the club.

    We should actually be promoting ourselves as Perthshire rather then just Perth but the web address is down to a previous web company holding onto the St Johnstone domain name when the club moved providers so they had to come up with a new one. I hope they are very happy not using it,

  4. Reminds me of our European campaign when the magazine 442 tried to laugh at foreigners trying to look up Raith on a map. Unfortunately any feelings of superiority was lost when they stated that Raith Rovers actually play in a town called 'Fife'. Nummuts

    The English's almost total ignorance of any Scottish always raises a chuckle and gives me much wind up material living in Englandshire. Watch any tv quiz and even the most simple question about Scotland has the contestant's eye's glazing over at the degree of difficulty they face trying to work out such as which town St Andrew's University is in.

  5. They'll barely know who actually plays in the Third Division, never mind the juniors.

    They'll probably end up driving around looking for a place called St Mirren. "It's nae on the maps but they say it's just a few miles fae Ibrox".

    We considered officially changing our name to Perth St Johnstone as our early European venture saw foreign peeps looking at maps and assuming we came from the weegie enclave of Johnstone.

  6. if that's true it really is a sad reflection onScottish society that we have to pander to mob rule.

    Pathetic & Embarrassing

    Mob rule always wins when the OF are involved. The list is almost endless eg moving cup ties from small grounds; all OF semis at Hampden before it became compulsory; uneven split of tickets; no action against sectarianism for decades until forced to by non Scottish sources; police still not taking action at games for numerous offences because they're basically scared and now we even have changing a voting process to protect those taking the decision from reprisals by the Rangers support yet no action has been taken by those inciting the mob.

    It's Scotland. It'll never change. The corridors of power are full of the mob. Pathetic and embarrassing indeed.

  7. Mmmmm, unfortunately I think we are in the "too big to fail"mentality that has stalked the planet in the last couple of years. No matterthe rights wrongs or otherwise in the matter, I suspect that....

    • Ban on player transfers will be suspended or shortened to single transfer window
    • Rangers will be liquidated, but newco will arise that will magically inherit the old rangers assets. ie ibrox, murray park, most of the contracts
    • EBT scams etc will be proved correct but punishment will go to the "old" rangers, couple of directors etc will be banned , slaps on wrists etc.
    • As Rangers liquidated, all debts will be walked away from and they will start from a clean slate next season
    • They will be banned from Europe for three years , but given all the above doesnt really matter
    • SPL will vote this "new club" straight back into the SPL, and I predict that Celtic will vote for it too (and United). Probably only Hibs and Hearts will vote against
    • Rangers fans will boycott the Edinburgh clubs next season for the temerity to stand up to them
    • 11-1 voting structure will be maintained. Celtic and Rangers locked in a vice with Sky, rest of the clubs shut out from making any meaningful changes
    • In three years times its business as usual with Celtic/Rangers spots 1 and 2 for the next 20 years. ie its back to business as usual

    Really really hope I'm wrong in at least some of this, but the legal positionand the sporting integrity issues will be out weighed by the financialpressures and the basic corruption of scottish football by the old firm. Ithink the enjoyment factor of the last couple of months is coming to an end...

    With a very heavy heart, I agree with most of this. You've got the last figure wrong though. It should be the OF in spots 1 & 2 for the next 200 years, not 20.

  8. I believe you can't use more than 2 stadiums in the same city, so it'd be Hampden plus Celtic Park. Do not worry young padawan.

    Wont Parkhead count as a Dublin stadium?

    Can't use Murrayfield as money would be lost from football renting a rugby ground...can't give money to these stuck up egg chasing b*****ds...it's not the traditional home of football...sorry, forget all that, as it suits our agenda you say?

    Anyway, back to the topic of Rangers and sporting integrity...

  9. ive not been on this for a couple of days. The last time i was on the consensus was that rangers are fucked, greene is an asset stripper. but now it seems the consensus is that rangers are gonna get away with all this. whats changed??

    Maybe more people are realising that it's Rangers and the small minded Scottish mentality that's involved. They will survive in some form and be in the SPL next season unfortunately.

  10. If there is no Rangers in the SPL. The away end of St Johnstone would be down 4000 fans. Of course whoever they would have been playing would not bring any fans with them at all. Not one. I'm sure if say Dundee Utd, Hearts, Motherwell or even dare I say Hibs were fighting for 2nd or 3rd, our fans would say feck going tae Perth. It's not like Hibs took around 4000 away fans to Dumfermline this year is it.

    Plus more of the locals would have bothered to come along if it was any of the above teams. There would undoubtedly have been at least the same 6500 crowd that was there on Sunday, probably more.

    PS - the 'away end' only holds about 2000, not 4000, but of course they wouldn't have a clue.

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