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Posts posted by 7-2

  1. As far as I am concerned the right reasons for supporting Celtic or Rangers would be coming from the local area or having close ties to the club, players in the family, family from the area the club hail from, etc the thing is these clubs were not built on the bigotry and hatred they exposed it to accelerate growth and dominate the game, some folks do have legitimate reasons for their support but get sucked into the shyte that goes along with it. What is needed is for the decent fans amongst them to drive out the old tired ideas which built these clubs up and move on, put the past behind them and become sporting institutions again as opposed to what they are now.

    Interesting. We shall have to agree to disagree on this one as I really don't see any right reason to support either of them. It's just a pity they don't all have the intellect to see through it as you did.Thanks SS.

  2. I suspect that once the furore over the smallrevelations in this programme (now backed up with fair evidence), will be theprelude to Walt and Sally getting mixed up in this EBT scheme. There is nopoint for any news brodcaster to fling all the good stuff out there all atonce. You then drip, drip, drip new revelations to keep the interest up.

    Remember the Daily Telegraph when the MPs expensesscandal came out? Once the initial furore had calmed down they then threw in a'duck house' or 'moat' etc. That is what will happen here. Watch over the nextfew weeks, it might really interesting!

    Please put the blanket over them and pull thebloody trigger. Please.

    The BBC is not 'any' news broadcaster. It is a tax funded public service broadcaster. It is not there to sell copies like the Telegraph or chase ratings like ITV. If it has evidence of criminal activity is duty bound to inform the appropriate authority straight away rather then drip feed it over time for the sake of entertainment.

  3. Is Sammy No.8? Comes across as an all around niceguy, genuine footy fan who has chosen to support a horrible, horrible team forthe right reasons. Then you look at the screen and there's no hiding it, thetattoos and scars give him away as much as his minor meltdowns do on here, it'sjust a facade to make us all think they are human.

    Out interest SS, what are the right reasons for actually choosing to support a club built on bigotry and that actively encourages it?

    It was good to read you managed to escape the brainwashing others somehow fail to do. cool.gif

  4. As this proud footballing giant stands on the brink of extinction, BBC Scotland Investigates the inside story of the scandal which brought Rangers FC to its knees. This is a programme based on dozens of secret emails, letters and documents which uncover the truth behind the tax scheme which threatens the club's very existence

    Sounds like they're going to tell us what we and HMRC already know, which is why they hit Rangers with the Big Tax Case.

    and reveals what went on behind the scenes in the run up to Craig Whyte's infamous takeover. From the day Sir David Murray took up the reigns at Ibrox, through the nine-in-a-row Championship years to the ignominy of owner Craig Whyte's reign and the plunge into administration, this programme charts the descent from glory into chaos of one of Scotland's great institutions

    I hope it's not charted by the graphics kids on MOTD 2.

    Along the way, investigative reporter Mark Daly goes in search of answers to the questions every Scottish football fan is asking, and attempts to confront those who are responsible for the Ibrox club's plight.

    Hmmmmm, there appears to be a lot of trying going on. No mention of success though.

    Some good good PR non speak there. I'd be more encouraged if the preamble used phrases such as -

    We reveal the names of...

    We have documented proof of...

    We have copies of...

    xxxxxx tells Mark Daly exactly how he was involved...

    Prepare to be underwhelmed.

  5. Does anybody have any inkling what may be revealed in the BBC doco tomorrrow? Sadly, I have a feeling it`ll be all the issues we`ve discussed here ad infinitum for general (primetime) consumption. No genuine bombshell material......

    Totally agree. What's being trailed is akin to saying 'We've got evidence identifying who kidnapped Maddie McCann and it will 100% lead to them being arrested and convicted. Watch our Christmas Special in 7 months when we reveal all' Action would have been taken and we would have known by now if the BBC had the smoking gun.

  6. Enough for a boycott?

    Depends what the sanctions are.

    If Rangers liquidate, they are no more. They have killed themselves by directly cheating for at least 20 years. The affect of this is to open up the Scottish game for all other clubs bar one. Anyone who chooses to ignore this once only opportunity and helps resurrect them, compounding this crime against football and society by immediately allowing them back into the SPL, no matter the punishment, will not see any more of my hard earned pounds.

  7. The darkest hour is just before the dawn........

    Apparently the Daly doc has got chapter and verse on the EBTs, names, dates etc. Should focus a few minds. Doncaster is just a sideshow. Things should pick up pace through the week and they'll be on the rack with the buzz saw heading towards their groin by the weekend.

    'No, Mr McCoist, I expect you to die....."

    Jolly good of the BBC to eventually get round to releasing information of law breaking. No rush. Just take your time and whenever suits you put it out there. Better get the important stuff like Eastenders, Escape to the Country and Graham Norton out their first.

  8. http://www.rangersme...club&Itemid=529

    Well, it would seem that Rangers are not special – at least not as far as Neil Doncaster and the SPL are concerned. Neil is determined that, "Every club will be treated exactly the same. I can't get into 'special cases," he says.

    If not a special case then it's a pity Doncaster couldn't get into a special holdall, just like the MI6 guy in London.

  9. An actual real life bona fide billionaire considered buying Rankgers but walked away.

    Amazing how many real businessmen decided that they were just not worth it.

    Sorry, but that is made up nonsense.

    A source close to Trump told the Press and Journal: "We looked seriously and walked away.''

    The famous 'source close to' intro immediately suggests it's made up, closely followed by the oh so convenient walking away reference

    George Sorial, Trump Organisation's executive vice-president, said the American was keen to strengthen his links in Scotland. He said: "We are committed to Scotland and will always be evaluating opportunities to support our business and the interests of Scotland."

    Sorial must have said this as it's a direct quote but it's been added immediately below the made up bit to make it look like he was the source supposedly quoted above. If he had actually said that Trump had seriously looked at Rangers he would have been named earlier and the initial quote credited to him instead of a source. Sorials quote is a general statement with no date/time given so there is no contect for it at all.

    It's a bit of succulent lamb, red top journalism from the P&J I'm afraid.

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