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Posts posted by 7-2

  1. There are quite a few who have left/out of contract from the list posted earlier in this thread. There are many more who will be sold due to the arrangement made by D&P.

    If Rangers are playing in the SPL next season there is every chance they wont be able to fulfill fixtures. What do we do then? Punish them again for their failure to field a team?

    You'd be allowed to sign players 18 and under. There would no reason why you couldn't have a full squad to see you through a season.

  2. I see the Daily Ranger have decided to turn onCharles Green - http://www.dailyreco...86908-23877539/

    To summarise:

    He's set to make a big brucey bonus if all goes toplan

    He's scraped together enough cash to pay wages inJune

    He disnae have the £8.5m for the CVA

    Bye bye Gers!

    Perfectly posted MM. There are so many links appearing now that you could treble your reading time for this thread which already takes a fair amount of time as it is. Not forgetting that you can't always use the link when you're on a phone anyway. This should be the template for posting links on here, a quick summary and the link to the article itself.

  3. This couldn't possibly happen to "The Rangers"

    The Eagles had been able to fend-off a winding up order in March from Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs





  4. I'm amazed that in today's European superstate culture of greed is good, in fact essential, combined with everybody can basically do what they want without restriction that nobody has challenged the geographical boundaries used in football as a restraint of trade and infringing someone's some sort of rights. Even more money for lawyers too. Surprised they haven't suggested it.

  5. I had a go at this a few pages ago...

    18 years ago , Bank Of Scotland threatened Celtic with receivership when they called in , I think , an £8 million overdraft.

    Is it possible that looking at Moonbeams relationship with BoS , he put the pressure on them ? Timescale is correct.

    Good shout. It certainly fits. But again, bad as it is, is it nuclear enough? Not sure. Difficult to prove as well I would have thought.

    Of course if a senior BOS official is found to be complicit in colluding with Murray in something as major as it's meant to be, surely the bank is going to get hung, drawn and quartered too. After all, as with Murray and Whyte with Rangers, a company is liable for the actions of its office bearers.

  6. Would the implication be, for example, during contract negotiations with a player at another club, that Rangers, with knowledge of the players' existing contract, could offer those terms with an EBT on top, thereby securing a player for only nominally more than they were previously being paid?

    Seems too sensible, given what has already come out; OF contracts regularly exceed those paid by other clubs by some considerable amount. I don't think therefore that the EBTs were used strategically like this - I've probably missed something though.

    I think you're right in your second para.

    I mean a member of the media being paid via EBT in relation to unsettling a target signing.

    Aha, right. If they had a member of the media on an EBT I suppose it would only really discredit the journalist rather than prove any unsettling. My father always used to go on about Rangers unsettling tactics so it's obviously going on long before Murray. Is unsettling even illegal? Immoral yes. Rangers/media person could always claim payment was made to them for general 'consultancy' or 'advisory' reasons.

  7. I was discussing this with a friend last night and if this was the case then possibly some of the events below could have happened. This is entirely speculation on my part and it would be good if anyone has access to teams accounts going way back to find out which teams did in fact bank with the BOS.

    Murrays influence on other clubs could work like this

    • Player X plays well against Rangers and uncle Walter wants him for his team, Murray gets BOS to put some pressure on player X's club to reduce their overdraft quickly at the next bank review and the only way they can do this is to sell player X
    • When player x's club then go to sell the player, Rangers come in with an offer, below valuation but Murray then uses his friends in the media to unsettle the player
    • If a bigger offer comes in Rangers are not concerned as they find out via the bank who are kept informed by the club
    • Rangers up their offer and the bank put pressure on the club to sell to Rangers
    • The media suddenly run a "I always wanted to play for Rangers story" on player X
    • Uncle Walter gets his man, the bank are happy as are the media.
    • If Player Y does not fit into Uncle Walters plans then stage 1 still happens and pressure is put on club Y's team to sell him, thus weaken their team
    • Murray can use the media to say the player is unhappy and needs to move on.
    • With his bank contacts Rangers would also have been able to know the wage limits of all the clubs, possibly getting budget information and just having a competitive advantage.
    • I would doubt if BOS would have told a club to lose a game but with this case anything is possible

    As i say all of the above is just speculation on my part, but does anyone agree its possible?

    Agree it's possible but Rangers and the media have been unsettling players long before Murray got involved. It would also be nigh impossible to prove that such information was being used given that it would surely have been given verbally. Also, whilst obviously bad, I don't think it's in the beyond belief category stated.

    Must admit I'm baffled as to what the disclosure would be, partly due to not being a financial whizz kid...even with kid being used to it's extremes...very extremes. What involves 18 years ago, a leading BOS official, Dunfermline, the I of M, not match fixing, is vastly worse than screwing the Treasury for vast sums, will lead to jail sentences and finally kill off Rangers(yay)?

    What's the worst you can do in finance other than bring down a bank?

  8. Unfortunately , this is a100% spot on assessment. The rest of the SPL have been fucked over by the old firm but they in turn have fucked over the First Division. I can't for the life of me remember a Killie , Hibs or whoever fan complaining about the lack of sporting integrity involved with the one promotion place to the garden of eden ( not). Yes, the **** deserve their punishment but should the rest be able to take the moral high ground ? Not until decisions are made for the benefit of all Scottish football they can't .

    I agree with the principle but the rest of the SPL haven't exactly been fucked over by the OF...they've fucked themselves over. They agreed to the set up and agreed to the voting structures so they have only themselves to blame. They consigned their souls, and therefore their supporters and Scottish football, to a permanent also ran situation where the measure of success is finishing third. Rather than admit it hasn't worked, they are now prepared to do absolutely anything it takes to preserve the situation, and it's far from fabulous.

    Anyone that has contributed to the establishment of the SPL and is currently trying to maintain is worthy only of contempt and sadly I must include my own club in that. They brought it all on themselves.

  9. Every time I hear this total bawsack bile about "Rankgers being an institution, too big to die, will come back stronger" etc etc etc. I think of when Woolworths went to the wall. It was a real institution but ultimately it was a business and when there's nae money left, its time to close down.

    Bye Bye Orcs and Orcland.

    I cant remember Poundland, Poundstretcher, Aldi etc coming out trying to save Woolies saying they were a High Street institution and too big too die. They thought 'Ya beauty, more opportunity for us*' as one of their biggest competitors went to the wall.

    Mind you, they were real businessmen that could see the benefit a bigger market share would have on their own companies. They weren't small minded hangers on who couldn't see an opportunity if it kicked them in the teeth.

    Yet again football hides behind the word 'business' when it suits them.

    *FACT. I've seen the minutes.

  10. People frequently mention the attempted signing of Cousin as a disgrace. In its own right it is of course. However, even allowing for my impartiality, I find the biggest disgrace of the lot was Rangers trying to buy Sandaza from Saints as late as the end of the January window. They obviously wouldn't have intended paying a penny of any transfer fee for him so even right at the end they were trying to screw a fellow SPL club over.

    As a side effect it also clouds my judgement of Steve Brown and Steve Lomas given their public utterings a few weeks after this.

  11. You mean Stewart "havent watched it" Regan? <_<

    No need to watch it. These guys will have known for ages exactly what's been going on and what the final outcome will be. They will all be a number of steps ahead of public knowledge.

    One things for sure in that we will never get real justice with everything being dealt with 'in-house' by Scottish organisations. I genuinely trust nobody involved with this farce. As I've said before, it's little Scotland, little Glasgow, little Scottish football, little corridors of power. All pals together. Corrupt to the core.

    The principle of going to UEFA and BBC England is great and is certainly better than doing nothing. I would suggest though that any correspondence should start off with a copy of a map to show them where Scotland is.

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