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Posts posted by 7-2

  1. Gawd! This place is like a mortuary this morning. I realise the Embra lot have hangovers for different reasons and lots will have been celebrating Chelsea's win last night, the bears are in the huff with everybody and the Sellicks are off sick with all the jelly and ice cream they have been eating but there is a limit! Has Scotland suddenly become Zombieland? :lol:

    Edit: Off to visit the Bears Den.

    Re-edit: Fvck! They haven't had a new post in 2 hours. Wakey wakey everyone! :lol:

    It's a quiet spell, hopefully the lull before the storm, and it looks like most of the regular contributors know that posting for the sake of posting will just dilute the thread. The last few pages have been dire thanks to the unwanted infestation of green bigots. Apart from their pollution, there's nothing wrong with the occasional breather to maintain standards.

  2. Scottish presenters always appear so amateurish in comparison to others.

    That's because they basically are. You can see right through them as they copy the big boys on BBC England and Sky, pretending they're on the big channels delivering Arsenal v Newcastle instead of on BBC Glasgow covering Motherwell v Dunfermline.

  3. This could really blow the lid off all this and the story could truly go global if all the rumors are true.

    If there is evidence of law breaking it's ridiculous they are allowed to sit on it for the sake of a tv programme, especially as it's our good old tax funded, public service broadcaster. It's been trailed often enough so it's no secret. The authorities should have been into the BBC straight away and acting on any information

  4. Living in Englandshire you wouldn't know this was on with 'today's two big games' being Blackpool v West Ham and the CL Final.

    With all the factors pointing to Hearts winning, the decisive element is that St Johnstone benefit should that happen...therefore that makes it a stick on Hibs win.

    I just hope it's a great day out for all and the biggest message yet is sent out that Scottish football will positively thrive without the blue bigots.


  5. On the plus side of that, perhaps that's just the thing that we need to make the SPL change to a 16 or 18 team league and end this borefest.

    The only way to end this borefest is to have no OF but we're about to see this will never be allowed to happen. Even if they did manage to join some made up league somewhere sometime they would leave their B team in the SPL.

    Rangers have cheated their way into extinction yet some of the same people they have cheated are about to resurrect them thus missing a once only opportunity to save Scottish football.

    When Rangers are in the SPL next season there is no plus side.

  6. I know, so all we can do when being realistic is hope for as much pain as possible. Even just for a season, the Rangers fans having to watch their kids grimly hold on for a 0-0 at Rugby Park to stay in the league would be worth the admittance fee alone. Just imagine they got relegated. I don't think I'd ever stop laughing.

    But they can't be relegated. They would change the rules again if the 'weakened' Rangers team next season looked like finishing in last position.

    That's why this whole farce is more than just about a newco being in the SPL next season. It's all about the OF and Scottish football. When Rangers get back in next season it's confirming they are bigger than the game which therefore kills any semblance of genuine morality and competition left in this country.

  7. Even Neil Lennon now appears to be saying that Rangers should get back into the SPL (albeit with some sort of punishment):


    Think that's him preparing the Celtic support for a yes vote to a Rangers newco getting back in probably because there are enough "diddy" clubs who might vote the other way (Hibs, Hearts and Dundee United immediately come to mind) for it not to be safe for them to vote no.

    "There is no show like punch," said manager Lennon.

    Dear oh dear....oh dear.

  8. You've got to love this bloke Charleton Green.

    20 investors, oops I really meant to say "five or six". Is this guy arithmetically challenged?! Which is it? 5 OR 6? These are not difficult numbers to keep tabs on!

    It's the same calculator that's used for working out the clubs that'll go bust if there's no Rangers. 5 or 6 diddies will be liquidated if Rangers aren't in the SPL...oops I really meant to say it's none.

  9. Be quite interesting to know whether or not clubs have to formally enter the cup, or they are just expected to participate and put into the draw.

    It'd be tremendously funny if they refused to honour their tie and the SFA punished them with a 10 year Scottish Cup ban :lol:

    I'm sure they do actually have to enter each year just as promoted clubs have to apply to join the SPL. There was talk on here of both Dundee and Falkirk applying for next years SPL just in case.

  10. Surely the club was receiving phonecalls and postal reminders (or were these addressed "Mr Whyte: For Your Eyes Only") about unpaid tax. Of course they knew and this is why the SFA is taking them to task.

    By extension, I find it impossible to believe that the SFA didn't know what was happening all along at Ibrox.

    Glasgow's a small place; the Glasgow business community's small; the Glasgow football community's small; look at the shared office bearers between Rangers and the SFA. They knew, officially or unofficially, and did nothing.

    Scottish football is corrupt to the core.

  11. RM is a hoot most of the time but I am genuinely astounded with the litany that Scotland, not just Scottish football, is under threat from some diabolic kafflik and/or irish republican illumaniti whose sole purpose would appear to inflict their agenda (presumably a kind of Spanish Inquisition era catholicism) on the population of Scotland by removing a football team from our top division.

    Surely the folks posting this drivel are P&B fifth columnists having a larff, no one could genuinely be that stupid.

    Could they?

    Oh they could...and making it even better/more embarrassing for Scotland is that the green bigots that think the same agenda exists but with the prodies at fault.

    At times it's hard to believe it's 2012 in the outside world.

  12. :rolleyes:

    Oh FFS, it's rhyming slang - "Teddy Bears" for "Gers". Same as the Daily Retard came up with "Jam Tarts" for Hearts because they were too stupid to realise Hearts was a nickname to begin with for Heart Of Midlothian.

    Thank you for taking time out of your very busy and stressful day to answer my question. Having a smiley in the answer was much more than I could have expected. Very much appreciated.

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