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Posts posted by 7-2

  1. Couldn't believe what I heard this morning onRadio Scotland from Jim Traynor. Apparently us fans of the diddy teams won'tbuy season tickets until we are sure that Rangers are definitely going to be inthe SPL.

    My blood boils when I hear things like this. It's ridiculous that a professional journalist is being paid by the BBC to appear on a BBC programme and lie through his teeth.

    Seriously, why are they allowed to do this by the national public service broadcaster that prides itself on it's news output? Why is there no editor or producer pulling him up and saying this is patently not true. In fact the opposite is true.

    Perhaps thread viewer Mr Cosgrove can throw some light on the BBC's responsibility to broadcast the truth.

  2. Your chairman was threatened directly and indirectly by individuals who were anonymous and did not leave their names. As a consequence he argued to the SPL that he had no desire to carry the weight of taking on such a key decision with others he proposed that any decsions taken that might in time harm Rangers be taken by all clubs and not just the board. That was what they agreed at the meeting and rightly so.

    Sticking up: a young man was threatened by morons and had genuine reason to be upset by that. He is an office bearer of St Johnstone your club and I think what happend to him is atrocious and unacceptable and will happily 'stick up' for him as its the decent thing to do, despite being a fan of a club that was once beaten 7-2 on New Year's day, thus leading to your log-in name.

    Its morally quite simple Steven Brown should never have been threatened and all football fans irrespective of whether they are SJFC or DFC should support his right to take decisions without intimidation.

    I could continue to write words on the internet to back up any argument I put forward too. It's very easy without being able to back them up, which you haven't done.

    If the scenario you describe actually took place then I take it both Glasgow and Tayside police are investigating these incidents? Why have they not been made public? Why wait until I ask a simple question before you leap in with such stories?

    I couldn't care which club you support and have little time for people that hid behind Scotland, Other or a junior club when evidently they are not a supporter of said club.

  3. The simple answer is that the Chairman of the club you support has been threatened directly and indirectly by fans or represntatives of another more powerful club.

    Rather than be seen as one of a small group of 'reps' that takes a tough decision against Rangers he feels it should be all clubs that take that decision. Its called collective reponsibility and I agree with him.

    When was Steve Brown directly threatened? What was going to happen to him or Saints?

  4. The obvious thought to me is Celtic, United, 'Well and St Johnstone don't want to be labelled as the four cowards who brought Rangers back and would rather everyone gets to share in the shame.

    The way I read it is that they would rather dilute the 'wrath' aimed at the decision makers by having 12 chairmen vote rather than just the four.

    I can understand that but from both your answers it looks like there has indeed been no reason actually given. Cheers. I shouldn't be surprised.

  5. I may have missed it in all the smoke and mirrors of the voting numbers but why is any decision being moved from the Board to the clubs?

    The obvious thought is that the Board would vote against Rangers so it's being taken away from them. This isn't the case though as we had agreed the Board would let them back in no probs. So why move the decision?

    Obviously nothing is done in this stitch up without it leading towards the blue bigots remaining in the SPL.

  6. The bears den is talking ('arrogateblue') that they're moving to engerlund blah, blah, blah. Think his mum gave him too many choccie biccies with his ovaltine

    It's not going to happen of course, but it would be brilliant if it did happen now, after a couple of months of the daily propaganda about we cant survive without the bigot brothers. Would be very interesting to see the media's spin on it change overnight and also the collective realisation of the 10 Chairmen of how pathetic they really are.

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