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Posts posted by 7-2

  1. Cant find a link but crackin article by Tam Cowan in the Record today, says it as it is....no doubt the death threats and bombs etc will now be targetted at TC!!

    I'm actually 100 per cent behind the Rangers fans. No, seriously. I think it's grossly unfair that thousands of innocent supporters who've pumped mega-millions into the club ever since the Souness revolution (and had absolutely no idea what was happening to their dosh behind the scenes) now face two stark scenarios:

    Yep, Tam's really fearlessly telling it as it is and not covering his back at all.

  2. Cheers. There will no doubt be many others saying much the same things.

    The main reason I posted it now is because I sent it a couple of weeks ago, and the recent developments (media responses to the SFA penalties; McCoist, Smith &Co. and their slabberings; increasing delusional arrogance and paranoia on the part of Ra Peepul) just reinforces how important it is that the clubs do the right thing on Monday and beyond.

    Ach, f**k this, I'm away out on the bike for a few hours to blow off some steam :P

    You're right of course, but they won't.

    I'm sure the RM viewers will be a bit bemused by your de-stressing technique. You should just beat the wife up like any normal bloke.

  3. It wasn't delayed as in put back 20 minutes on the fly just before it started. The kick off was deliberately re-scheduled for later to allow for coverage of the press conference. The point they were pissed off at was shown on the video. The game didn't finish til half past midnight.

    I watched the video and they did also highlight in yellow the word 'delay' hence thinking that the game had been delayed rather than rescheduled. Spanish games can kick off much later than our evening games anyway so it all fitted.

    Anyway, back to chuckling at the bigots...

  4. Brilliant protest - beats the shite out of the Robbers XI plans for a walk tomorrow. Next time the Classicos on I'll probably drool less over it now - really just Twisted Sisters Mark II. Mon the diddies everywhere

    If the protest was about that game's kick off being delayed because of an apres match press conference at another game on the same night, how did they know to bring the tennis balls along as they would surely have been in the ground already?

  5. Sadly, I fear you are correct. And if anyone thinks that Rangers fans are loud, arrogant braggarts at present, it's nothing compared to what they'll be like if (probably when) they're allowed to waltz back in as if nothing's happened.

    "Haha, yeez a' tried tae kill uz an' we're no deid! WATP!!!!""!11"

    Yep. They'll have be proven correct that they are untouchable. The media will just be a few steps behind them too.

    The whole Scottish football 'experience' may have be at a low ebb for a while now but it is about to career head first into a very, very dark place from where there is no return.

  6. So what is the likely outcome?

    Likely? The decision's known. A self interested whitewash is the only outcome.

    The kick in the teeth to all decent, right minded supporters will be completed by the decision being announced as unanimous, even if Thompson is the one likely to rock the boat. That'll give everyone the PR carte blanche to get Scottish football back to normal after this slight inconvenience.

  7. http://www.telegraph...on-Rangers.html

    "Instead,they convened until 10.45 on Friday night. On Monday they again worked longinto the evening hours. And for whose benefit, exactly? For Rangers – whoseadministrators had conveyed that they needed a verdict delivered with absoluteurgency."

    So, the SFA panel rushed the decision on therequest of the adminstrators - which kind of puts a huge spanner in the worksof the 'badly timed' to scupper bids.

    Seriously, you couldnt make it up!

    i see Forsyth also had to back track by way of aveiled apology in the article re Alex Thompson.

    Why should the SFA panel dance to the administrators tune like this?

    This is only going to end one way and we all know what that's going to be.

    Aye that tube Keys on Talksport has just said theBlue Knights are back in again. Have they struck oil somewhere?

    Talksport have just been an extension of the Daily Record, more than they usually are. Updates from ex-OF presenters, Keith Jackson and ex-Rangers players keep the English population fully up to date with just how badly the Ibrox Institution are being treated, backed up by English presenters that couldn't name another Scottish club out with the bigot brothers suddenly becoming experts and proclaiming Scottish football will die without Rangers.

  8. The nutter who is oberfuhrer of Rangersmedia has surpassed himself today. Quoting the syphylitic loony Nietchze who inspired the Nazi party, he raves:

    Friedrich Nietzsche, the world renowned German-Swiss philosopher and writer, said many profound and insightful things, but I suspect none more so than his poignant exhortation to decent people everywhere to "Distrust everyone in whom the impulse to punish is powerful!"

    Was this before he and the Rangers support were making impulse arrangements to punish the independent committee, the SFA, their sponsors, the SPL, all other SPL clubs, their sponsors etc?

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