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Posts posted by 7-2

  1. I think once all this has died down there should be a root and branch review by the BBC Sportsound of its contributors. Too many have vested interests it seems to have any kind if objective view. The whole set up seems to have completely turned a blind eye to SDM "legacy". I reckon we have not been well served by our public service broadcaster on this occasion.

    I'm not sure if any are fit to wear the distinguished badge of the BBC. The head burying has been extraordinary,no wonder they can't hear the fans with all that muck in their ears.

    RFC can die,sooner the better. We do not need you to survive. Then their twin will hopefully wither as well.

    There should be a root and branch review of the whole BBC Glasgow set up by London but there wont be. The BBC are too arrogant to accept there is anything wrong with anything they do. They care not for the thoughts of the licence fee payer, only for what a marvellous job they're doing.

  2. Apologies if someone else said this but with 30 odd pages added today i aint reading them all.

    I read in the paper today that Rangers had a hotel stay in Edinburgh for their league match with Hearts on Saturday, WTF?

    It takes less than an hour from Ibrox to Gorgie and the game was at 3.00 FFS.

    Assuming with players and staff they had about 25 people staying over the bill would've been thousands, i thought Duff and Phelps weer bean counters?

    Also worth a mention is how many creditors are owed less cash than the hotel bill?

    How can a hotel stay be necessary for a journey counted in minutes rather than hours?

    Are Rangers just taking the piss now? I thought it was bad enough trying to sign Cousin the same day they enter administration but this is just shitting on every small creditor.

    Disgraceful. It wouldn't be a Premier Inn either.

  3. That bit caught my eye, too.

    If they back down over this is will be the biggest and worst decision they will even make as an organisation, and boy, have they made some humdingers.

    Against the backdrop of a team of administrators trying to publically strong-arm them into a U-turn using wholly inapappropriate language, they absolutely MUST ensure that the integrity of the game is their paramount concern, not the future of Rangers.

    They should have strenuously berated D&P for their statement, not acknowledged their frustration and anger. A massive test of the SFA's mettle lies ahead. Personally, I fear that they will buckle. If they do...? The baw's well and truly burst, and possibly for good, this time.

    They will indeed buckle, no matter how they try and disguise it. Many of us have said this from day one and it's statements like that in the middle of all the 'punishments' that show exactly where the priorities of the SFA and SPL lie...save Rangers no matter what.

    There's no point in buying a new puncture repair outfit.

  4. SFA Statement

    My link

    Stewart Regan, Scottish FA Chief Executive:

    "It is important the Scottish FA, as the governing body, works in association with the Scottish Premier League and Scottish Football League to reinvigorate the national sport.

    "Rangers have been part of the fabric of Scottish football's history and are integral to its future prosperity"

    "The Scottish FA must act with integrity and with the best interests of the game at heart. It is with this in mind that we await any appeal from the club."

    No predetermined views then. The words stitch and up still continue to come to mind.

  5. Its strange that Duff & Phelps believe that there is widespread support for Rangers to survive.

    Other than Rangers supporters, I haven't spoken to a single person who wants Rangers to survive – not a single person. Without exception, everyone wants Rangers dead and they will glady dance all over their grave.

    I'm struggling to find a single non Rangers fan on this forum who wants Rangers to survive either. Virtually all appear to be delighted at the prospect of Rangers collapsing.

    Yet given the ridiculously one sided media coverage of the situation, you wouldn't have a clue anyone thought anything other than we need Rangers.

    Talksport today made my blood boil more than usual when they had two pieces about it today, one in the morning with Steve Archibald and the second with Rangers puppet Daryl King. Both of them only gave the Rangers MUST be saved angle yet again with not an inkling there were two sides to the story.

    My urine really gets to 100C when English media folk spout the cliched rubbish that Scottish football needs the OF when they couldn't name any other Scottish football club bar the bigot brothers and spend the rest of the time laughing at us.

    Balanced reporting? They don't know what that means.

  6. The ongoing discussion on Rangers Media about starting again in England is quite an interesting one, there are repeated suggestions that there is no reason to stop them applying to the bottom league in England to work their way up, which is right, they could do if they relocated the club to England which I suspect the fans wouldnt want.

    Actually this would be a brilliant solution, a fan led newco Rangers based and operating in England, half the job done.

    They should buy Darlington.

  7. Rangers demand urgent appeal hearing over SFA sanctions

    By Matt Slater BBC sports news reporter

    A Scottish Football Association panel could hear an appeal against the sanctions imposed on Rangers as early as next week.

    Hmm....it'll be very interesting to see how this pans out.

    Anyone care to place a bet? William Hill, of course :P

    How long would it take for an appeal to be heard under normal circumstances?

  8. Ok, I'll put it a bit more simply then. I don't think our league would drop to the levels of Welsh league or the Irish league if Rangers went to the wall - either in terms of finance or quality. The fanbases of clubs in Scotland is too great for that IMO. I made a quip about Shamrock Rovers outperforming Scottish teams in Europe this year (again, apart from Celtic's reprieve) which is simply a fact and intended to highlight that the Old Firm are maybe not as important as they believe themselves to be.

    Anyway, it's not really that big a deal. We essentially agree. Maybe you've just not realised how big a club St Johnstone have become these days! :D

    Yep, life is too short.* beerchug.gif

    *Ooops...wrong thread to say that on. But then again...

  9. Perhaps you, somehow, didn't pick up on the fact I was laughing at the notion of our league being as poor as the two aforementioned leagues? Shamrock Rovers have a few players who are 1st division level in this country and I was merely highlighting the Old Firm's rather dire attempts at Europe recently. It is a fact that though, barring Celtic's get out, the LOI would have outgunned the SPL in Europe this year.

    I read, somehow, that you started to mock but appeared to change tack halfway through, as you have done again. A freak run by one club basically means nothing when comparing standards.

  10. And the League of Ireland? Actually, we're probably getting there on that one already - in terms of on field performance anyway. Shamrock Rovers essentially got further than any Scottish team in Europe last year bar Celtic who got their reprieve.

    Yep, we're on such a par with them that the Shamrock Rovers keeper chose to come and sit on St Johnstone's bench rather than play in the Europa Cup with them.

  11. This passage (very apt use of terminology I feel) made me laugh out loud:

    "During this hearing, the club produced compelling evidence from a number of sources that following his takeover, Craig Whyte ran the club in a thoroughly unaccountable manner, rather than adhering to a long-established and proper form of corporate governance.

    Yes, that long-established and proper form of corporate governance as applied by Minty Moonbeams and Co.

    You really couldn't make this up. Wonderful stuff! :lol:

    It's worrying pieces like this that will have be saving any celebrations until the start of next season and they are not in the SPL.

    Apart from anything, we've still to go through about 52 appeals before the SFA's punishment is watered down and finalised. Solicitors have made appeals a total joke as well as a cash cow.

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