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Posts posted by 7-2

  1. Apologies If I've missed it but what is the general feeling among the Celtic support? They might be key to this.

    Methinks most won't be best pleased at 'I can' believe it's not Rangers' remaining in the SPL. I've heard of a boycott of teams voting them back in. This might be an important factor as they do organise well and this gives those voting something else to think about.

    They'll be boycotting Parkhead as we all know who the first team to vote Rangers back in will be. They keep overlooking this fact in their rush to blame the diddies.

  2. Yorkston first to speak out against Newco Rangers getting admitted to SPL. Will Petrie join him if Hibs lose on Monday?


    Yorkston's view is no secret. He has already declared that a newco Rangers, if it ever comes into being, should be denied a share in the SPL. "That's what I will be arguing for, but I do understand that others will look at the financial side, and that will have more sway than sporting integrity. I would guess I'll be almost a lone voice, but it doesn't stop me from having my say."

    Fine words by Mr Yorkston but it looks as if it's only words he'll be using tomorrow too. He does not say he will vote against NewCo, only argue against it. I'd rather he took action rather than just talk.

  3. I can't help thinking that people would feel a little better towards Rangers if they were being a little more humble about their circumstances and not so arrogant.

    If the admins had went about their job in the usual fashion and sold off half the team and most of the back room staff, they weren't staying in hotels a 45 minute drive away the night before a game, or wasting money on card displays while small companies go unpaid, people might be more inclined to accept the argument that they should remain in the SPL (albeit with some sort of points deduction/transfer embargo etc).


    I shall never have any other feeling than hatred for a club built on bigotry, continues to encourage it for profit, has progressed to cheating everyone they've come in contact with and would walk away tomorrow from the clubs about to save them given the chance.

    The fact that their fans and club officials are acting like vindictive b*****ds only proves what a vile organisation it is.

  4. Alan Brazil was spouting utter nonsense thismorning and shot down a scouser who suggested scottish football would survive withoutrangers and the sky money.

    anyway the reporter who had called in suggested ifrangers get away with this newco plan then why cant everyone do the same? thisis a very dangerous road to go down if the SFA SPL allow this takeover tohappen. i recall last year dunfermline created a newco.

    It wasn't a reporter, it was blue bigot mouthpiece Keith Jackson. I thankfully just caught a bit of this morning's propaganda but did hear the b*****d dramatically pronounce..The Old Firm IS Scottish football. Naturally Alky Brazil immediately agreed.

    Jackson did mention the everyone else eg Dundee Utd bit but naturally failed to mention the rules would immediately changed after Rangers are saved to prevent anyone else doing it too.

    The Scouser was excellent. God knows how he got through to speak on air. Brazil didn't have a clue and couldn't get rid of him quickly enough.

  5. Well, people saying they'll give up season tickets if the SPL lets a rangers newco back in, that's what I mean.

    So no calls to boycott Vauxhall, McDonalds, Tesco and all the other SFA and SPL sponsors purely to damage them because they are the enemy?

    No calls to boycott other SPL teams by not going to away games purely to damage them because they are the enemy?

    Just supporters saying they will stop going to SPL games because they will be sicked by the corruption?

    In other words, nothing at all like the boycott this and boycott that on RangersMedia.

  6. I appreciate the players views will be different from the fans because its their careers we are talking about and clubs would have to make cut backs without Rangers in the SPL.Craigan has disrespected every club ( including his employers ) and every single paying fan with that remark imo.

    Yeah the media whore was on talksport earlier ( i know i know :rolleyes: ).

    Ray Houghton cut off a United fan for having the audacity to say Rangers have cheated their way to titles over the years and should take the punishment handed to them.Houghton said they have already been punished enough with the 10 point deduction :wacko: . Don't know why they were talking about it when they don't have a clue whats going on up here.

    Talksport have been a disgrace. Just an extension of the Record. Their 'updates' have been from Rangers apologist after Rangers apologist. I briefly caught a bit this morning from Stuart McCall about Motherwell qualifying for the Champions League. Needless to say, neither Motherwell nor the Champions League were mentioned.

  7. But given the changing societal attitudes over the years to slavery, votes for women, homosexuality, racism and countless other previously acceptable views, will future generations really buy into an "institution" founded on and fuelled by hatred? If so, the country, never mind the game, is fucked.


    Scotland's been fucked for ages. Small minded country run by and full of small minds. That's why the bigot brothers are so engrained in the Scottish society, have got away with their bigotry up until now and why they'll continue to get away with it for generations yet.

  8. This stinks to high heaven, and i simply do notaccept that this Miller character is taking a blind punt on making a few quidwith what is, after all, an utter shambles of a business.

    Yep. The Millers of this world do not gamble half a million pounds on anything. He knows the full story. All of the characters in this farce know the full story. Everyone involved in the Great Stitch Up of 2012 will be about 3 steps ahead of public knowledge.

    Beep beep...the Obvious Outcome bus is zooming down the motorway at full speed. Next season's SPL fixtures will be finalised as soon as Dunfermline's relegation is confirmed.

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