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Posts posted by 7-2

  1. Just think if they hadn't messed with sandazahawk's noodle how many more goals the fermers would have had.

    Did that chicanery cost the fermers a shot at the CL?

    Sandazahawk! Excellent.

    Sadly it's a couple of humpings from Motherwell and Dundee United and the SPL's fixture chappy that have made us outsiders for the CL spot. However, Susan Boyle hasn't warmed up the vocal chords yet.

  2. I can see Roy crying into his hanky after seeing the error of his ways.


    At a time when a fellow football club (The Rangers F.C.) teeters on possible liquidation, they are trying to buy one of our star players on the cheap which is morally reprehensible.

    If bidding low is 'morally reprehensible', I wonder what bluechip, the Loyal Bluenose from Gourock, would call the actions of a club that made bids to sign another clubs star player, lets take a name at random and call him Francisco Sandaza, knowing full well they were about to go in administration, the last bid coming about 24 hours before they actually went into administration?

  3. So Brian Kennedy is "waiting in the wings" incase Rangers go into liquidation..........maybe he's planning on taking them down to England via Edgley Park ??? wink.gif


    They'd feel right at home given the locals main song is a version of The Sash.

    ever get the feeling we've all been had and that this has all been one big charade ? with the Administration being solely about public posturing and political maneuvering as the deals been done some months back to liquidate and reform under RFC 2012 ?


    Spot on.

  4. Rest assured once the season is over Rangers will be liquidated. Duff & Duffer are simply killing time, pretending to work behind the scenes until then. They know that if they went into liquidation now then the SPL would be forced to declare all Rangers results void and effectively throw them out of the league. But if it's done in the close season then not only can they claim prize money they can perhaps see a phoenix club take Rangers place in the SPL before the next season starts.


  5. The possibility of an Atlantic League involving Celtic, Rangers, other Scottish clubs and outfits from the Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Portugal and Belgium is back on the agenda after positive indications from Uefa president Michel Platini, the governing body having previously been opposed to the idea. (Sunday Herald)

    What a surprise. It's this week the 'Gang of 10' meet isn't it?

  6. They'd need more players. Motherwell would, certainly.

    Squad sizes and travel costs.

    Back in 2009 the smaller clubs (and some bigger ones e.g. Aberdeen) wanted to cut their squad sizes so they didn't have to support weekly games in SPL, SPL Reserves and SPL U19s. They voted to make the Reserve League optional. Then only a few clubs - 4 or 5 I think (inc. OF, Hearts, Hibs) - wanted to opt-in, so it had to be dropped entirely.

    I see nothing wrong in using first team squad players and older youth players together in a second team. They're obviously already on the books so no additional cost there.

    Clubs are playing bounce games most weeks anyway so I don't see any big additional travel cost either.

    I really just think the only think holding back introducing public games for second teams is the will to do it.

  7. if this lot get away with this without liquidation or a heavy penalty over at least five season i will not be able to control my rage

    Why over 5 years? That would mean nothing, especially if its a points deduction, other than hand you the title for 5 years running. Any penalty should be applied in one go no matter how severe. Not that you can call a wrap over the knuckles and a timid 'please don't do it again' severe.

  8. "We wunt a 10 team league"

    "We wunt a 14 team league"

    "We wunt a 16 team league"

    "We wunt a 20 team league"

    "We'll meet again in a year, eh?"

    "Aye ok"

    "Therefore gentlemen, we are all agreed, WE run the SPL we way WE want from now on, not the way THEY want. Right, who's going to tell them."

    "You tell them"

    "No, you tell them"

    "Not me. You tell them"

    "I'm no tellin them. You tell em"

    "I'm busy. You tell them"

    "My dogs sick. You tell them"

    "Come to think of it, I like things the way they are. Same again?"

    "Sounds good to me. I'll tell them"

    "No, I'll tell them"

    "Hey, I want to tell them"

    "No way. I'm telling them"

    "I never wanted change anyway"

  9. People have been saying that since the start, only for things to look worse and worse for them as even more is uncovered.

    Even the combined talents of Gandalf, the Good Witch Of The North and f**king Aslan couldn't magic up a fairy tale happy ending for the Careless Bears this time.

    Maybe, but sadly most of us know it's going to end up as The bigots are dead. Long live the bigots

  10. I presume this has been argued to death elsewhere by more knowledgeable people than me, but I can't see why it's a given that the SPL needs Rangers. Granted, Celtic will lose out, but then they have the near-certain championship to compensate. The closest potential challengers (eg. Hearts, Hibs, Aberdeen, Dundee Utd) will lose two big gates a season, but if they are competing for second place I could see them making that up over the rest of the home games. The others such as Motherwell*, Kilmarnock, St Johnstone, St Mirren might also benefit from bigger travelling supports from the first four named. Plus there would be 5 places up for grabs in the top six rather than 4.

    As for TV money, overall cake smaller, but everyone gets a bigger slice no?

    *very unfair on current placing I know!

    I've been saying something along these lines too. The bigot brothers cream off so much of the income we get that the drop to most clubs won't lead to the long term doom and gloom scenario that is spouted by the short sighted. Scottish football will die with the OF, not without them.

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