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Posts posted by 7-2

  1. If your thesis is correct, it only reinforces the argument for a root and branch clear out of the SFA / SPL. You are basically saying that the SFA, as an organisation, are too craven and afraid to apply their own rules to one of their member clubs.

    We can but hope, eh ?

    Scottish football is run by a cosy little cartel based within an approximate 5 mile radius in Glasgow. It always has been. It's only now it's becoming apparent to those that never previously looked too closely. They will always look after themselves and f**k the rest. Scottish football stinks.

  2. You know it's been a bad day in the news for the Rangers when No8 comes on and posts like a premenstrual sow*.

    I went to google to check the correct term for a female bear and it seems that Ibrox could have been more aptly nicknamed the piggery than Celtic Park

    It's even worse that so many people try to 'debate' with him. Page upon page of nonsense and wasted time.

    The best way to get through this thread now is to check if the poster is one of the bigot brothers. If they are just ignore and move onto next post. Saves a load of hassle especially after the night time sessions. The thread has definitely been ruined.

  3. Anyone else got a favourite Jimmy Bell anecdote? Possibly my favourite part of this sorry saga would be that utter cretin getting his jotters.

    Never heard of the guy until this pic was posted. Sorry if this appears rude but if the Rangers kit man is portrayed as some sort of national character then it helps show what's wrong with Scottish football. The guy lays out socks and cleans up dirty jock straps. He is nothing but of course he works for the OF and is a well known bigot so he's somebody? If I misread the implication then apologies.

  4. For Cardinal Richelieu's game, adapted by Thistle_do_nicely, to Easy, Normal and Hard Mode, I nominate Jimmy Bell, the Rangers Kit Controller for HARDMODE.

    He's the guy who wouldn't join in for the minute's applause for Jimmy Johnstone, and who gave David Weir a specially produced jersey to wear at the tail end of last season (May 2011) commemorating William and Kate getting married. He wouldn't set out Mo Johnston's gear as he was 'one of them' (nor would he give him chocolate bars designated for the players).

    Here he pays tribute to Jinky:


    Tiny little fellow too by the looks of it. No wonder he's a blue bigot....Ahm no really small. Ah canny be cos ahm wan o ra peeple.

  5. I am very conscious that there are new people reading this thread all the time and others who are struggling to catch up. For their benefit here are a few pointers that may help:

    Haudit & Daudit = Duff & Phelps

    Cockwomble = Neil Doncaster

    Charles Green = Craig Whyte II

    SPL Chairmen = Spineless b*****ds (may be odd exception yet)

    Rangers = Totally fucked

    Hope this helps. :)

    You missed -

    Green bigot supporters are not the friends of diddies no matter how much they try and snuggle up.

  6. Presumably it's a season suspension from SFA membership and ergo from being able to play in the league/cup.

    The doozy would be that the SPL would need another club in to make up a 12..

    This is the solution to everyone's problems...

    Suspend them for a season

    Keep league at 11 clubs

    Being a global brand, the blue bigots can globetrot all season playing glamour friendlies to get enough money to pay their bills whilst expanding their world wide fan base.

    They return to play the green bigots on their 4 free league dates giving Sky their required OF fix.

    All other clubs get days off during the league season to arrange glamour friendlies to compensate for lack of blue bigot home fixture and also prove there's no OF bias.

    A debt free blue bigots re-enter the SPL the season after, everything is back to normal and Scottish football is saved.

    I'm going to email the cockwomble immediately...

  7. We should make sure the Celtic, Motherwell, Dundee United, St Johnstone and Hearts Chairmen all see this article before the vote today..

    And that could see Celtic and Motherwell miss out on the Champions League while Dundee United, Motherwell and Hearts would be banished form the Europa League.

    Nah, we're ok apparently. It's Motherwell that are going to get hit hardest by the looks of things.

  8. No, because, probably like the St.Johnstone case from 1965 (http://saintinasia.w...nts-v-sfa-1965/), this was completely different set of circumstances. Article 64 was only reinforced last August by FIFA to specifically include punishment for members (clubs) which use the civil courts to go against the rules of the FIFA body (the SFA) without referring the case to the CAS.

    The SFA might very well follow the courts advice re: the transfer ban and change it. But they will then have to punish Rangers for going to the court, in breach of FIFA rules (Art. 64). If the SFA fail to act then FIFA will act on the SFA, and it won't end well.

    And this is all before we even get to the 'dual contract's again!

    If Dunfermline are not reinstated in today's meeting and Rangers thrown out, then Scottish football is going to die... How many season tickets have your club sold so far? I'm willing to bet not many - our club haven't...

    By the looks of it though, the SFA rules prevented any club going to CAS so they had no option but to go to CoS. It's the SFA that have got their rules wrong leaving Rangers little choice so surely the SFA are at fault?

    Dunfermline will be relegated no matter what. Dundee would come up in their place.

    Our club haven't started selling season tickets hence having sold none!

  9. NB - Accotrding to RTC it looks like they have been continuing to fail to make theTax/NI payments in Administration. RTC was not previously calling for expulsion but there is a sea-change in attitudes now - see their site for the blog and posts which analyse that the EBT proposal also misrepresents the latest situation.

    If true, surely that points to them deliberately trying to have others shut them down.

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