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Posts posted by 7-2

  1. I dont want to be pedantic about it, but what the one in that link says is "we have no plans to stop covering the Scottish Premier League."

    Thats hardly a definitive statement.

    I have no plans to stay off work on Monday, but if I won the lottery tonight, my plans might change

    You're quite right of course but there have been people much further up the food chain that have unofficially stated to reliable enough sources that Sky will still cover the SPL, but with a reduced fee, to be confident that'll be the case.

  2. http://www.dailyreco...86908-23896636/

    The Ibrox club may not have to start again in the bottom tier of the senior game if it is expelled from the SPL as Sky bosses fret over their absence for at least three years.

    The broadcaster is willing to risk a 12 month "hit" as its new, £80million television deal prepares to kick in next season but has warned it cannot sustain its investment without Rangers.

    Very interesting. Has the sub editor slipped up and let this one through or is it the Record finally realising the truth about Sky not walking away is in the public domain?

  3. Gavin Browne@GavinBrowne77just spoken to a paper in Scotland re Lee Croft - St Johnstone want him back and he'd apparently be happy to go (part 1 of 2) #oafc

    Gavin Browne@GavinBrowne77(part 2 of 2) however, Saints' ability to fund it depends on what happens with Rangers and whether they're allowed back into the SPL#oafc

    I await an answer as to which paper he spoke to.

  4. I think that is pretty accurate of the majority of Rangers fans. Sorry but there is little i can do to change that. As for myself...You couldn't be more wrong. I am not going to go find the posts throughout Pie and Bovril but i have consistently said it would be worth a couple of trophyless years just to rid Ibrox of the glory hunters and the supporters who only came back after 1986.

    I don't want to lord it over all in Scottish football. I want to be part of something that improves Scottish Football from the bottom up. I want to see league reconstruction..a pyramid system. This season we will have both ICT and Ross County both in the SPL. Surely they are proof that the pyramid system would work.

    I want the money spread more evenly amongst the clubs. Not just in the SPL but across the whole of the game. I want to see people coming back to watch the football on the terraces and not sit at home watching the EPL or La Liga.

    What i don't agree with is trying to kill clubs off in a hope that your own club will prosper in some way. My thoughts on that are easy to find. There was talk of Rangers doing that to Airdrie and i made my views perfectly clear.

    Sorry i don't fit your stereotypical view of a Rangers supporter.

    So you're going to continue supporting them despite your utter disgust?

  5. ...and Albania, Armenia, Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Denmark, Eire, Estonia, Finland, Georgia, Hungary, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Moldova, Norway, Poland, Spain, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine.

    a majority of whom had splits of some kind before Scotland did. First was Albania in 1940s.

    Croatia have always had a Split.

  6. I have been giving this a little thought this morning. It stinks to high heaven. I know it stinks and everybody knows it has been a stitch up. I am not proud to support this club right now. I'll go further i am actually ashamed at what has gone on there. I am disgusted that the people at the top of the club got away with it for so long.

    Firstly it is just plain wrong to be able to walk away from the amount of debt Rangers have. I understand this happens in the business world but it doesn't make it any more palatable.

    I have wondered for a while why would Craig Whyte simply run the club into the ground? What was his plan? Murray hands the club to Whyte...Whyte does the dirty work..He calls in the Administrators he wants...they then keep it out of Paul Murrays hands and give it over to Charles Green...He looks like deliberately making 100% his CVA is rejected and buys the assets back for £5.5 million. Then onto the scene comes Walter Smith, Jim McColl and Douglas Park who will buy the club back for under £10 million totally debt free.

    This morning i should be jumping for joy. The Real Rangers men the whole support wanted right from the start look like getting control of the club. It looks like we will be in better financial state than we have been in years but it is a hollow victory. It looks to me that those running the club have lied and cheated just about everybody including their own support and it leaves me feeling sick.....Or maybe that is the hang over i have!! :(

    Having finally seen what the rest of us have known all long, that Rangers are a vile disgusting, organisation corrupt to the core, can we take it that a fine, upstanding individual such as yourself will from this moment on stop supporting Rangers?

  7. This thread should be two things.

    One is a voice for supporters to tell the Scottish footballing authorities and the other SPL clubs that they should be doing the right thing in relation to Rangers and the newco. I'm sure you would agree there's a fairly wide degree of consensus as to what that right thing is.

    The second is a celebration that a club that, unfortunately, has a history of bigottry is getting its comeuppance.

    There are certain posters on this thread, and you're a prime example, who have been negative about this issue from day 1.

    Some people said the SFA would not impose meaningful sanctions - they did.

    Some people said the appelate tribunal would reduce the sanction - they didn't.

    Some people said the CVA would definitely be accepted - it wasn't.

    I was optimistic about all these things and will remain optimistic about the newco being refused entry to the SPL. I ask my fellow diddys to join me.

    This thread is called Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

    It's not called Granny Danger's Look At Me, I Only Want To Talk About What I Can Handle Thread - Granny's Approved Chat Only.

    I want these b*****ds to die as much as the next person, as long as it's not No.8. I have, however, followed Scottish football long enough to see both sides of the OF continually get away with murder from the SFA and other regulatory authorities so I feel I am entitled to be a tad cynical about anything they are involved in until it is 100% certain, especially when we are talking about wiping one of them off the face of the map.

    Some people have got things right. Some people have got things wrong. Some people are living in cloud cuckoo land and in their rush to see Rangers die fail to read things properly or see the real situation. However, I don't jump in screaming and abusing them because I don't agree with them. I'll perhaps put in my own, counter opinion which is normal in discussion, online or otherwise.

    As the thread has progressed you have changed from offering some excellent humour and good viewpoints into the self appointed, shouter down of anything daring to not fit in with your perception of acceptable. It's been noticeable it's followed the praise you've rightly got for a lot of your humour. Perhaps that's just coincidence though.

    I shall continue to contribute my viewpoints in an All chat here thread and if you don't like them then that's your problem. Continue with your toys out of the pram, playing to the crowd posts. However, what would be preferable would be you realising that we, as well as others, both want exactly the same thing although we differ on our perceptions of the route being taken to get there. You make it hard to believe we are actually on the same side.

    If Rangers are finally removed from Scottish football then I shall be going out on one of the biggest celebratory piss ups South Manchester has ever seen. Until then, because I want it to happen so much, I shall remain with my feet on the ground until it is totally confirmed.

    There's a difference between negativity and a desire to be realistic GD

    Exactly. Thank you.

  8. People's turbo-optimism hasn't been wrong too often. I have no doubt that the sensible sources out there have allowed the optimists to go a bit turbo. There's a few folk who deserve a lot of respect for their 'digging' around

    Indeed there are. This thread was originally superb for information and banter. However the longer it's gone on the more it's turning into a diddy version of Rangers Media in that if you dare say anything considered to be against the party line you're shot down in no uncertain fashion. Debate, humour and exchange of opinions made this thread. Our own HarrogateBlues' are starting to ruin it.

  9. People's turbo-optimism is running rampant!!

    Indeed. I tried to get an answer earlier and you can imagine what happened.

    Today's official statement on the Aberdeen OS is the usual bland PR speak...

    Aberdeen Football Club has issued an update with regard tothe ongoing situation affecting Scottish Football and in particular RangersFootball Club.

    Duncan Fraser Chief Executive said "Yesterday'sannouncement that Rangers FC will reform as a New Co brings a degree of clarityto the situation. However there are a number of other investigations ongoing.

    Like everyone we wish to see them resolved as soon aspossible.

    A large numbers of our supporters have made theirviews and feelings very clear and as a Club I can assure everyone that theseare being taken into account. The integrity of sport in general and football inparticular must be central to any decision.

    This issue has our full attention and we willcommunicate any decisions we take in relation to this situation with oursupporters in a transparent way at an appropriate time.''

    Still, there's a time and a place for the truth and this obviously isn't it.

    Good second article on the P&J back page. Aberdeen's new strips go on sale today. I prefer the red shorts version myself.

  10. To be fair, a first year law student could have answered that one and anyone in this thread who didn't know that already really needs to read more and post less.

    Terribly sorry. I take it all posts updating the situation are banned from now on?

    Why are people reacting like this is some unexpected revelation :unsure:?

    Where's the surprise? The only ones going to be surprised are those living in their la la dream world.

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