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Wee Bully

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Posts posted by Wee Bully

  1. Eglinton was immense today, but really hard. It was the slowest I've done, but ducking through woods at the side of the path, running through what felt like rivers, and several long sections of ankle deep mud aren't conducive to PBing. Keeping upright was the main aim.

  2. Curtice was on Radio Scotland this morning.

    It's yet another poll where Yes are making no progress. Support for Independence is just so static. Must be hugely alarming for the Yes campaign - which is going absolutely nowhere.

    Even for you, that is wildly disingenuous.

    The last SSAS showed 23% support for independence, and was widely trumpeted on here and else where. This one shows support for independence at 29%. By my analysis, that is both progress and is not static.

  3. Yeah for a 5km race the food is not that important. Anything above that then I would really recommend porridge - always have a bigger bowl than usual before running.

    Did another Sunday morning 1 hour run this morning. Managed to cover 14.7km and am now in good enough running shape to think about a Half Marathon.I am considering signing up for the Balloch to Clydebank Half Marathon on 09 March. Anyone done it before? If so, is it a good course?

    I've no idea if it is any good or not, but you have just inspired me to enter it. I haven't run that far in over 2 years, so it will be fun!

  4. The other thing to do is get fitted for shoes at a specialist shop and then look for them cheaper on line. I go for ascis 1100 range and usually pick up the last years version for £50 to £70 online. I have 3 pairs at the moment - one pair just about done, one pair broken in and a 3rd pair still in the box.

    To be honest, this is why I think shops like Run4it should charge for fitting (say £10) and give you a £10 voucher against shoes in their shop. If you decide to go elsewhere, at least they have made something out of it

  5. cant find the raw data for the poll yet

    the percentages are this by the look of it

    30% independence

    32% more devolution

    29% current devolution deal

    9% don't know

    Oh, and 35% of SNP supporters want are tempted by more devo, rather than independence. I wonder which side they are most likely to fall given that isn't on the table.

  6. 30% want independence. 61% want either devolution OR more devolution. Essentially its much the same as all the polls already tell us that only a minority of Scots want to leave the union.

    Are you still laughing? <_<

    30% for independence

    32% for "Devo Max"

    29% for Status Quo

    Less, definitely laughing. Only 29% want what is on offer from Better Together. 62% for a change in the constitutional settlement.

  7. Cheers Ziggy, I see that from the FB page. Now thats a flood!

    we're planning on setting off about 8:20 anyway so will keep an eye on it. It still looks like a fair bit of rain is due, so I think our contingency is Strathclyde, which is a bit rubbish as we've all done that one loads of times!

    We'll probably decide tomorrow evening.

    A real pity if you've not run Eglinton before, as I think it is by far the best track I've done at Parkrun. The most fun anyway.

  8. If you've been personally affected by events, coping mechanism no. 4517 is "don't login to an online football forum, otherwise you might see 'distasteful comments'". Pretty straightforward stuff.

    Can only imagine the outrage among the professional griefmongers once they find out about the war in Syria.

    Strangely, when people are personally affected by something (and I count at least 3 people on this thread with relatives / close friends killed or injured) a certain amount of human sympathy and tact is called for.

    Those that feel it is either the place to make jokes, or political statements, or be "edgy" in the name of their "box-office status" are probably just illustrating their shallowness and lack of social skills.

  9. Glad to hear you enjoyed it, it can be challenging when conditions are like today's. You must have noticed me as I was the Run Director at Eglinton today.

    I certainly did - we had a couple of words. I'll properly say hello next time. I was wearing a bright orange jacket.

    I've done it 3 times now at Eglinton, and as I said it is by far my favourite course so far. This morning (other than the calfs) was my slowest but most enjoyable Parkrun yet. The rain actually added to it, and reminded me of my schooldays which frankly weren't yesterday,

    I think you need to say something about the dogs though...

  10. Did the Eglinton Parkrun again this morning, in possibly my slowest time yet (a week at Disney and niggling calf injuries). Despite the pain, it was great fun. My favourite course in the West of Scotland so far, and a real cross country feel in places. The rain just added to the cross country feel. Fabulous.

  11. I know it's a bit tricky to fully understand what he's trying to say, so here it is in writing.

    “Hello, sir, and why are you here today?”

    “I’m here to protest right, I’m going on a march that I want Britain to be back British. I want Britain to be back British. You've got interracial law and the Muslamic infidel and they’re trying to get their law over our country. And it is happening, it’s happening in other countries, everything it’s happening in other countries like, like you've got the Iraqi law that they put down in London right we’re not in London today but they’re trying to put the Iraqi law down on London and they’re just trying to put their law down on us, we can’t stand for this.”

    “Which law is this?”

    “It’s the Muslim, Muslamic law, they've got their law obviously it’s their law, innit? We can’t do anything about that but we’re just trying to stop Muslamic.. You've got Muslamic ray guns nowadays.. fuckin, there’s 15 year olds getting raped and everything it just can’t happen. That’s why all these people are here, all these people around us.. That’s why they’re here.”

    Not defending him (again), but he is not saying Muslamic Ray Guns. He is saying Muslamic Rape Gangs .

  12. First Parkrun for a while, due to injury and I was blowing out of my arse at the end. Even worse, felt my calf go again and now it is louping. I have no idea what it is as it is fine for miles and then just seizes / tightens up. Trip to the physio required I think.

  13. Why over two days? I`ve not done it, but people usually take a week & relax, sounds like you put yourself through hell!!!

    A charity fundraiser, and we were looking for something a little bit away from the ordinary. A challenge where there was a real chance we would fail.

    It was hell, especially both early and then later on on day 2.

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