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Wee Bully

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Posts posted by Wee Bully

  1. Just back from walking the West Highland Way in 2 days - 3 of us took it on, and it was beast. Started at 3am on Friday, and managed to get halfway between Crianlarich and Tyndrum on the first day. Got a run back to the Crianlarich Hotel for 4 hours kip, and the started again at 4.30. Finally got to Fort William at about 1.15am.

    Hardest thing I have ever done in my life, and no way I would ever do it again.

  2. I was born in 1984, so technically I'm too young to give a crap - except that you can't help but be affected by her policies. It didn't jsut stop when she elft office: The neo-liberal fantasies she put in place are still with us. The de-industrialsed regions and broken communties, the centralising of all growth on the city of London and the squandering of the north sea reserves to cover that growth. All these things occured on her watch, and were enabled by later governments. She helped define a social and economic epoch that we are still living through.

    I agree with all that. I deeply dislike her and her policies.

    Celebrating her death though? That's pathetic.

  3. Not sure I'm only aware of their expulsion in 1290 from England and that they were not permitted re-entry until Cromwell took over with the help of the wealthy Dutch-Jewish bankers that funded him. They were expelled from most European nations at some time during their history due to their "USURY" bankrupting entire nations, causing famines, etc.

    I wouldn't say this to anyone else on this forum, but could you just f*** off you anti-Semitic c***.

  4. 440 at glasgow park run again this morning. Think I'll wait til all the new years resolution folk give up before returning. That's my excuse anyway tongue.gif

    I've given up until the numbers come down - did 8 miles up at the wind farm instead. With 440, unless you are right at the front, your times become meaningless.

  5. Enjoyed this morning even though my time was pretty poor. Will try and get out again tomorrow, during the week and then be at parkrun next Saturday so hopefully won't be too long till I get the time down again.

    Good turnout from the Bully Wee fans this morning.

    Indeed it was! Quite pleased with my time (23.26), as getting back to my pre-injury times. Obviously a lot of New Year Resolutions, as that is the busiest I've seen Strathclyde.

  6. Finally after several attempts a achieved my target of a sub 20 minute 5k at Falkirk park run. Official time was 19:57. Chuffed I can now retire :)

    Well done! I'm going backwards at the moment, since injuring my knee at the Glasgow 10k. Slowly getting back into it, but it is amazing how much it has added to my times.

  7. The first great paradox is that Israel accuses all others of bigotry against it, everyone who criticizes Israel is an anti-semite it seems whilst at the same time the Israelis are now widely recognized as "The New Afrikaners , operating an apartheid state and engaging in brutal ethnic cleansing and 'policies of depopulation'.

    The second great paradox is that Israel aggressively seeks reparations and restitutions form other states for its citizens who were dispossessed during the second world war whilst sitting atop a stolen country and overseeing massive ghettos full of those that you violently dispossessed.

    How do these incredible paradoxes exist?

    The answer is a propaganda machine that is unrivaled on this earth.

    And understand this, an anti-semite is not typically someone who dislikes Jews, an anti-semite is someone who the Jews don't like.

    How long can they sustain this incredible hypocrisy I wonder.

    Are you SS-18?

  8. Missed your second point and you're dead right again. This is why every member of the Jewish diaspora has to pump as much cash as possible into Israel to counteract the Muhammadans. Also why they have to remain fully mobilised in the US, to ensure a pro Israeli president.

    It's a bit like those other honourable Americans - Noraid.

    I can't believe I missed this. Every member of the Jewish diaspora has to pump cash into Israel?

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