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Old Diamond

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Everything posted by Old Diamond

  1. Cue the Celtic support dusting off the sombreros for the Old Firm cup tie, don't forget the porn star moustaches hombres!
  2. Just as an aside, the yellow stars that the Jews were forced to wear was not a new idea, it was invented by that nasty English King, Edward I. http://www.history.co.uk/biographies/edward-i
  3. The old duffer that I followed up the A77 from Cairnryan all the way to Girvan yesterday evening, you have probably met the type, as soon as the road bends or twists, they are down to 25-30mph when the bend can safely be taken at 45mph (at least), then when they hit a straight they are off like lightning, on the Glenapp climbing lane section they were doing 75pmh!!! crawled up the rest of the climb at 30 - 40 then off at 70mph plus on the straight over the top followed by a maximum of 30mph down the Smyrton slalom to Ballantrae. Very frustrating!!
  4. Then you have the folk that do use the crossings, press the button but cant wait for the light to go green and scoot accross, then when the lights change the traffic has to stop while there is nobody there to cross
  5. What exactly does "full time" mean in Dunfermline's case? When Airdrie were last full time they were regularly humped by fitter part time teams because being full time did not exactly take up much of their week, they spent more time on the golf course than on the training pitch. It's not now much time you spend, it's how you spend it it would seem.
  6. Not if Bollan stays!!! You might scrape a playoff place..... ...at the bottom!!
  7. Jackie Stewart and Bill Munro did not exactly have glittering spells as manager of the old Airdrieonians. Remember in particular giving Stewart pelters.
  8. Used everytime someone wins a bet in my work Stevie..... Stevie..... Stevie.....
  9. Waddingtons had to amend the rules for that game, in normal monopoly when you are bankrupt you lose, in this version you just keep on playing
  10. It is now illegal to say that somebody missed the goal by a "baw hair". The EU have now replaced the "baw hair" with the PI (Pubic International) unit of awfy small distances and must be used at all time
  11. If you touch a live electrical cable while sitting on another persons shoulders only the person you are sitting on will get a shock
  12. Ruined the industrial heart of Scotland in an act of spiteful vengeance. Where will she be buried so that I can dance on her grave wearing my best industrial boots.
  13. Away and don't talk pish, do you think that it is fun being an Airdrie Supporter watching the curent level of football on offer, most fans want the team to be relegated and rebuild at a level which the team is pitched. We are not the curse and we do not need our arses saving, as stated by most of the other posters which have a brain, we are some of the few actually operating within our means
  14. Please god let it be just a 10 point deduction, 25 would put them below us. Last thing we need now is false hope of avoiding relegation
  15. We are assuming that the local council has any interest in the local football club to begin with, I am of the opinion that the vast majority of our councillers are season ticket holders at one or other of the Ugly Sisters and have no interest whatsoever in the clubs that lie within their jurisdiction.
  16. 1) I am a trainspotter. Yip, a genuine Anorak wearing number collector with a loft full of models. my favorite away ground is Starks Park, if Airdrie are playing their usual shite I can always turn round and watch the trains go by. 2) That is enough
  17. Sitting in the Internet Cafe in my Hotel in Salou, it is 26 degrees and the sky is bright blue, already had a few beers, and the news means that I will certainly have a good few more. Can life get any better...... Oh yes, my team has just won promotion The Airdrie Playoff Curse Remains a potent force. GIRUY Teddy Bears, that is all.
  18. Got there first, meant to add - served with freshly dug Ibrox potatoes and spring Green(s)
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