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Old Diamond

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Everything posted by Old Diamond

  1. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-18675046 Japanese tourist guide warning over Scots football and sausage A new guide book for Japanese tourists visiting Scotland has warned them to avoid people wearing football shirts, and not to eat flat sausages.Written in Japanese, the Insider's Guide to Scotland, is published by Edinburgh-based Luath Press. In the book, potential visitors are told never to approach men wearing green or blue football tops, but to make sure they go on a pub crawl and get "merrily drunk" on Scottish whisky.
  2. Unfortunately not entirely true. I heard this very story from a very reliable source with contacts close to the SFL on Monday, it was being discussed extensively by all clubs in the First Division and a deal was close to being hammered out.
  3. http://www.scotsman.com/sport/clyde_to_leave_broadwood_1_1521007, subsequent pages of discussion on this site suggest that Clyde will remain there for another five years, but the long term objective is still to move away.
  4. My runners for this race are: Airdrie United (unfortunately) - Pro Rangers Chairman, if offered a pot of cash and a guaranteed board place that would mean that he could retain his position with the SFL and SFA I think he might take it, does not have the greatest relationship with the Airdrie Fans. Only drawback is that it is thought that he also is part of the company that owns the ground, which would become a difficult asset to dispose of Cowdenbeath - also Pro Rangers Chaiman, shortly to have no ground, very small fanbase. Clyde - again shortly to have no ground as they dissolve their partnership with NLC, very small fanbase. East Stirling - currently with no ground and also very small fanbase.
  5. I hope one thing that comes out of this whole issue is that Old Firm "fans", "journalists" and other arrogant groupings will stop referring to clubs at the lower end of the SPL, and everyone in the SFL as "diddy clubs". I have always found that description very disingenuous, we are not "diddy clubs", we are small but potentially powerful. The clubs that get tagged with this label are well run by very hard working board members and their fans, though unfortunately few, are loyal and when threatened by issues like the Rangers attempts to railroad themselves back into the SPL have shown that they can band together to form a strong and well organised opposition that as we have seen , can get results. I have often wondered if clowns like Chick Young or Jim Traynor were told repeatedly enough that they are "diddy journalists" working for "diddy newspapers" then they would lash out with legal action, threatening slander, but after all the Daily Record is hardly in the same league as The Telegraph or Die Welt. We can start by stopping referring to ourselves as "Diddy Clubs" please
  6. According to Radio Scotland there will be an official photograph of her Maj shaking hands with Martin McGuiness, I reckon within 2 minutes of the photo being published there will be a photoshopped version with witty comments about the Rangers Demise. Get your comments ready now!!
  7. Because either Dunfermline or Dundee would drop out and they are in the East Section of the Draw, The Billy Zombies would be in the west section of the draw.
  8. Apply for what - there isn't a vacancy yet, the SPL have not as far as I know made any offer of a place to any other team to fill the vacant place left due to the demise of Rangers, and from what I have read in other forums there may be a legal battle to see whether Dunfermline or Dundee take up any place when it becomes available. Only then can the SFL accept applications for a place in their divisions. Witht eh start of the season fast approacing they all better get their collective skates on to avoid chaos at the start of the season.
  9. Why is this thread still in the "SPL General Chatter" Forum, surely about time to have it removed, question is, where to put it, I suppose we could have a Forum of its own, - the Limbo Forum for example
  10. Just like the ending of many John Carpenter Movies, dawn breaks, the surviving hero and heroine are tired, bloody but alive, the monster/zombies/evil creature (delete as applicable) have been killed and they walk off into the rising sun, but just at the last second, on he last frame of film, there is a twitch of evil life yet - THE END(?)
  11. While I can totally see and agree with the logic of this post, I think that the FA/SFA et all will want to quash the idea for the simple reason that it would set a precedent which at least one other large Scottish Club would wish to follow.
  12. Has Jimmy Carr replaced Andy Cameron as the official Club 12 comedian, sounds as though he fits in perfectly with that mob
  13. OK - If I have read this correctly, if the Celtic chairman votes against it, but the vote still goes in Newcos favour, Celtic fans will boycott all the clubs that vote for Newco (and Newco itself), but will still turn out in their thousands to watch Newco at Celtic Park, something not right with that.
  14. Meaningless slow news day soundbite to fill column inches. Expect more of these in the next few days before the next big "deadline"
  15. Think you will find it wasn't air, it was Hydrogen, and it wasn't hot until it ignited, then it was a bit burny. and turned into the cover of Led Zeppelin I
  16. As was said on a previous post - this post useless without photograph smiley required!!
  17. Joseph Goebbels would have been immensely proud of that statement, his spirit lives in the hearts of the Currant Buns
  18. I posted this once before and I think that with things having moved towards the newco situation it is worth posting again. The decisions made by the SPL club chairmen will not only be influenced by the fans and their own opinions but by the policy of their banks. There is precedence with the situation ten years ago when Airdrie attempted to rejoin the SFL3 after liquidation and failed due to the member clubs of the SFL being instructed by their bank managers to vote for anyone other than Airdrie, as the banks feared that this would would set a precedent for an easy way out for any club with crippling debts to clear their books and start afresh. Any SPL club currently with a loan or overdraft may be now getting a letter from their bank telling them that a vote for a newco may result in a review of their overdraft or an adverse change in interest rates if finance were to be renegotiated. Of course in this case the decision would be balanced against loss of revenue from the TV and the famous big travelling support, but with potential threatened fans boycotts by both the clubs own supporters and a newco rangers travelling support it may not be such a huge loss. My worry is that the newco is rejected by the SPL and SFL and with a support and management determined to stay in existance, a certain (known bluenose) Mr Ballantyne gets a telephone call offering him a wad of cash and a guaranteed board seat that would allow him to continue with his position in the SFA, although he I think that he would have to resign his SFL position (no big loss there). Result a Rangers back in the first division (due to Dundee being promoted and Airdrie also going up) potentially only one year away fromt he SPL. I have doubts that he would refuse that offer.....
  19. Great Post, I remember statements from the time declaring that if Ravenscraig were to close it would be the end of Scottish Engineering. It did, and surprise, surprise Engineering has survived, it will be the same with Football.
  20. The Wombles Orinoco Womble – vocals, keyboards Wellington Womble – guitar Tomsk Womble – bass Bungo Womble – drums, percussion Madame Cholet – saxophone Great Uncle Bulgaria – violin, musical director Cock Womble - Fiddle
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