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Everything posted by wirez

  1. "both votes SNP" Aye, done that the last time. Got f**k all representation on list apart from Tories. I'll be giving Alba my second vote.
  2. Absolutely agree in areas such as South Scotland. In most other regions where the SNP will hoover up all the constituency seats it is a complete waste. The numbers do not lie.
  3. The SNP got 4 MSPs elected the last time from the list. 3 in south Scotland. Labour and Tories got 45 elected with roughly the same amount of votes combined as the SNP total. The "both votes SNP" crowd are deluded if they think the result will be any different this time round.
  4. It is not a gaming of the system. It is playing the cards you are dealt. FPTP seems a fine system for the Tories to have an 80 seat majority and do what the hell they like as regards Scotland in the UK all on 44% of the vote. This is well within the rules created for our Parliament. Those exact same rules that tried to ensure it was just an endless talking shop. Unionist politicians and voters seem fine with the situation at Westminster. I really could not care less if they start mewling that "its just not fair" if supporters of independence take advantage and vote to get rid of them.
  5. Salmond is Farage? Fine by me. Farage actually won. I'm sick of fighting the good fight when the other side get to deploy every shitty low blow tactic as we piously look about for the non-existent ref. A list vote for the SNP is pretty much wasted outside of the South of Scotland constituencies. I'll be voting Green or Alba as my list vote. Seeing utter wanks like Murdo Fraser and Annie Wells hitting the dole queue would be magic!
  6. I reckon about 20-25% were scared, unsure, happy enough with a UK that seemed at ease with its global standing as a big voice within the EU. The rest now are BritNat wallopers that are fairly happy to see a continuing decline in Scotland's wealth and status as a country so long as they still get to wave Union flag about. So aye, I reckon a good 30% of folk living in Scotland are utter fannies.
  7. Aye. I thought it would make a fitting end to the old and in with the new
  8. Middle / end of July. The clusterfuck UK option will be biting amongst the zombies who don't follow the news....leaving only a 15-20% hardcore WATP types to laugh at when their delusional masters of the empire pish comes to a glorious halt. I'll go for the 11th. It is on a Thursday this year, which is when these elections / referendums are usually held.
  9. If only former FM McConnell could have thought of some way to spend that £1.5 billion instead of sending it back to Westminster...ah well. Labour. You could not give these twats a red neck with a blow torch.
  10. You can only imagine the spin the BBC would put on Iran/Russia/Syria etc charging the public a national tax in order to view outside broadcasts....but here we accept it as meek dafties. As one of the previous posters said...the BBC are masters at playing up the BritNat propaganda. This is a personal favourite of how other countries and cultures are portrayed to open up some eyes on the shite we are served up -
  11. I have no trust of RT or any other state/billionaire sponsored newscorp groups. Simply stating the fact that to legally view any of them you have to first hand over £150+ to our own state sponsored broadcaster. A ridiculous unsustainable situation going forward. The "cash in the attic" boomer generation is rapidly starting to fall off the perch. Out of date bollocks that should have died with the dog licence.
  12. London has been the UK's priority since the late 70's. It was all about creating a first class global city, never a thought spared for the rest having to travel along in baggage class.
  13. The BBC is clearly a deeply corrupt institution now desperately trying to cover up their long-standing hypocrisy and bias. Amazes me that some folk buy into the pish about good old "Auntie" and are horrified at the thought of watching a state sponsored news channel like RT. Bit of perspective is needed here. RT might very well be a load of old Kremlin tat....but is a channel that we can only watch live, if we first pay our own state broadcaster over £150 or face having the law on us. Old "Auntie" needs a mass boycott of their yoon broadcasting tax.
  14. Liam Neeson should have played Obi-Wan in the films and McGregor as an older Annakin. It would have cut out all the yippee bollocks in Phantom and Hayden Christensen's horrific acting stinking out the other 2
  15. Watched a few in the last month or so Jurrasic World - 7/10 Was decent enough entertainment. I thought the dinosaurs looked a bit ropey at times though. I also wish they had more of a shock value as to who was going to get munched. Pretty much called every characters death within 10 seconds of them being on screen. The Equalizer - 5/10 Taken 4 starring Denzel Washington. Some good action scenes. John Wick - 5/10 Keanu Reeves plays a retired assassin who kills about 150 people because somebody pannelled his dug! Again, some good action scenes. Draft Day - 2/10 A boring film about the NFL draft. Oooh the suspense. Pish Nightcrawler - 9/10 Loved this. Jake Gyllenhaal as the creepy main character is brilliant
  16. War of the Worlds - 6/10 Really enjoyed the first half. Then Cruise meets up with Tim Robbins crazy freedom fighter character and it turns to shit. Mad Max Fury Road - 8/10 This was just crazy. Would probably watch it again.
  17. Liz Truss - proper trougher
  18. If using firefox - right click on any Herald article and open it in a private window to view it. Nae bother
  19. Baroness Mone Sir Danny Alexander No voters must be burning up with pride seeing their fellow Brits getting rewarded from the state. Utter wallopers
  20. You would have to think that big Tormund and the rest of the wildlings are gonna be supremely pissed off that the Nights Watch have killed their saviour. Hoping the big giant goes fee-fi-fo-fum and eats that wee shite that finished off oor lad Snow..
  21. Have to say I'm missing Tywin & Joffrey Lannister being on screen. A series like this needs proper devious villains you could get raging at. Ramsay & Roose are no in the same league
  22. Seems pretty obvious how this will end up White Walkers bursting on the scene big style last week...and then the dragon steals the show this week. Surely just stretching out the storyline now until the two inevitably meet head on. Perhaps the clue was in the books title - A Song of Ice and Fire
  23. Enjoyed that Watching that giant barreling along, shaking the undead off his shoulders, reminded me of big Roddy Grant piling in at a corner kick. However, the Battle of Blackwater in the 2nd series still remains the series highlight for me.
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