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Sweet Pete

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Everything posted by Sweet Pete

  1. Just discovered that someone who used to work at this firm but who left some time ago, didn't bother her arse to do something essential roughy 18 months to 2 years ago and now I'll have to fix it.
  2. I use the Derren Brown technique when worried that the free seat next to me on the bus/train is about to be occupied by the trampy looking git who just got on; make eye contact as soon as they get on, hold their gaze and gently pat the free seat
  3. I drove through it last summer whilst holidaying in Thurso, we got into the place, kept on going, locked the car doors and turned swiftly back around and headed out again. On the way out we passed Wick airport and a cargo plane that had just taken off started smoking from one engine and had to turn back and land again.
  4. None of those are anywhere near Tain but your right, further north than Tain the A9 becomes single track and stays that way for a good 100 miles BUT there's a light at the end of the tunnel because after you've gone through mile after mile of boring Caithness countryside you get to Thurso and Thurso is the fucking bollocks!
  5. I've never lived there for more than two months at a time but I have been going there for between two days and two months throughout the year since the age of 5. It can be boring but it's not exactly pluto, you can still go places and do things. Ross County are just down the road in Dingwall and there's plenty of shops etc. in Inverness just over the bridge.
  6. I've noticed it a lot with the young team who used to be obsessed with fighting, cars and birds. Now they're all just getting wasted and the town isn't like it was. *cue violins and rose tinted specs* It was a different place when I were a lad.
  7. On a similar note, my beloved Tain has become a hotbed of drugs. It's turning into Wick or Ullapool
  8. Aye, in that case let's hope someone dies soon. My money's on you.
  9. Yeah Mrs Pete went to one of her patients funerals a couple of weeks ago.
  10. Sorry to hear that. My fiancee works in Yorkhill and sees that kinda stuff too. My only experience, thus far, in my life of seeing someone die was on holiday two years ago in Crete when some Aberdonian had a heart attack and we all took turns giving him CPR but he pegged it nonetheless.
  11. Yup, so then it's; he has had problems in the past but is attempting to turn his life around. He admits he is no angel but is remorseful (the standard word for all pish defences) and we would recommend community service in this case. Or words to that effect.
  12. As someone who works in law, yes. Although, his brief will claim the standard shite; never been in trouble, got a steady job, ashamed of their behaviour, have a kid on the way etc. OR Has an alcohol problem for which they are receiving treatment etc. Sheriff's must be so bored from hearing the same shite every day.
  13. You really do have a 14 year old girls' taste in music.
  14. It may be a cool name, but due the grammatical error in the name it would imply that you rape epileptics.
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