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Everything posted by banterman86

  1. I really really enjoyed Homeland, but I don;t think the finale, plot wise was aprticualrly "stunning Some great performances all the same
  2. Edge's return made sense to me - he and Cena were "carrying" the company whilst Rock and Brock were doing other things. Edge and Cena were commited to the indistry, they weren;t. thsi pisses Edge off, thus he wants Cena to win. I enjoyed the drunk punk stuff, shows off how good Punk is at the little things. A second major Cena loss would be very very interesting...but i think he;s been buried too much
  3. This was discussed earlier in the thread - the Japan/Mariko story arc is the one that i think has the most potential for a Wolverine solo movie http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mariko_Yashida
  4. I asked this earlier on, what's this Dean Ambrose's gimmick?
  5. What is this Dean Ambrose's gimmick, seen some folk raving about him
  6. How would people book Lesnar's year back, from now until 'Mania? Yeah, another fantasy booking question. Sue me, it's the best part of t'internet wrestling chat
  7. I'm quite suprised at the amount of rumours swirling about regarding one more match for Austin - even from "reputable" sources like powerslam, which hinted at an Austin-Lesnar macth at one point - where has this come from?
  8. That would be ridiculously good, and why the WWE wouldn;t go for it - those are main events - as in finsih the show, the crowd won't be interested in anything afterwards - for 3 seperate events if you ask me. Rematches are he easiest money maker in pro-wrestling - the possibilty of a Cena heel turnor a title match would add to the lustre
  9. The only problem I see there is that tehy two "proper" Wrestlemania main events on one card, even if Cena/Rock would be a rematch, but I reckon those two are very likely. y'know what would be a good Summerslam Main Event? a tag match between the "Company Men" CM Punk + Cena vs "The Wantaways" Brock + Rock. Somebody needs to be elevated through association with Rock and Brock hanging around, Punk would be my pick.
  10. Anyone fancy a crack at fantasy booking Wrestlemania 29's main events right now?
  11. Must have been a blip with 4 OD, have seen both episodes since my last post. There was a point last night when i thought the show came a bit close to jumping the shark - something about how On another note, how graet a role is Carrie Matheson? From a feminist perspective (bear with me) i think it;s great, it's a role that could easily have been filled by a male character
  12. That sounds interesting - is a "dry read" though?
  13. banterman86

    The Wire

    That's an interesting take on it...may be time to rewatch The Sopranos.....
  14. I've been watching this on catch up, but it's not turned up on 4OD this week - anyone know if it's a blip or are Channel Four keeping it off their on demand services? I think they have previous for this with American shows.....
  15. He's the template for a Superhero really,. that's why it;s difficult for him to have strong stories - people are afraid to push the character.
  16. Still watching, still enjoying it. I read a review of it describing it as a "Liberal media apology for 24" - I can;t help but feel that may turn out to be quite apt.
  17. Is the new issue of that out? Will pick it up, decent read. My top 3 would be Batman Spiderman Superman They are pretty much the holy trinity of superheroes
  18. I presume it might have something to do with The british Tv show turned awful movie The Avengers
  19. i don;t watch raw or wwe regularly but...could the Rock be playing subtly heel to the audience who is most likely to cheer for him - the IWC?
  20. Invincible is the fucking tits, i read the first four or five graphic novels. great stuff i'm way over on downloads for this month though
  21. chhers man, this looks good. any freebies to suggest?
  22. I'm a total fucking luddite man - i can read comics on my iphone? link? I haven't read that story, think it was forehead who suggested it. Too many fo the great comic arcs are to complex for a straight frame by frame port. for example Death of Superman is one of the most succesful comic stories ever, from a commercial point of view, but a straight port of that would make a horrible movie because it's so convoluted
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