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Everything posted by banterman86

  1. What's the story there? As I said in another thread Batman Beyond - book it.
  2. When is this repeated? Also -what's the best wrestling game on the 360?
  3. I agree - seems a bit lazy to me, or cynical if I were suggesting a daredevil trilogy I'd probably go Man Without Fear, Born Again and soemthing from the Bendis era. or Man Without Fear ,Yellow and Born Again.
  4. Can someone tell me what English club Europa league games are on what channels and when tonight? Yes. I'm lazy.
  5. Following on from that, Fan boys, what story arcs would you liek to see form the basis of future comic book movies? We could do some fantasy booking, or at least turn some people on to some stories they shoudl read. For me, off the top of my head The Dark Knight Returns - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_Knight_Returns An obvious one, I remember reading once that frank Miller gave Zack Snyder his blessing to direct if an adaption were ever to happen. I actually think this could serve as a good "break" for Batam between the Nolanverse and the inevitable reboot. The Man Without Fear - http://www.amazon.co.uk/Daredevil-Without-Fear-Devil-Inside/dp/0785134794 I think this was the first graphic novel I read and always thought it would make a perfect origin movie - no costume til the last frame! Maus - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maus Could be a disaster, could be an Oscar winner. Feel free to add, discuss, or suggest fantasy casting - Clint Eastwood for batman? James Gandolfini for Kingpin?
  6. Yeah, i doubt the script will have been chucked out, but just pcituring a superhero film in the vein of The Wrestler and Black Swan is freaky. the obvious story to tell in japan http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mariko_Yashida has got so much dramatic potential. I'm not a particularly big Woverine fan but i'm interested in this
  7. This film initially had massive potential - with darren Aronofsky directing a script set in japan, it could have been epic. I understand that he's left the project now though
  8. Well, yeah,I was looking for similar suggestions! What's fighting talk?
  9. Can anyone suggest some good "live lounge" style albums - ie bands doing covers of other peoples songs? Also, any good podcasts from itunes U?
  10. I don;t think it would be too bad an idea to have a PPV and a 'Mania match - the 'Mania match can be for a shot at any title, whilst the two ppv ones can be brand specific. It could risk gimmick overkill with three multi-man ladder matches in about 3-4 months though
  11. I attempted this on monday night, and felt like I had a good work out. effectively broke down into 3 20 minute periods - weights,c ardio, swimming. Couldn;t handle HIIT in the poool though - too busy I wanted to bring in barbell rows instead of pull ups, but feel a bit funny doing them
  12. banterman86

    The Wire

    Without getting into spoilers, you're disregarding Bunk's character arc in the final season, which was one fo the better ones of that series The Wire doesn't really have a fast moving narrative though does it? I think it may just come down to personal preference really, i prefer the Wire's "7 minutes of everybody, every week" approach to "The Soprano's with Special Guest Star Meadow!" approach. What allows for better charctersation is up for question - do you get deeper into a character by seeing a lot of them intermitantly, or a moderate amount of them regulalrly? That's questionable as well, for example it's hard to compare that sort of Stuff to The Soprano's however, because the Soprano's doesnt lend itself to those kind of questions - if The Wire is about the Society, then the Soprano's is arguably about the Human Condition. mmm, feel a bit poncey now.
  13. banterman86

    The Wire

    It's all subjective but I completely disagree with this in terms of the other two shows I have seen - The Soprano's and Mad Men. Tony was a well fleshed out charcater for sure, but he dominated the show, much as Don does Mad Men, which marginalises the other characters. Too often both shows fall into a formula of "This weeks story is Don/Tony Main Plot + generic supporting character sub plot" what makes The Wire different is that it juggles all these characters not letting any single character dominate. Liek, for example, Kenny in Mad Men or Paulie in the Sopranos? Cool, expect an episode which gives there character room to grow perhaps once or twice a season. The principle cast of the Wire is so large and juggled so effectively taht this rarely, if ever, becomes an issue. Bunk was arguably a comedic character until season 3 and the "bench scene" to say he wasn;t fleshed out after that is well...i don;t want to say wring, but it;s an odd view to take. Prop joe and Slim Charles both increased in profile, and depth, as the seasons went on - Joe going from a one note rival of the Barksdales to a much more intelligent character. Landsmann is a slightly more tricky one - the occasional serious turn does not take away from the fact taht he was, by and large, a comedic character. it's interesting taht he was based on a real poh-lice.
  14. Hi folks When i plug my iphone into a charger i get an error message saying "charging is not supported by this accessory" whoch is followed by no charging. Is my charger just goosed?
  15. Let me see if I'm understanding this right you;re suggesting soemthing long the line of 4 Lengths = Breast Stroke 2 Lengths = Front crawl 4 Lengths = Breast stroke and so on? I like it, but i think i may lose count of what lengths I'm on
  16. The bolded line is what i attempted - wasn't as intense as "traditonal" HIIT but it was enjoyable - and lets face it,you're more likely to stick with something as enjoyable. I had a horrid time squatting on friday nioght - i just find it really awkward in terms of racking the bar again, so have moved to the Smith machine for the time being. I'll drop weight whenever i graduate back to the rack. I'm oretty time poor just now though and thus, to completely contradict my previosu post, I am considering doing all my coumpund lifts in one session , 2-3 times a week, something like Squat Pull up Deadlift Benchpress I normally do 15-20 minutes on the crosstrainer, and 20-30 min in the pool afterwards Will that work most of my major muscle groups to be worthwhile and effective?
  17. Thanks very much. I want to move to just compound lifts for the next while, as I know their so much better. They also seem a bit time saving seeing as you're working more muscles at once. Could anyone suggest a helpful breakdown, as doing 5 of these lift in one go probably isn't the best way to go. I was think Squats Barbell Row Pull Ups then Deadlift Bench Press Clean and Press Good idea? Also, does doing HIITT whilst swimming strike people as a good fat burner?
  18. I absolutely knackered my legs after doing deadlfts yesterday it's actually only the second time I've attempted them, but find I have that staisfying soreness today. I want to just focus on compound lifts for my lifting, but I train alone and I'm new to lifting that doesn't involve barbells or machines - I attempted a squat last night with just the bar, and found it really awkward to hold. Any other lifts I should be doing?
  19. MMM, I dunno, is juts resume his actions would have been enough, not him saying things. RE the girl, i think it was said that Moriarty hasd "planted an idea" in her head
  20. Aye, that was pretty terrific must be said, about as cinematic a Britsh TV show I've ever seen.
  21. banterman86

    The Wire

    Any specific examples here? Spoiler it obviously Yeah, it starts of appearing like a typical cop show, you need to persevere with it
  22. Suprised this thread hasn;t been bumped, seeing as it's january and stuff. Anyone have any get fit, stay fit related updates? I remain on the get fit part
  23. banterman86

    The Wire

    Watch the whole thing, in order. this is not a "dip in and out" kinda show, is much better suited to the boxset experience
  24. I agree with this, it should be the other way around. I've never been keen on the "Hound" story, I feel taking Holmes out of London is a bit like doing Batman outside of Gotham - but last night was still good stuff
  25. As I said, I enjoyed it, but it's not in the same league as Trainspotting but then, very few books are. It was a few years ago mind, i might find it rotten now
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