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Everything posted by banterman86

  1. But crucially, neither worng nor lying in his assertion the SNP effectively run Yes?
  2. Well, that's subjective. He'smaking clear statements of fact. is he wrong?
  3. But he's also making statements of fact. His outburst was unhelpful for yes but the question is if what he's saying is true. If it is, then the suggestion that Yes is effectively being run by the SNP seems pretty valid.
  4. He's making statements of fact though - is he telling the truth?
  5. I would say key snp figures are running the show - Stephen Noon for example.
  6. I don't think there's any question that the SNP dominate Yes Scotland, which is compltely undersdtandable, given they are the major pro-indy party.
  7. I have no interest in the phoney war of polling so this is a genuine question why do both camps get all excited about figures when don't knows are stripped out, given that don't knows appear to be key in this referendum? Isn't it all a bit false?
  8. Indeed, wiped out in England, Wales and Scotland. One might say the UK is better together without them eh? eh? No? Oh.
  9. You're forgetting the lib dems - it's not May 2015 yet.....
  10. Brown;s attempt at a "rainbow coalition" in 2010 was effectively a Lib-Lab coaltion - he worked on the assumption that the SNP wouldn't want to be seen as culpable for a tory government before the Scottish elections, ditto Plaid in Wales, and the tories ahd pissed off one of the NI parties enough.
  11. I remain ridiculously excited about the Daredevil netflix show. So much potential.
  12. Erm was that John Rawls as a grizzled cop? Davdi Simon does Gotham....so close!
  13. Are people arguing over whether a word is too fancy to have been used?
  14. That wonlt happen - the White Paper already commits and indy scotland to using this electoral system and parliamentary set up, plus there'd be no time for a campaign for electoral reform. it'd perhaps be something for the Greens and Lib Dems to get thier teeth into in an indy scotland though.
  15. From memory scotland has 59 MPs, whilst the Lib Dems currently have 57
  16. That pre-supposes that scotland speaks with "one voice". it doesn't. there are a range of socio-economic factors at play which cut across demographics, and sees shared interests amongst different people all over the UK.
  17. it's not a harsh truth. It's an opinion.
  18. decent shout, either works really. the placement on the card will be interesting - HHH-Bryan would be a hot opener, on the other hand having ti second to last, with an exhautsed, battered Bryan facing orton-Batista would be good as well.
  19. So does Taker-lesnar, and arguably so did Owen-Bret 20 years ago.
  20. Smart money, surely, is on Batista pinning Orton to keep Bryan in the picture. Perhaps there will be shenanigans - a returning Punk turning all corporate heel on Bryan is obviously total fantasy booking but that'd be a brilliant way to spend the 'mania post-season, leading to Bryan winning the belt at Summerslam, a year after he first got screwed.
  21. So, is this Bryan beats HHH and he gets into the Main Event? or Bryan beats HHH and faces the winner? either way, sahdes of Bret Hart at Wrestlemania 10?
  22. Most folk I know who went into journalism did it as a joint degree or as a post-grad after something else. journalism is one of these industries where your degree is probably less important than practical experince - hammer the student paper, local paper or whatever for the experince through the degree
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