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Everything posted by Owsley

  1. Just concentrate your mind on your new club making it unscathed to the end of the season, there's a good chap.
  2. Tell us all again what the Rangers fans did from February 14th 2012 to the point where Charles Green saved your club/oversaw liquidation/started a whole new club *delete where applicable. Dunfermline fans actually rallied, raised money and at the moment it looks like they have saved their club. You won't win another Premier title before the 2022 World Cup. I doubt you'll see out the season without another major crisis.
  3. Nice little mention for Morrissey's Everyday Is Like Sunday near the start.
  4. That really was a very ill-advised Eurovision entry.
  5. Wife of ex-miner on Sky News "She was scum". Hear, Hear!
  6. I thought the exact same thing when I saw his photo the other day.
  7. I'll let you into a secret, I'm not really an Albion Rovers supporter. Yep, I'm done with it all. I know I couldn't keep on supporting a bigoted institution that was found GUILTY of irregular payments to players which meant you effectively CHEATED your way to FIVE titles and numerous cups, denying opposition at home and abroad as you had players on your books who wouldn't have been there had their remuneration been of the same method used by every other club. I'll give Sevco two more years before another mushroom cloud, and I will bloody love it!
  8. I once cared about scottish fitba too but seeing Rangers get away with ten plus years of rule breaking has finished it for me. I'll still take ridiculous pleasure in your every misfortune though. Last saturday was a beezer!
  9. World record crowds (which weren't even world records) my big hairy arse! :lol: http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/celtic--rangers-attendances-up-1767244
  10. The Financial Times were a bit cheeky, but far more on the ball than Chuckles Green, when they referred to "a football backwater". Southampton and Swansea are thriving clubs and no, Arsenal fans would not rather play TRFC and Celtic. The man is a proper charmer. But what a great laugh!
  11. Anyone catch Chuckles and Sally on Jeff Randall earlier? Caught the end of it and wondered what else was said? Financial guy on immediately afterwards basically rubbished the idea of buying shares in a football club for a profit.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=et4wydLI9_c
  13. I should bloody think so. Wonder what luxury hotel in the Stirling area will be used in a fortnight.
  14. We'll never know how many fans were ticketless. They clearly existed, whether it was a couple of dozen or a few hundred. Forest's average, according to that blog, was around 24,000; Liverpool's around 40,000. Forest's fan base would surely have been adequately catered for with that end of the ground.
  15. This guy's blog of the events of that day is worth reading. http://hillsborough1...blogspot.co.uk/ A few very insightful passages. An "obscure" entrance to a fairly empty pen at the side. He got to the ground relatively early and found only two police officers and very few fans milling around. He also mentions the traffic delays that held up many. Re ticketless fans turning up. While this happened at all big games, if Liverpool had received a fairer allocation and had thousands more than Forest rather than the other way round, and were given the larger end, clearly the tragedy would have been avoided. The FA are at the top of the blame tree for me.
  16. Of course Sheffield Wednesday played to capacity crowds every home game. You are an idiot. Check out youtube footage of that end failing to cope with Spurs fans at the 1981 semi final.
  17. Having just seen the youtube video from the 81 semi at Hillsborough between Wolves and Spurs and hearing about other incidents on that terrace, it is really the FA who must shoulder the majority of the blame for this tragedy. It should have been played elsewhere.
  18. Some fans pushing as part of a large mass to get in on time to see kick off is hardly up there with opening of the gate, not directing them into the relatively roomy section, not giving orders that the kick off must be delayed and all the other deviousness that has come out. I'm not saying the fans were totally blameless but did they really do anything differently to how we'd have expected fans of any other large club to behave on the day? A few drunks, a few ticketless chancing their arm but the majority just desperate to get in and see the kick off.
  19. Just to be clear, in terms of pushing, are you meaning outside the gates, which led to the gate being thrown open and a free for all or do you mean pushing once through the gate and in the tunnel? Because if you have a weight of people behind you, who is pushing and who is being carried along by a crowd's momentum?
  20. And the people at the back of course knew that they were being put into an already overfilled section.
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