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Everything posted by Owsley

  1. No, once SFA makes the decision, that's it. They could do it with RFC or with Newco I believe.
  2. It appears that the SFA may well attempt to take the decision out of the clubs hands by relegating RFC to the First, while RFC is still technically in existence. Not attention seeking, this ties in with my earlier post.
  3. Posted a few minutes ago on acciesworld from stanistheman, who some will probably know. The DR story is lifted out the Ham Adv and even that was done before the story changed 100 more times this week. People should realise, at present, there isnt any vote (of SFL clubs) planned this week. It's the SPL who are voting. It's the SFA - who have still to sanction RFC via Appellate Tribunal - as the game's governors, who are trying to find the least worst messy option to these circumstances, for the benefit of the overall game in Scotland. The commercial and financial aspects are complicated, but also realistic. Also, sevco, as far as I know, remains a paper company, RFC are still in existence, still in administration, and, as per Court of Session directive, will still be in admin for at least 2 more weeks...which is even nearer the season start date. That's why RFC are still at all meetings, D&P are still in charge of that entity as administrators. Everyone at every club appreciates and understands the feelings on this matter. The circumstances of the story change daily and everyone is having to react to these changes. It appears that our anger and e-mails should be firmly focused on the SFA. I am more worried now than I was this morning that they are going to get away with it and be in the First Division next season. The Hampden rally should definitely be arranged for next Saturday.
  4. Surely Albion Rovers, Berwick, Brechin, Stranraer and Stenny, the clubs RFC tried to kill in 1964, will all vote against the First Division proposal and may not be inclined to vote for them to get back into the league at all. Emailed OTB with this point, not realising it was just about to finish.
  5. If it's a resounding No to Newco in the First but Thistle vote Yes, I will certainly not follow Accies to Firhill next season or to any ground whose board have done the dirty on their fans. So that'll be Cowdenbeath out too, shame as I haven't been there for years (not that I'll be missing much). By the way folks, it's Stephen Thompson and Alex Thomson. Here to help.
  6. Hamilton ahve also said they feel they should apply to the Third, so that's a No. They'll do well to get more than two votes in favour.
  7. I assume this comparison has already been made. Sorry Richard! He also bears an uncanny resemblence to the pig in A Private Function.
  8. Well done Morton and Mr Rae. Viking, please accept an internet cuddle. You'll be back to being a tosser soon enough. .
  9. I'm not sure Hibs could do or say much more. It was surely always going to come down to the SFL clubs deciding their fate and there is no appetite from the majority for these propsals so Newco are stuck.
  10. If nine of the ten SFL1 clubs reject this, Cowden being a given, who exactly is going to be in SPL2?
  11. Yes Hamilton. A well run club who sell players to the Premiership. If only we'd had top class fascilities like Murray Park. We've spent most of our history in a different league. We've not needed Rangers cash. So avoiding tax, enabling you to spend more money on your team has nothing to do with sporting intergrity? Your club, ex-club, cheated for years. I do feel sorry for the genuine decent fans though.
  12. Did Aberdeen cheat the tax payer for a decade? No. Did Rangers agree to the proposals that allowed Aberdeen to stay up and Falkirk stay down? Yes. Enjoy Montrose, if your apology of a club is still in existence.
  13. This x 100000000 Come and join us Aberdeen, Stewart Milne you can be the first, you can lead and others can follow. Tell Doncaster the game is up, the SPL is a disgusting, corrupt institution and your club wants no further part of it.
  14. If they do survive, that name has to change for a start. It makes them sound grander than they deserve to be. Little Rangers would be my choice. Ah, bless.
  15. Sent this to David Longmuir. Mr Longmuir, I gather the SPL and SFL are proposing to relegate Oldco Rangers into the First Division and then Newco Rangers can take their place next season after the Oldco has finally finished going through administration and is officially liquidated. It seems to me that you are quite prepared to rip up the rulebook on this matter. How can this club (call it what you will but it's no longer Rangers FC), guarantee that it will even fulfill its fixtures next season, in any league? The season is a month away. They are in a chaotic state. They are a new entity in any case and as such should have to apply at the bottom for entry into the Third Division. The fans want this as you doubtless know, even many Oldco/Newco Rangers fans. They see this as a way to regain some integrity and work their way fairly back up the leagues. This proposal has the potential to destroy Scottish football such is it's stupidity. It's the sheer contempt for the fans that gets me. I am a season ticket holder at Hamilton Accies and I have deliberately held off buying one to see how this saga plays out. Today my club has joined the five or six other SFL clubs who have already come out and said they do not want Newco in the First next season. Les Gray says they should have to apply to the Third. I feel heart sorry for guys like Les who, through no fault of his own, is facing a supporter backlash from fans who are threatening never to go back as it would effectively mean endorsing a sport that is corrupt. One team, that has been cheating for at least ten years, is deemed too big to fail and must be treated differently? Well, sod that quite frankly! I will sit out next season if this happens, I will not put a penny into the SFL or attend any Scotland games and I doubt I'll return. I'll be sickened. That a cheating "institution" has the potential to bring our game to it's knees is disgusting. They are to blame, they have not incurred punishments, they have been the victim of consequences. Deserved consequences. We DO need reconstruction but not at this price. If Sky walk away, so be it, another tv deal will come along, admittedly paying a lot less. But if thousands of fans walk away, where is our game going to be? I am actually raging as I type this, that our admistrators are allowing this to happen, even if for some reason it is all actually a big con and you believe that Newco is dying and will not be in any league, you should not be putting us through this in the first place. The fans will not accept it so please come to your senses and throw this proposal in the bin where it belongs.
  16. Possible SFA/SFL/SPL stitch up but SFL clubs no nothing about it it seems. Media badly want it to be so, with Newco in the First but no other fucker does.
  17. Why doesn't anybody in this saga have a normal name that doesn't provoke puns or sarky comments - Green and Whyte, now Brown, Hope, Duff and Phelps(Nuff n' Helps), Bill (I)NG, Another Bill(they can't pay them), and then the coincidences like the Queen shaking hands with Martin McGuiness (Ho! Ho! Things just get worse for Rangers fans), the announcement of the No to Independence campaign on the same day so many Rangers players said No, and the downright wacky... the children's clown who got money instead of the fans fighting fund, the porn star who started the EBT scenario, Joanna Lumley giving Minty Murray the spanish archer and so many more. I hope someone is keeping notes, this is going to be a hell of a book. Will make War and Peace look like a note to the milkman.
  18. Just asked a club official if we should be outraged or calm. The reply, "I suspect SFL have leaked it to test the water. The clubs know nothing about it. SPL appears to be passing the banana skin to SFL". So Keep Calm and Carry On Protesting.
  19. As I remember it, he's a Blantyre boy or was when he signed for Accies, even if he was born elsewhere. My first ever game of football in 1980, Brown became the only full back to score a hat trick in scottish football without the aid of a penalty as we beat Berwick 9-1. Sad in a way to see what he really is.
  20. If only the Orcs had a frontman who they could believe in, someone with a level head and a clear mind. Someone like this chap perhaps...
  21. He's not far off, it's actually the Fresno Teachers Pension fund. I'll get my coat.
  22. That would lead to a 3,000 page thread on the English equivalent of this site, Chip Butty and Tea.
  23. Poz, just checked your profile - 1630 and excellent. I'm 97 and also excellent. I don't feel worthy of sharing the same adjective. Could Div not come up with another category. Super Excellent maybe or Majestic maybe. I just want dibs on that free booze!
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