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Miguel Sanchez

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Everything posted by Miguel Sanchez

  1. I enjoyed this picture. Tan lines from a face mask
  2. Chad are currently banned from FIFA competitions because of government interference in their football association. Their current captain, leading scorer and leading cap winner is Ezechiel N'Douassel - Wikipedia who is also nicknamed King Eze. He's played in Tunisia, Turkey and Israel. There's even less outside of football, so it looks like an easy win here. Chile have experienced the most successful period in their history over the past decade and there are several names you recognise as options here. Claudio Bravo, Gary Medel, Arturo Vidal and Mauricio Isla are all solid options, but Alexis Sánchez - Wikipedia is widely considered the best Chilean footballer ever. Wikipedia's options for sport in Chile offers an exercise in objectivity: Quite. Their best two non-footballing options seem to be Martín Vargas - Wikipedia, a boxer from the 70s who fought for the world title at flyweight level four times and lost all of them. Marcelo Ríos - Wikipedia was ranked number 1 in the world in tennis for a brief period in 1998, and made the Australian Open final once. I think Rios is the best option here, but it's an easy win for Sanchez regardless. China is an interesting one because I can almost guarantee before I check that the non-footballer will win. I've also discovered that football in China only turned professional in 1994. Sun Jihai - Wikipedia played in England for quite a while, and Wu Lei - Wikipedia is currently established at Espanyol. If we're favouring people playing at a high level these two are the best options, and I think Sun is the best option since he played at a higher level for longer. There are a few names to list here. Yao Ming - Wikipedia had a very successful NBA career. Liu Xiang (hurdler) - Wikipedia is a world and Olympic champion hurdler. Lin Dan - Wikipedia is a multiple Olympic and world champion badminton player. Sun Yang - Wikipedia is an extremely decorated swimmer who currently has a doping suspension. They also have several successful gymnasts, with Zou Kai - Wikipedia the most successful of those. I'm happy to take suggestions here, but I think any of these could beat Sun Jihai. Chinese Taipei have little to offer with a big reputation. Chen Po-liang - Wikipedia is the national team captain and leads them in caps and goals, let's pick him. Chien-Ming Wang - Wikipedia had an 11 year MLB career, it seems like an easy win here. Colombia... is it Valderrama? It's Valderrama: Carlos Valderrama - Wikipedia Nairo Quintana - Wikipedia is the best cyclist in Colombia's history with Spanish and Italian Tour de France wins. Édgar Rentería - Wikipedia had an extensive MLB career with a few World Series wins. I'm not sure they or any of Colombia's other options can match Valderrama (or even Radamel Falcao) though, either from the impact on their own sport or on Colombia in general.
  3. 6.3 billion results when you google "black people swimming" yes
  4. To be honest lads I could list about 50 hockey players who are better than their footballers and are more culturally relevant in Canada, as long as we decide if they're better than the footballer or not that's all I'm really focusing on. Jackie Stewart from the 70s, don't forget.
  5. Points of View is still on: BBC One - Points of View
  6. Cameroon are in a bit of a lull right now, considering their past successes. There are a few notable names here for football but I don't think there would be any arguments against Samuel Eto'o - Wikipedia for best ever. He's played at the highest level, he's won the most, there's nothing else to say. For non-footballers it's a surprising lack of options considering the size of the country. Francis Ngannou - Wikipedia is currently the UFC Heavyweight champion and that's about the best I can do. Easy win for the footballer. Canada have absolute shite. Alphonso Davies will easily win this in a few years but for the time being Dwayne De Rosario - Wikipedia seems the best option. I'll wait for @senorsoupe's input. All of this is irrelevant because there are about 50 hockey players I could pick, but Wayne Gretzky - Wikipedia is the obvious winner. Cape Verde have a reasonable array of options. All their leading players for caps and goals are players from this century. Noted Swiss player Gelson Fernandes was born in Cape Verde, but he doesn't count here. I'm picking Ryan Mendes - Wikipedia as one of a few who seem quite similar in terms of stature and national team performance, although he's not playing in the UAE which isn't very good. They seem to have very little to offer for non-footballers. If anyone can find someone I can't I'll take it, but I'm coming up short as it stands. Cayman Islands are making me wonder why I included so many of these stupid countries. One of their most notable players played for Stockport's reserves and his wikipedia actually notes that he scored against Everton's reserves once. Mark Ebanks - Wikipedia has a good caps/goals record, I'll pick him. Outside of football Shaune Fraser - Wikipedia looks decent with an assortment of swimming medals at the Pan American and Central American and Caribbean Games. Even if there are other Cayman...ian? athletes who are better he's an easy choice over the footballers, so it's fine. Central African Republic take the award for worst country name in the world, but Geoffrey Kondogbia - Wikipedia wins their footballer title quite easily. Basketball is quite popular there, with wins in the African championship in 1974 and 1987. There aren't any individual names jumping out at me and I don't think any of them are going to compare to Kondogbia on an individual level anyway, so I think this one should just be awarded to the footballer.
  7. I don't know how you lads know so much about the world or can find it out so readily (well, Diego seems to have lived in every country in the world) but this is good stuff. I've updated the list in the OP with the choices so far.
  8. I've been thinking about these posts since I read them earlier You enjoy live music a lot, certainly more than me and probably the most of anyone on here. If you think the current set-up for Scottish football grounds isn't stringent enough, will you ever go to a gig again?
  9. I remember back when this thread started I considered making a "Top 5 Worst Posters in the Covid Thread" in the Top Fives forum and updating it regularly. We've come so far from jagfox filling the thing with shite memes.
  10. Week 30 update One death this week, the comedian and actor Jackie Mason: US standup comedian Jackie Mason dies in New York aged 93 | Comedy | The Guardian As ever with an actor it's time to look up what they've done and see where I recognise them from. It's nice to have a classic Simpsons episode to fall back on. He won an Emmy for this performance. Mason died at 93, so he's worth 32 Base Points. He was a Solo Shot for @Ludo*1 for an extra 50 and a total of 82 points. As a result, the standings look like this: 1. Ned Nederlander 503 2. Savage Henry 344 3. Fuctifano 259 4. Ludo*1 255 5. Bishop Briggs 241 6. choirbairn 240 7. Lofarl 193 8. buddiepaul 172 9. doulikefish 163 10. Indale Winton, pub car king 152 12. ICTJohnboy 150 13. senorsoupe, stanton 149 15. psv_killie 147 16. The DA 146 17. Arch Stanton 141 18. JustOneCornetto 139 19. sparky88 135 20. lolls, Mark Connolly 120 22. HI HAT 116 23. Arbroatlegend36-0 113 24. peasy23, sleazy 112 26. chomp my root 108 27. Amandajoan 103 28. Bold Rover, D.V.T. 102 30. dee_62 101 31. Willie adie 94 32. Bert Raccoon 93 33. amnarab 91 34. Lex, The Hologram 89 36. Cardinal Richelieu, jimbaxters 86 38. 101, Billy Jean King, nessies long lost ghost 84 41. weirdcal 83 42. cdisaaccie, lichtgilphead, The_Craig 81 45. Raidernation 77 46. gkneil 69 47. Sweaty Morph 68 48. CountyFan 67 49. LoonsYouthTeam 62 50. thistledo 58 51. El Guapo, theportman, TxRover 55 54. Busta Nut, cambozpar, djchapsticks, Duszek, Empty It, Salvo Montalbano, weejack 52 61. Bulbasaur, coprolite 51 63. BillyAnchor 39 64. Aim Here, Curmudgeon 32 66. Arabdownunder, Blootoon87, Eednud, Enigma, gingette, GTG_03, Karpaty Lviv, Melanius Mullarkey, microdave, mozam76, paulathame, Perkin Flump, qos_75, Sergeant Wilson, Sherrif John Bunnell, Shotgun, Speckled Tangerine, The Master, The Naitch, thisal 26 86. Everyone else 0 The spreadsheet has also been updated with these scores: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-OTo44wF_W7A4Q0NFnd1sX3qEDdxTLDobvjhhSgnzkg/edit?usp=sharing
  11. This is all very well and good but I need someone to tell me what they think about the non-footballers of Burkina Faso and Cambodia.
  12. Started watching this. I'm not going to make it past the first episode. Partly because I don't know how they stretched this out over nearly three hours television, partly because I don't like the way it's shot and partly because this woman is loathsome. The Peruvians should still have her in a cell somewhere.
  13. I started writing out the next post yesterday but I got bored and stopped. I was going to reply to some of the shouts in here today (awful ones at that) and then deleted the saved reply I had started. Brunei therefore is Shah Razen Said - Wikipedia, and you'll have to take my word for it. Their non-footballer is Fakhri Ismail - Wikipedia who holds the national record for the 100 metres, 10.59. I could do that. Their "Sports in Brunei" wikipedia page is a bit depressing: Sport in Brunei - Wikipedia Bulgaria have Hristo Stoichkov - Wikipedia who is a fairly easy choice for best footballer. Boyan Radev - Wikipedia is a two-time Olympic champion in Greco-Roman wrestling. So is Petar Kirov - Wikipedia. Khristo Markov - Wikipedia is an Olympic and world champion in the triple jump and Yordan Yovchev - Wikipedia is a world champion gymnast who represented them at six Olympics. I'm not sure who the best non-footballer is, but it seems difficult to get better than Stoichkov. Burkina Faso have a surprisingly capable national team. Charles Kaboré - Wikipedia is the current national team captain and record cap holder, and won quite a few trophies with Marseille. Bertrand Traoré - Wikipedia seems like he could set a few records in the future, but Kabore wins this one for the time being. I have no idea who the best non-footballer is here. They don't seem to have any, and certainly not at the same level of any of their footballers. Burundi have a nice blast from the past up front: Saido Berahino - Wikipedia. Nobody else from Burundi has played anywhere near the level of Berahino. Mohamed Tchité - Wikipedia seems to exist with a very good track record in the Belgian league, but he had some issues with the national team. Vénuste Niyongabo - Wikipedia won the 5000m at the 1996 Olympics, and has the 6th fastest time in history for running a mile. Cambodia have a national team all playing in their domestic league. Keo Sokpheng - Wikipedia looks like he has the best combination of caps and goals while still having age on his side to increase his totals, so I'm inclined to pick him. Chan Vathanaka - Wikipedia has a photograph on his wikipedia and a lot of individual awards, perhaps he's a better shout. Outside of football I have no idea. Cambodia has some national sports that are probably a better shout, but I've no idea how to quantify those. Lots of options needing some imput today.
  14. I'm just glad the youtubers I follow and respect aren't twats.
  15. Interesting defence here: https://mobile.twitter.com/RalphCifaretto7/status/1418722873309646855
  16. It's the middle of July, it's been in the mid-20s for about five weeks and I have a cold.
  17. I fucking love it when people post about new tops in this thread without posting pictures of it.
  18. It's not called "Barclays 21/22" so something went wrong somewhere
  19. Oh I had a good one a few weeks ago. I was walking home from work only I got lost and was going past a bunch of stuff and people I didn't recognise, until I came to a big curved street which was completely flooded with water. At first I despaired because I was lost and couldn't go any further but then I realised "this isn't the way I go home from work, this must be a dream, and if it's a dream I can just walk on the water." Took one step on it and went straight on my arse.
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