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Miguel Sanchez

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Everything posted by Miguel Sanchez

  1. On my last day of school (or the day when my last exam was, I think) I went for the bus home and was sat listening to appropriate music - staring absentmindedly out the window a girl from school sits down next to me all cheery and talky. I sit with both earphones still in, not looking at her and she keeps talking to me until I say f**k it and just get off to wait for another bus. Cow. You could have done it in the time it took you to post this.
  2. I liked the boy at 1:25 trying to not drop his chips.
  3. I still have Frightened Rabbit's Beards calendar for 2012 on my wall, at November, which is where I left it in 2013 as I just flicked through the pictures again.
  4. A half bottle of scotch and more painkillers than I could physically hold in one hand, by the way.
  5. An actual thing on the one o'clock news is of two Pakistani girls who were filmed singing a Justin Bieber song and went viral. A good three minutes of some bint talking about them and video of them singing various other Justin Bieber songs. Is the world that devoid of news on this day that the most interesting/relevant thing was deemed to be this shite?
  6. That lamppost is one of the most legitimately tragic things I've ever seen.
  7. The hashtag #KeepWestLondonRs that appears on advert boards at Loftus Road Shitey grammar for a hideous little football club which will hopefully dissolve when they get relegated and FFP destroys them
  8. I'm pretty sure I made a 3000+ word analysis of the players in The Mighty Ducks once. I'm sure you'll manage.
  9. Dryhorce was fantastic entertainment.
  10. Eugene looks like a poor copy of Limmy's The Chin.
  11. In the Gallery of the Surreal that has accompanied this circus, that such a picture of the moment it all started to go wrong exists still amazes me even now. "Duped," he says. Tee hee.
  12. You want to know what's hilarious? Rangers went into administration on the 14th of February, 2012. They were liquidated that summer and started from the bottom of Scottish football. To date they remain a club in financial and footballing peril. This is a result of having no ownership stability, no co-ordination in their support who keep up their hubris about being well-supported, about deserving a stable club and a winning club and claiming support that dwarves that of not only the rest of Scottish football but most sporting institutions the world over, no resilience or focus to keep their club in the hands of the right people who can properly run the club and safeguard its future. This is in spite of WE WILL NOT STAND IDLY BY AND WATCH OUR CLUB DIE, WE DESERVE THE TRUTH, SPIVS OUT and similar such brave, relevant and effective... banners. On the field their club has largely remained a shambles, with no attempt to move to a self-sustaining model save one player who had to be punted to the first bidder to keep the lights on, an assemblance of mercenaries brought in to appease the "deserving" hordes and to attempt to speak to some lasting image of relevance. Big Club -itis, if you will. Hearts went into administration on the 17th of June 2013. They spent a season at a disadvantage to the rest of the league owing to the resultant points deduction and the small, young squad they were forced to play owing to budget cuts. They were relegated the following summer, at the same time they came out of administration being bought by a competent party who set in place financial security, a long-term sustainable coaching and player development program as well as setting up a future transfer of ownership to a fans group. They, currently, are playing Rangers off the park on a regular basis, well ahead of them off the field and on, with a support re-energised and taking an active role in the future and stability of their club, despite surely modest total numbers in comparison to uh, five hundred million worldwide. Now, this wouldn't hint at the fact that a sporting institution existing as part of a century-old duopoly in a relatively small-minded country exists as a vehicle for the insecure to latch on to in an act of petty triumphalism which is exposed by nobody really caring enough to save their club when necessary, would it? No, that can't be it.
  13. http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/pictures-four-years-turmoil-rangers-5135927 This related page seems quite promising If only someone warned them
  14. I chucked it at 2-0 and checked the BBC website just in time to see 3-2. Then watched the match on iplayer the next day, sat pishing myself. This is up there for me The week prior to this game twitter was full of them "oh we need to get it full, show support for the team" etc then they get humped And I remember seeing one lassie retweeted who said something like "left early, load of shite! but we showed those b*****ds, we don't do walking away!" The perennial inability to have any sort of self-awareness about literally anything that has happened to Rangers over the past ~4 years from the people who stand and watch as their club gets horsed by literally everyone wins for me for this very reason. Hell fucking mend the lot of them.
  15. If you think 9/11 was an inside job you shouldn't be allowed out on your own.
  16. Reading through this thread is actually a wonderful log of The Journey and all its assorted tribulations. All the big defeats are in there, all the humiliations, it's like a condensed version of the BRALT with hysterics replacing histrionics.
  17. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/31248150 Morrison travelled to Italy with West Ham's consent in order to sign a pre-contract agreement with Lazio last month.
  18. Why bother when there's a willing tinder match sitting opposite him?
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