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Everything posted by ecto

  1. He’ll go too, whoever pays the most, simples
  2. Knowing how long they would be out, would be nice
  3. Much improvement required for Walker Absolutely positioning was awful
  4. If you did feel his pain, possibly a period of silence from yourself, might be in order tbf, I do have liked the VT post, and feel I’ll never be able to wash away the stench
  5. Isn’t he just, now you can f**k off also, and enjoy you’re evening
  6. If we don’t get bodies back and in, think the fat lady, might be reaching manukau honey
  7. Look I know you don’t have a game the day, and you don’t rate McIntyre, do us a favour, and f**k off to you’re own league
  8. Hopeful of getting one in before Saturday
  9. Tbf, after some of our results and performances this season, to still be in with more than a decent chance of staying up, I’ll take that
  10. Never said write them off, just being realistic, there is very little between bottom and 4th, probably going to need 7 or 8 wins, to be secure, I know where there is more chance of getting them
  11. Once more, these are not the games, that really matter, it’s getting wins against ICT, QP, Morton, Dunfermline, Ayr and Airdrie and possibly nicking the odd point against the other three, that’s where survival will come from
  12. Ken, canna believe Slater stayed on to save United from Adams
  13. Stand corrected I support a team who made 40 years of terrible choices, very few better than the previous one, i feel you’re pain no its a genuine question
  14. It’s the only question, as you know “the grass is never greener on the other side” or “better the devil you know”
  15. No booking there The linesman over by us, couldn’t keep up with play
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