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Everything posted by ecto

  1. we don't lack height,possibly been an issue the past, not now, he's coming up a league, so probably never played at this level, so still struggling to see the point of the signing
  2. Think a Linn/Patterson type, would have been a better option, struggle to see the point of the Dowds signing, tbh
  3. It was always strange to me that as the harbour end appeared to become the home end, they never switched the dugout or the side we warned up at, what I remember about the 77 AT was, there may have been official segregation, but there was Dundee fans everywhere
  4. Would assume this was always going to happen, I would also bring Hilson in for Donnelly and bring McKenna into the centre with Hilson wide
  5. Our main problem is we don't have anyone who does what Shane Sutherland does, simples
  6. Henderson will replace Clark, he is a better, more accomplished, better defensively than Clark, let's Low do his thing
  7. TOB, will come back in, think Hendersons performances have been deserving of a starting berth
  8. No sure Kelty were better than us in the first half, they took both their chances, we squandered at least four decent chances
  9. Hilson and McKenna squandered a load of chances today, luckily it didn't cost us the game, we cannot be as wasteful against better opposition
  10. Ruth would add nothing to the squad, not better than we have, want quality not quantity Didn't add anything to the squad last season, not for me, but we will probably sign him and he will be superb
  11. Miko was half the player last season, he was the season before, time to move on
  12. He had to position himself for the higher percentage play, think Mulgrew could attempt this a hundred times and not hit it and as right as he did, but agree we were very good in the second half, but we need to be sharper and more ruthless in front of goal
  13. No I agree, nothing wrong with the keepers positioning, Mulgrew got it spot on
  14. Didn't think Henderson was as assured as Wednesday night, Low was always looking to make something happen, commentators were a seething mess, especially when they found out we weren't Elgin
  15. Even for you, this is harsh, to condemn him on 20 minutes is grim stuff
  16. Did get better in the second half, got dizzy in the first half, every time the ball went to the far touchline instead of the camera zooming in closer, it did the opposite
  17. Years ago, they were all referred to as Newman
  18. Was there not an option year on his last contract?
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