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Everything posted by ecto

  1. It is, White, Maroon and Gold bricks, priced £50, £100 and £250 each, get your name on the brick
  2. Arbroath have raised over 50grand, selling bricks
  3. Am off this week, bring them down to Gayfield, I will watch them clean up
  4. His investment will probably depend on reconstruction and Hearts staying up, maybe am just cynical
  5. Somebody knows who did this, come on Arbroath, we are better than this
  6. When we do return, surely it will be the death of the challenge cup
  7. Think this is probably right, but I cannot for the life of me, see how many clubs will survive without match day revenue
  8. We said that about Goldie, look at him now, the annoying thing about Murphy is, I think there is a player in there, somewhere
  9. But I cannot see many of these clubs surviving playing behind closed doors, for any length of time, anyway Don't think it's likely we will be playing in front of crowds in August, was using Jan 21 if there is a 2nd wave in the autumn, as some are predicting, by Jan21 we should be past that and hopefully have a vaccine
  10. Here goes, too 28 from last season play 2 leagues of 14, playing each other 3 times then split, starting in August behind closed doors, hopefully by Jan 21, some crowds allowed, the rest including HL and LL, don't play at all, everybody back for 21/22, including HL and LL, in a 12-12-20, which includes Brora and Kelty
  11. I agree there probably will be football for some next season, but I feel it will be a cobbled together two leagues of 14, season started behind closed doors, with the hope of some crowds from Jan 21, and a full season in 21/22, for every team
  12. If we play this season, can see Kadar, Murphy, DJ and Swanks being away, if there is no next season, but a season after, this brings JT, Bobby and Gaston into the equation
  13. There is no way our game or clubs can afford to buy the tests, there is barely enough money to keep clubs going
  14. Never said it would not be horrible, but at this present time, I cannot see how next season can be started, safely
  15. If, as a nation we appear to be struggling to test, them who need tested, suddenly we start testing footballers, really
  16. I am now slowly reaching the opinion, that it might be better, missing next season altogether and starting 21/22 as normal, I know there will be player contract implications, but that's for the authorities, clubs and union to sort out
  17. Or should I say, to cover enough of the loss of revenue
  18. Am not convinced you would get enough subscribers, to cover the total loss of revenue
  19. Exactly, there may not be a 20/21 season, need to start getting out heads round this
  20. True, but these are exceptional circumstances, so possibly we have to do exceptional things
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