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Everything posted by ecto

  1. Like this 11, but Swanks in behind Wallace, Mccord weaving his magic centre mid
  2. Could do this if Thomson is unavailable and play 3 at the back
  3. Noticed our local Home Bargains had Christmas stuff last Sunday when I was in, always had the notion that even after bonfire night is early enough for for that shit
  4. The new V&A building in Dundee is hideous
  5. Twitter is the place, you make anything up and within a couple retweets, it's now fact
  6. The emergency loan system was open to abuse, I have no issue with that loophole being closed, just means managers have to be smarter about the make up of their squads, but saying that we are at least a player light
  7. Much of this might be true, but still was at your golf day last week, top man in my book
  8. Good guys the Campbells, see the two of them and John Young at the Brechin City golf day last week, talking of golf days
  9. He is full time there, also coaches the youths there
  10. I worked in the SPS for 20 years and I seen my fair share of former squaddies, they were either ambitious as hell, guid c***s or humourless arseholes
  11. Am over 50, I am more than aware who The Exploited are
  12. Many on here will googling The Exploited as we speak
  13. Nothing to fear playing any of that pair of teams, full time to
  14. She is a tough one for me, has had stunning success in a sport which is primarily white, so am willing to give her a bit of leeway
  15. Watching it just now, if the wee man played any deeper he would almost be the smallest CB I have ever seen
  16. Oddly enough he didn't state where he was red raw
  17. Absolutely, don't disagree with this, but we both know if there is a dip of any kind, the management team and the board will get it in equal measure, fans are fickle
  18. No he is a pompous arsehole full of his own self importance
  19. Have a pal on it, it's red raw at the moment, his words not mine
  20. Is all this love of the board just a wee bit down to the fact that we are more than decent at the moment
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