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Everything posted by ecto

  1. The next James Bond will be better without Danny Boyle
  2. Have to say after the Alex Salmond thing broke this past week, Twitter has been on fire, gone from the ridiculous to the insane
  3. I just don't think Dodds or MacDonald hogg the airtime like Stewart does, because he is a p***k
  4. Michael Stewart is a total p***k, only interested in his own opinion, never listen to it when he is on, saying that made an error in listening to it last night, David Currie was presenting, absolutely hopeless, Dodd's, MacDonald and Liam Macleod were fine as for Keith Lasley, offered nothing
  5. Wish I had waited for the podcast, the bit before was f***ing awful, but it is mostly a look at his career, although a bit of time spent talking about what happened at Ayr last season
  6. Dick was very good, but as for that useless f****r David Currie
  7. Martin would be the first name on the teamsheet if he signed, but I think he might be better than League 1
  8. There is a farmer near to me, Fairley Bonhard
  9. There is some horrible cowardly b*****ds on Twitter, but like the P&B politics forum, for instance, every so often there are some wonderful things crop up
  10. HoF on 81 appearances, would suggest there is quite a few before him, surely
  11. Why is the nonsense about new boghead on this thread
  12. I don't like this competition, not since the revamp of the league cup, it should be consigned to history
  13. My dentist is a good guy, season ticket holder at Forfar, check up is normally a quick 5 minute look at the teeth, then 10 minutes on football
  14. Worked in a prison for a while, it was customary to have the rookies on visits, always a visit for P Ness on the list, rarely failed hearing a shout, P Ness visit for P Ness
  15. Hours of fun, while cooped up in a caravan at Banff Links, while it pissed down outside (again), happy days
  16. A Bridge to Far, was on 5spike on Sunday evening, well you have to
  17. Then we need a defensive "prunty" type, happy to be part of the squad, sit on the bench every week, but be ready to play when required
  18. We were lucky last season with defensive injuries or suspensions, only really got Goldie who could play in defence, my concern would be if we had 2 of our back 4 unavailable for a period of time
  19. That was what I was thinking, pushed our luck last season with little defensive cover, not sure about Graham being a defensive midfielder, was getting forward plenty yesterday
  20. Interesting from Dick when interviewed after the game looking at bringing in a striker and a defensive midfielder and he still had money left on his budget
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